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[X][Memories] Wonder.

The Sun and The Moon cant exist together?
And Who decided That?

I will be assimilated, Tatsuki and Chizuru, will lose themselves in this sea of souls?
Who decided That?

My memories are gone?
Who decided That?

I cant do anything about it? I cant win?

I am Skitter, I am Weaver, I am The Khepri, I Am Taylor Hebert.
The only person who gets to decide such things is ME!

... i couldn t help myself.
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[X][Memories] Determination.
[X][Memories] Determination.

The rise of a new Sun, it fills you with... DETERMINATION.

Undertale memes aside, determination kinda feels the most true to Taylor as a character. She did what she felt she had to do, and then looked on to the next crisis without really looking back until the very end when Contessa called her out on it.
So is this taylor after killing scion, or when she triggers?

I'm not sure what exactly you're asking.
If it's about when Skittering Hollow happens, timeline wise, chapter "000 - Death is only the beginning" is an edited version of Worm's epilogue.
If you mean the scenes from this last update, they talk about what happened in the past. Namely humanity's perception of Scion and the world as a whole, from the time he first showed himself to the Golden Morning.

So I take it either one will win over the other or we'll get a shoto todoroki situation (can use both simultaneously)

I think I can do you one better, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Undertale memes aside, determination kinda feels the most true to Taylor as a character. She did what she felt she had to do, and then looked on to the next crisis without really looking back until the very end when Contessa called her out on it.

And you can be damn sure she doesn't regret it, even if she would've gone about it differently, given the chance. I wonder how many fics are out there, where there's someone else in Contessa's place right at the end, and offers her a chance to redo it all.

The Sun and The Moon cant exist together?
And Who decided That?

I will be assimilated, Tatsuki and Chizuru, will lose themselves in this sea of souls?
Who decided That?

My memories are gone?
Who decided That?

I cant do anything about it? I cant win?

I am Skitter, I am Weaver, I am The Khepri, I Am Taylor Hebert.
The only person who gets to decide such things is ME!

Pride best sin, Escanor is too gar to handle. I'll always remember with special fondness how he dealt with Zeldris' Ominous Nebula.
I'm not sure what exactly you're asking.
If it's about when Skittering Hollow hapens, timeline wise, chapter "000 - Death is only the beginning" is an edited version of Worm's epilogue.
If you mean the scenes from this last update, they talk about what happened in the past. Namely humanity's perception of Scion and the world as a whole, from the time he first showed himself to the Golden Morning.
so its when she triggers in the locker (and dies?) and not after she was shot in the back of the head.
[X] Wonder

Determination fits the role of Taylor's time she learned of Diana and became Weaver to stop a nebulous end of the world by Jack Slash. Bitterness fits Taylor's time as Skitter, the beginning and the warlord. Satisfaction fits Queen Administrator and Kephri more than anything else, she sits on the throne and proves her host is da best.

Wonder fits the Taylor of now and the Taylor as she was before the Betrayal and subsequent Trigger. It would be nice of her to remember her past but not be weighed down by it like an anchor around the neck.

[X][Memories] Satisfaction.

Taylor should get to be satisfied for once.
Weaver's final form, which most likely will be her balancing out the sun and moon, had better reference an eclipse or I will be disappointed.

[X][Memories] Wonder.
Bitterness. All those sacrifices, all the pain you endured for the world… and what was your reward? A broken mind and a gun aimed at your head.
Satisfaction. That Damocles sword hanging over humanity, it was thou who destroyed it.
Determination. You did what had to be done, nothing more, nothing less.
Wonder. If Gods can be killed… What's the limit?

Honestly, if Taylor recovers her memory now? I'd have to say all of the above have to be present. But which ones are the strongest?

Bitterness is present, but Taylor's not the sort to dwell/brood upon it; even in her current new form/outlook she's striving forward. I'd have to say of the four presented, this one is 4th place.

Satisfaction? This again will likely be present. But as her recent undertakings have shown her, this is no time to rest upon her laurels. This will like be the 3rd place entry.

Determination and Wonder, or Wonder and Determination? I'd actually put these about even. Why are these even you might ask? Because both of them are the core elements of who Taylor started out as, and where she ended. Determination seen her claw her way through any and all obstacles before her, whether parahuman, monster, or Gods; but she survived, as she discovered even GODS can die. And what does watching such a rare and unique Event tend to engender? Curiosity, the vague thought, "If even Gods may die at the hands of insects, what else might be possible?"

Wonder is likely (barely) in 2nd place. Because when Taylor realizes the kind of spiritual trouble all three of them are in, I figure she's going to fall back into old habits. The same habits that not incidentally made her a living nightmare for her entire SPECIES before it was all over.

Determination. I can feel you tearing at my sanity; but I don't NEED to be 'sane' to know what I must do. I WILL NOT yield to you. I have faced things bigger, tougher, stronger then myself before; and if I must tear every one of your Souls apart one by one I WILL DO WHAT I MUST!
[X][Memories] Wonder.

I dont like any of the other options for growth of character. Personally I would think regret or melancholy would be more likely. Not regreting her actions so much as the necesety of them. Either that or pride and confidence. After all she killed a god when she was given insects. Many things may be beyond her, but not forever. Still wonder works well, seeing what she was capable of before gaining the strength of a hollow. She wont really be cowed in the future and can progress with certainty that no goal is unobtainable.

Also I look forward to aizen's "I am a god!" And weaver laughing and saying "yeah, so what? I've killed a god before and he was stronger than you."
[X][Memories] Wonder.
unedited thoughts

So the memory of killing the sun interferes with gathering the light of the moon. I can't say that's not surprising, even If the moon light is a reflection of the sun. When the sun is shining directly you can't exactly see the moon.

I'm going to assume that the trigger is a self realization of some kind and that is probably also linked to taking control of the gillion hive mind.

in that taylor will need to realize that the two concepts can coexist without suppressing each other. example the way that zangetsu and hollow indigo did in bleach and remake herself so that they don't clash.

I will have to think on this more but the sun of hope fought against the monsters of the darkness. It was also fake As a hollow Taylor is a monster and she is also the sun. she will need to realize that she can be both.
[X][Memories] Wonder.
[X][Memories] Wonder.
If the Beetle can carry the Sun across the heavens why can the same not be true for the Moon?

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