009 - Karin Interlude: First Impressions
Verified Slimegirl Whisperer, Lord of the Useless
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009 - Karin Interlude: First Impressions
When we got to our new home, it was small and ugly, and she said so to Mama. Why couldn't they get back to the caravan? She liked it more there, where she could feel the wind in her face and she could cuddle with Hibiki-oneechan during the night if it got cold.
But Mama said nothing, and she first thought she was in trouble. Instead, she got a bear hug and then Mama cried, and she really felt bad about making her sad. She promised she would be very good and obedient. Mama made her promise too that she wouldn't get into trouble with the other kids.
When she got to school the following day, she wasn't sure what to expect. So far she'd been taught by Mama and Papa, and sometimes Hibiki-neechan and the others, because there weren't enough kids in the caravan to make a class. Mama gave her a lot of advice about today, and made sure she memorized everything, but she didn't feel very brave. Just talking about everything that could go wrong was very scary, even if Mama told her what to do to get out of trouble.
When she was introduced to the rest of the kids, she had a knot in her throat and she couldn't really say anything. There were a lot of kids all staring at her, and she didn't know if they would want to do the mean things Mama said they might, so she just looked down and let sensei do the introduction for her.
After sensei was done, she was told to find a desk. A quick peek around showed a girl sitting alone with a lot of free desks around. Actually, all the free desks in the classroom were around her, as if everyone tried to sit as far away from the girl as possible.
"Um…" The girl turns to look at her, and she has to stop to swallow another knot in her throat. "Do you mind if I sit here?"
The girl's eyes widened a fraction, and for a moment she feared she'd upset her somehow. But in the end she smiled sharply and gestured at one of the free seats around her. "Sure, there's room to spare."
After taking her place, she thought it would be cool to befriend the girl. Or at least learn her name and talk with her a bit. If she could stay with the scary girl the other kids wouldn't pick on her. But she didn't know what to say. Everytime she peeked the girl's way, she got cold feet and went back to staring at her desk.
But she couldn't help it! Her only friend close to her age before this was Hibiki-neechan from the caravan, and they're too different! Neechan had a warm and full face, with rosy cheeks that dimpled when she smiled, and her smile was warm and cheerful. This girl's face was sharp and scary, and her smile was sharp and scary!
Hibiki-neechan has a black hair and cute pigtails, this girl doesn't seem to care about cute. Her hair is short and sharp and scary and looks real mature and Karin has no idea how to talk to her!
She peeks her way again, and this time the girl is looking her way and catches her in the act. She immediately looks away, and there's a moment of tense silence where she can feel the girl's gaze boring a hole on her. Then…
"Nice weather we're having, Doormat-chan."
Everyone was calling her that afterwards. It's like they never bothered to learn her name in the first place.
She was a bit miffed with the girl -Shimada Ran- afterwards, but she kept by her side. While it was unnerving to remain at arm's length of the scary girl, she'd never said or done anything mean to her, beyond giving her that horrible nickname. And at that point that was the best option because everyone else was being horribly mean to Karin.
It was when she tried to go to the toilet and was shoved around and called names by them that she decided to never again leave the girl's side while in school. She still did her best in class, of course, because she was a smart girl and smart girls get good grades. Even if it was hard to keep up with sensei's lessons.
And then it was time for sparring, and everything went wrong.
Karin had never been a fighter. Both Papa and Mama could do really cool things and breathe fire and punch rocks and walk up trees, but when she asked about it they told her it was better if she never had to learn. Well, she had to learn now.
At first, she tried sitting aside and watching the rest without making a fuss and watching Shimada-san fight. She was as sharp and scary while fighting as she was at any other thing. Then that horrible girl picked her to spar with.
Haizuki-san was very strong too, even if she wasn't as strong as Shimada-san or the boy sparring with her. But instead of defeating her quickly, she did her best to prolong the fight, hitting her in places that didn't award points and avoiding knocking her down. To make things worse, she started saying mean things too.
She called her names, laughed at her and ridiculed her efforts. When she started badmouthing Mama and Papa, Karin had to bite her lip and remind herself she'd promised not to get into trouble. After almost a full hour of being manhandled and ridiculed, the horrible girl made an off-hand comment about her and Shimada-san, and she snapped.
She's not sure why it was that comment that became the last straw. It wasn't like the words were particularly horrible. Not worse than having her efforts and family laughed at. It's not like she felt a particularly strong friendship for Shimada-san. In fact, she was more scared of the silent and sharp girl than anything else.
Maybe it was just the hour-long beating and constant stream of taunts that made her answer to those words when she'd managed to keep quiet so far. In any case, Haizuki-san smirked maliciously at her words, as if she'd won something.
"I'm sure the elders will love knowing that traitorous spawn associates with the dredges of the village."
Those words meant nothing to her but, somehow, she couldn't imagine them meaning anything good.
After getting back home, Karin spent the rest of the day studying to catch up with the other kids at school and waiting for Mama to come back home. When she finally arrived, it was very late and she looked very tired, but she still smiled at Karin and listened to her talk about her day.
Karin was very tempted to tell her she wanted to go back to the caravan, but she still remembered how Mama cried the day before and did her best to smile instead and ask when she could visit Papa in the hospital.
Mama cried again.
The next day Karin was feeling apprehensive again, if for different reasons. Shimada-san was still a mystery -a scary mystery- and Haizuki-san's cryptic parting words filled her with unease. She wasn't stupid either so, even if she didn't know why, she'd noticed Mama was worried about the village learning Karin wasn't happy here.
The day was nerve-wracking, and even Shimada-san's few words looked like traps designed to make her say something she shouldn't.
Like that time she asked about her opinion on the village. Or that time she openly ridiculed the lesson. That was actually interesting, because it made a lot of sense, but it still got her into trouble.
Then again, Shimada-san got into trouble too, so she didn't know what to think about that.
"I packed an extra bento. Want to share?"
She wanted to… what?
Surprise made her look up and hold her gaze for the first time. Shimada-san's eyes were grey and sharp, like polished steel, ready to strike her down in an instant, but no less beautiful for it. She just stood there, transfixed by the gaze. Until she realized Shimada-san was trembling slightly and she hurried to look down again and accept her offer. Hopefully she didn't make her angry.
That was the first time in her life she thought something could be both beautiful and terrifying.
On another news, she didn't have to wait long to figure out what Haizuki-san meant with her cryptic words the previous day. Overnight, the wary distance everyone kept around Shimada-san gained a tint of hostility. The mean looks and words addressed to her yesterday were now aimed at the two of them instead, including some very rude suggestions that had Karin blushing up a storm.
And yet, Shimada-san didn't seem to care. Words and glares seemed to slide right off her and more overt actions.... Well. She sent one of Haizuki-san's friends to the Nurse's Office with a broken ankle when she tried to trip her. And there was a bear trap armed in her book bag! The girl who tried to slip a hand inside almost lost it! Even sensei was too scared to get involved!
If she had any doubt about Shimada-san being dangerous, that ended then.
And yet, and yet! In spite of everything, Ran never hits her, never yells at her or steals her things or even calls her mean things, after that one time. When she's with the utterly terrifying girl, it's only the ominous threat of her very existence she has to deal with. As scary as that is, it still beats the way everyone else is plain mean on her. So she'll remain by her side, and watch and learn.
She would survive. She wasn't powerful and brave like the Uzu-nin from Mama's stories, but she was a smart girl, Mama says so. And she'd find a way to keep her promises.
Shorter than I'd like, and doesn't do as good a job as I hoped showing things from another light, but it'll have to do. It was taking forever and going nowhere, so I had to cut off the parts that were giving me the most trouble.