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[x][Save] One for All

What must be done doesn't change, just the stakes.
Time to live up to that and prove our convictions.
[x][Save] One for All

I didn't choose just to be forced to let them go. They are within me therefore mine.
I'll do whatever I want with what is mine.

Dude! This is some epic GREED moment right here! I approove!
Now that i think ybout it, Skitters Costume almost looked like Greed in his true form, all black and almost unkillable.

Greed the friend ftw and Strong Taylor saving all her friends FTW!

i really liked the musical accompaniment to Taylors final realisations. Great chapter!
[x][Save] One for All

Honestly, were we ever going to take a different option?
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[X][Save] Taking Two
-[X][Taking Two] The Heroic Child
-[X][Taking Two] The Bright Girl
Looks like Taylor's Ultimate Trip has come to an end and she's recovered her name to boot. It seems going all in with the determination to try regardless of the consequences earned us a boon from Red, who I'm now fairly sure is Hueco Mundo's Moon, letting Taylor recover her name the instant she finished the evolution.

[x][Save] One for All

We did not go through all that trouble prying those four out of the inner abyss just to let them sink back into it. Taylor will be reduced to the minimum necessary EE required just saving one of them, so we might as well go One for All in! Besides, basic strategy says safety in numbers is the best way to keep yourself alive in a hostile environment, which Hueco Mundo most definitely is. Better a team with five equally strong members than a single super-strong loner.
[x][Save] One for All

We will save them, and if things are more dificult because of it, What about it?! If it takes 100% of our power we will go beyond that and make it work. We will go beyond, PLUS ULTRA!
[x][Save] One for All

Yeah, this is the Taylor option.
[x][Save] One for All

Is there a plan/method on how Weaver will save everyone? Cause I could see her saving one soul at a time when she has enough energy to do so.
[x][Save] One for All
When has having to sacrifice (parts) of herself, and putting others before herself, ever stopped Taylor? It might not be the healthiest mindset but it is her version of heroic.
[x][Save] One for All

Is there a plan/method on how Weaver will save everyone? Cause I could see her saving one soul at a time when she has enough energy to do so.
The description Planes gave is kinda confusing, but I think this is the gist:

We chose to preserve four Lights from ten. We can actively save these four, and some of the discarded six if we wish via Write-In, but there are costs. If we save a preserved Light completely, we split the EE by however many Lights are now active plus Taylor, meaning if we save all four, the EE is divided by five(right now we have 852,225,308 EE, so a fifth of that is still ludicrous). If we reach out to any of the six discarded Lights though, the EE is instantly dropped to the minimum required to survive, even if we save just a single discarded Light and not any others. In addition, we can only save four Lights at the moment, total. We can save four preserved lights, four discarded Lights, and even two each, but never more than four.

Regardless of how much I like Marissa, the whole "instantly spending hundreds of millions of EE" seems to be way more trouble then it's worth for Lights we already voted against, so I'm sticking with One for All.
[x][Save] One for All

I want my touching reunion! Even if I'm the only 'one' there, I refuse to be alone again!
[x][Save] One for All

I believe Taylor will at least TRY to save them all. For one reason or another, they resonated with her. Though I can also see this turning her into an eating machine for a time, as the next stage of 'higher' Hollow, she can start hunting actual GILLIAN. Those are going to going to be far easier for her at least in the beginning as they are more animalistic then 'basic' hollows.
… Really?

An ambitious choice, little godkiller, I don't hate that. Knowing you're so fond of me is flattering too.

But I'm afraid this time I'll have to insist. I'm not what you need, and you still have some growing to do before you can both keep the cake and eat it. So I'll be taking my leave now, and let you rise to victory as we both know you will. Come see me once you have at least your name back.

Here, I'll even help you get started.

There was once a cheerful girl who loved her friends and family...

The red voice took action! Luz Lunar temporarily disabled!

There was once a cheerful girl who loved her friends and family.

Since her friends and family loved her back, she was happy.

Then everything went to hell.

A dagger in her back, straight through her heart. A confidant turned traitor. All her weaknesses exposed for the world to see.

The stifling hostility, the taunts, the tricks, the harm, the ridicule..

A̴̳̙̔ ̵͓̖̿d̷͉͋a̷̙̒̍r̴͓̍͌k̶͉̀̅ ̸̣͔̈́͘l̴̺͒ǫ̴̩̒̄c̷̝͕̿̓k̵͈̫͐e̵̦͙̒r̷̙̙͆ ̴̩̥̐͗f̶̙̻̉̔ū̵̮̌͜l̴̳̽l̴̠͚͂ ̷̺̂̈́o̴͈̲̽̈́ḟ̴̣̲̃ ̸͈̏̌n̶̢̤͆i̴̺͒ḡ̸͈́h̴̗͂t̷̮͓͋m̵̯͇͌͐ả̷̟̅r̷̜͠e̸̞͆̄s̶͙͛͐.̸̰̪͝

Standing right back up. Cracked, yet unbending. Refusing to let it swallow her.

Enduring the duress, redirecting her frustration towards something productive. She was better than them.

She had to, lest her life lost all meaning.

Defend what's right, come hell or high water, no matter what's against her.

A dragon is no different from a street mugger, what must be done doesn't change, just the stakes.

Monsters are monsters, whether or not they wear human skin, whether or not they're born from humanity.

There isn't always a right choice, yet there's always a best choice.

And no matter how dark her options, she always strived to walk the less dark one. Whatever the cost for herself. Even if she had to leave pieces of her soul and body behind along the way, she walked a path without regrets.

Until the cruel sun descended to devour the world.

She did her part, and then died.

What's the name of the cheerful girl who loved her friends and family?

I am… I....

The fire burns, and something pushes to get out.

There was once a forgotten girl who died.

Dying was scary, her memories were gone and she didn't know what was going on. From the moment she woke up, she had to fight.

She fought, and won, because she refused to lose. Her reward was a new life… In an alien and hostile world.

Things weren't so bad, though. Maybe her perception was distorted by the life she could no longer remember, but life and death struggles with logic defying monsters weren't actually that scary.

She also had her own abilities which made no sense either to fight back with.

Figuring out the rules of this new world was frustrating, but also lots of fun. Without a past to weigh her down, the dead girl enjoyed her new life to the fullest.

She also made friends… Kinda. She saved a shinigami, who turned out to be sworn enemies of her kin.

Life was a bit lonely, but she kept busy so she didn't have much time to reflect on that.

Then a hole opened in the world, and she fell out.

What's the name of the forgotten girl who died?

Who am I, really? My name is...

The fire burns hotter, and something and the bindings start to give out.

There was once a kind monster who fell into the human world.

Since many other monsters fell alongside it, the humans were in trouble. Since it loved children, it rushed to protect them.

The kind monster looked scary, and it took some effort to earn the children's trust, but it managed.

Since the children were searching for their big brother, the kind monster decided to accompany them. It felt a bit like the Journey to the West. Only it couldn't make clones out of its hair… A project for the future.

Also, absolute-fucking everyone attacked her on sight, it was very frustrating.

Since the monster was kind, though, it solved everything peacefully, and soon it had befriended a group of misfits.

Then, a huge monster attacked. It was much more powerful and scary than anything else in town, but what must be done doesn't change, just the stakes.

Facing it felt familiar, somehow.

Dying trying to save everyone, and only half-succeeding, also felt familiar.

Who was the kind monster who fell into the human world?

I… I am… My name is...

The inferno roars, and the chrysalid burns away to ashes. The darkness makes way for the blazing red, and long forgotten words finally come back to me.

"My name is Taylor Hebert!"

And then there is FIRE!!!.

{Consume, Learn, Evolve}

It's finally the time to emerge as an Adjuchas! During your time of tribulation, some lights inside you have earned your attention. You can set aside a part of your EE to keep them from being completely assimilated into yourself. Your total EE will be divided by the total number of lights you want to remain.
Additionally, you can try and reach for those lights you initially set aside. They're already blurry, deeply intertwined with the whole, but you should be able to still reach for them, albeit at a much higher cost. Write in for it, but you can't use this to exceed the max amount of preserved lights.

Warning.[/B] EE costs to increase Power Levels as an Adjuchas are MUCH steeper than before. You've been warned.

All for One:[/B] Nope. That's your essence that you ate it fair and square and you're keeping it. Hopefully you'll find a different way to save them later on, but there's no point in weakening yourself when you know the sort of monsters that lie lurking in every shadow.
Self-delusion doesn't suit you, little godkiller.
Just You and Me!: You'll split your EE in half, saving one of the lights. (Rescuing one of the already discarded lights will cost you most of your EE, leaving just barely enough for yourself to function.)
Taking Two: You'll split your EE three ways, saving two of the lights. (Rescuing one or more of the already discarded lights will cost you most of your EE, leaving just barely enough for yourself to function.)
Four of a kind: You'll split your EE four ways, saving three of the lights. (Rescuing one or more of the already discarded lights will cost you most of your EE, leaving just barely enough for yourself to function.)
One for All: You'll split your EE five ways, saving all the lights you can. (Rescuing one or more of the already discarded lights will cost you most of your EE, leaving just barely enough for yourself to function.)

[x][Save] All for One
[x][Save] You and Me
-[x][You and Me] The Heroic Child
-[x][You and Me] The Shy Girl
-[x][You and Me] The Passionate Girl
-[x][You and Me] The Bright Girl
[x][Save] Taking Two
-[x][Taking Two] The Heroic Child
-[x][Taking Two] The Shy Girl
-[x][Taking Two] The Passionate Girl
-[x][Taking Two] The Bright Girl
[x][Save] Four of a Kind
-[x][Four of a Kind] The Heroic Child
-[x][Four of a Kind] The Shy Girl
-[x][Four of a Kind] The Passionate Girl
-[x][Four of a Kind] The Bright Girl
[x][Save] One for All

-Oblivion Compensation! You lose 66385 EE!! (Ardiendo interferes with Luz Lunar)
-Oblivion Compensation! You lose 66385 EE!! (Ardiendo interferes with Luz Lunar)
-Oblivion Compensation! You lose 66385 EE!! (Ardiendo interferes with Luz Lunar)
-Oblivion Compensation! You lose 66385 EE!! (Ardiendo interferes with Luz Lunar)
-Oblivion Compensation! You lose 66385 EE!! (Ardiendo interferes with Luz Lunar)
-Oblivion Compensation! You lose 66385 EE!! (Ardiendo interferes with Luz Lunar)
-Oblivion Compensation! You lose 66385 EE!! (Ardiendo interferes with Luz Lunar)
-Oblivion Compensation! You lose 66385 EE!! (Ardiendo interferes with Luz Lunar)
-Oblivion Compensation! You lose 66385 EE!! (Ardiendo interferes with Luz Lunar)
-Oblivion Compensation! You lose 66385 EE!! (Ardiendo interferes with Luz Lunar)

Unfortunately, the red voice has their own ideas and doesn't agree with your choice… It's not as bad as it seems, please be patient.

No, seriously, put away that pitchfork.

Can't we do like civilised adults and… Is that a torch?

Screw it, you'll never catch me!

Author jumps through the window, lands awkwardly with a curse and runs limps away very fast.

[/ or
Okay, a clearer analysis:

Right now, Taylor has ten distinct Lights within her inner abyss. Earlier, she chose to actively preserve four of them, but the other six haven't quite faded back into sleep yet, so let's just call it ten.

Also right now, at the moment of transition from Menos to Adjucas, Taylor can pick up to four of the ten souls, split her EE evenly with them, and presumably puke them out or something.

There are two distinct categories to choose from: Preserved and Discarded. Preserved are the four souls us voters selected earlier: Chizuru, Fortuna, Masaki, and Tatsuki. If we select them, they get a significant fraction of Taylor's EE, presumably split from her, and that's that. Each of them including Taylor will have the same amount of EE, they probably won't be ravenously hungry like Taylor was in the beginning that led to the Mofo's unfortunate fate, and they can all sing Kumbaya and hold hands.

Discarded are the ones we didn't pick: Marissa, Frisk, Monika and the others. If we select them, the effort needed to even reach out to them in the first place will drop Taylor to the minimum required EE to survive, and then spit them out. Leading to up to five absolutely starving Hollows(maybe) in rather close proximity to each other. As Frisk's friend would say, a Bad Time.

So as much as we want to go full greed and save even the discarded, there are limits to what Taylor can wrangle the situation into, and it just seems like a better idea overall to stick to what we already decided.
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[x][Save] One for All
-[x][One for All] The Heroic Child
-[x][One for All] The Shy Girl
-[x][One for All] The Passionate Girl
-[x][One for All] The Quiet Child

I voted to get someone else than Masaki and I'm going to stick to my choice, as futile as it may be.

On another note, why did we skip to the adjuchas stage? Taylor got back her name and it just happened. Although, considering the Gillian stage is basically mindless fumbling until it ate enough, maybe the whole thing happened unconsciously. Or the Gillian was already powerful enough to become Adjuchas, but didn't have a dominant personnality to do it until it ate the caterpillar.

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