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Blue Archive: Clock Tower Trinity [OC-Insert] [Blue Archive/Nasu]

Her gun is just as striking. That thing is too big to be called a machine gun. Too big, too long, too heavy, and seemingly lacking key components. A hollow lump of solid steel, glowing with a baleful purple light. But it is a machine gun nonetheless, easily longer than the girl is tall.
This is the funniest shit ever. Hina's gun is spoken like it's Guts' sword. On the other hand, I can't oppose to calling her the Black Gunswoman though. My little Black Swordsman can't be this cute.
The sharp sound of a police whistle cuts through the white noise of the running tank engine, and the vehicle soon comes to a stop. Moments later, a sharp voice is heard shouting into a megaphone.

Kanna! Tanks are normal vehicles like cars used to go on Summer vacations! Nothing strange about it! :V

"I see. And by 'your discretion,' you feel that the situation merits tactical weaponry?"
The tank or Tsurugi?

"Haruna, please be on your best behavior tonight. The only reason you're getting out of detention is that this is SCHALE work, and Sensei asked for you specifically."
Sensei really calling out the Mystic team + everyone else whose around.
8 people

"We may have to take those ravings more seriously going forward, Hantei. According to Sensei, a member of their cabal of 'truth seekers' had made a deal with Kaiser Group. Abydos already has problems, but apparently this 'Black Suit' individual thought he could trick one of their third years into dropping out and signing her rights away."
So that's where rhe timeline is now.
About to step into Volume 2 Chapter 1 or detour in the middle of it or after.

They won't think Kaika is coming around voluntarily, huh?
All these worries and Trinity doesn't know Maestro already kinda just walked right into Trintiy several times for classes. Hahaha.
Is that why they think Kaika's park visit is a Gematria plot? They finally found out or not yet?

Thus with this we've exceeded the old thread.
The tank or Tsurugi?
Tsurugi, ofc.

They won't think Kaika is coming around voluntarily, huh?
Kaika's letter said that she was going to poke around Slumpia. Since she makes a habit of hunting delinquents causing trouble (to rob them blind), her checking out the thefts there isn't unusual. There may also have been a mention of her thinking it could have interesting ideation she wanted to poke.

Since I don't think anyone but Kaika and Maestro knew about the mimesises there yet.

They finally found out or not yet?
Nope, not yet.
Kanna! Tanks are normal vehicles like cars used to go on Summer vacations! Nothing strange about it! :V

The tank or Tsurugi?

One tank? A normal outing.
Four tanks? A large outing.
Four tanks escorting troop transports? Suspicious activity.

Any combination of the above plus Tsurugi? Clearly, Trinity marches to war.
A little peek at what's being written rn:

"I made tea?" The magus tries, the statement lilting into a question as she disentangles herself from her juniors and waves at the table she's set.

Tsurugi's eyes lock onto Kaika's in an instant. With a light blush and a tremble, she lifts her arms to reveal a large thermos in each hand. "So…did I?"
Chapter 8: A Terror-iffic Time
Chapter 8: A Terror-iffic Time

As the assorted forces gather at Slumpia's gates, the ferris wheel creaks to a halt, ensuring that Kaika and Maestro can see all of the goings on from the highest vantage point.

"I will admit, I am surprised that Sensei is bringing this much force," Maestro hums. "Your friends were expected, of course. But full mobilization…Hina and Haruna…"

The puppet lets out a sigh, as the park gates open and students pour in like ants. "Black Suit must have left a poor impression, indeed."

"You didn't need to trick me and my friends into this, you know? I could've simply sent them a message about a fieldtrip to get some hands-on experience with mimesises." Kaika sighs, a subtle curse on the glass giving them a set of close up feeds to track the groups by as they split. The fact that the entire park is interconnected even allows her to add sound with a bit of fiddling on the concept of distance.

She will refine these curses later. They will come in handy if she ever has to take charge of Slumpia to the fullest extent.

Maestro hums in thought. "I had thought that the surprise was important. Both for yourself seeing this place for the first time, and for your friends to engage with the park with genuine emotion."

"I understand. The reveal is the most delicate part of the process. It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth to worry them like this, especially after my stunt with Nother." Kaika says with a shake of her head, her tone fully slipping out of verbal lockstep. "Ah, well, what is done is done. Still, next time do try to work something out with me. I go out of my way to avoid putting you in difficult situations and it is only fair you return the favor."

As Kaika observes the feeds, and the flow of students splits into three distinct branches. Her attention is drawn to several new faces in the crowd. One branch that is clearly meant to be a distraction is proving to be very distracting indeed. Not only is this "Haruna" person running shoulder to shoulder with the maid cafe owner, but a woman, whom from context clues Kaika can only assume is Tsurugi, is leading the JTF against the growing swarm of animatronics.

The animatronic rabbits and bears unfold into an arsenal of automatic weaponry, laying into the invaders with machine gun fire. In response, Tsurugi charges ahead, red eyes glowing bright as she draws fire away from her squad. Her twin shotguns fire rapidly, tearing through the animatronics like a wrecking ball. She should have had to stop and reload several times already, but the surrounding carnage appears to be feeding her, healing her injuries and keeping her guns loaded with phantom ammo.

"Oh my." Kaika breathes out, glad for how her mask covers her blushing face. She's seen footage of the Queen dismantling an entire castle and all its undead inhabitants (and gotten a short-lived crush from it), but the most terrifying woman in the Clocktower has nothing on the veritable orchestra of brutality taking place. She had an impression, from her hazy memories, but she's definitely feeling hot under the collar watching her go to town.

"Why do these things have guns?!?" Shizuko wails, her voice carried over to Kaika through the curse. "Isn't this supposed to be a kid's park?"

"It's perfectly reasonable, though?" Haruna answers, as she carefully observes the surrounding terrain. "Did you never play with white phosphorus as a child? Oh, the pranks we would play…"

Only you, Kivotos. Only you.

Tsurugi's aggressive fighting style keeps the pressure off of her squad, but the flow of animatronics isn't stopping, reinforcements leaping into the fray every time a train passes by. It isn't long before the JTF starts taking casualties, the less attentive first years falling down dizzy after taking one too many bullets. Seeing the way the winds of war are blowing, Haruna's eyes narrow, and a plan begins to form.

"Excuse me, ladies, but I have a reservation elsewhere tonight!" With that, Haruna grabs Shizuko, throws her over her shoulder, and starts running towards the front lines. Timing her leap to the sound of rumbling on the tracks, she jumps on Tsurugi's back, then catapults herself onto the approaching train before the animatronics can disembark. Dropping the mewling entrepreneur into the seat next to her, Haruna wastes no time aiming her rifle down the spine of the train. Power flows down the barrel as she strikes a pose, and as Haruna pulls the trigger, her silver bullet takes on a spectral quality, passing through and dealing massive damage to everything in a straight line.

All of the animatronics on the train fall like puppets with their strings cut, denying this front its reinforcements for a moment. However, Haruna is now on the train, waving playfully at the JTF as it carries her away from her erstwhile escort.

Tsurugi's shock at being used as a springboard is very short lived, quickly replaced by seething anger. "HAAARUUUNAAA!!!" Tsurugi's roar eclipses that of her guns, as animatronics are scattered and shattered around her.

"Go get'em, girl." Kaika chuckles softly, even as she takes note of this Haruna's special ability. It reminds her of the very first prototype for Freikugel. The thought of helping Tsurugi develop some countermeasures for it comes and goes, ultimately it is a technique meant for taking down groups. The berserker just needs to keep fighting and she'll recover just fine if she's hit.

Suddenly, Kaika hears a rattling noise somewhere below her, and the spectral ravens start to caw and flap their wings angrily. Surprised, Maestro looks out the window, before exclaiming in delight. "Oh! Sensei is here!"

As Kaika glances outside, and her eyes are drawn to the base of the ferris wheel, she sees a somewhat familiar figure. The thirty something year old woman with brown shoulder length hair, round glasses, and a patient, happy expression on a relatively cute face had been on television once before. Kaika had completely overlooked her at the time, as Hasumi had grabbed her attention and ran away with it.

But seeing Sensei in person is a completely different experience. For one, she isn't wearing the plain if functional business suit from before. She is currently wearing a full blown, long sleeved kimono, lavished with charms and accessories that looked handmade, by students. Kaika doesn't need her children's ideation sight to know they radiate affection like a space heater. In one hand, she holds a tablet. The other hand is currently being held by a bright eyed and excited Nother, pulling her straight toward Kaika's location with sparkles in her eyes.

"She's quite something." The magus says, feeling something shifting in her gut as goosebumps curl up her arms. Now that she's seeing her in the flesh, she doesn't need Sultore's chime to know this woman is important. "My, I don't envy Gematria one bit. There's few things magi fear more than a woman like her set against them."

She could be wrong, of course. She has only encountered one of the 'blessed' few and he was something of an anomaly. But, she trusts her instincts.

Although what someone like her is doing with that 'tablet' is completely beyond her. She knows a terminal when she sees one, the field trip to the Spirit Tomb taught her that much. It doesn't paint a comforting picture that both forces are in agreement.

Maestro lets out a sad sigh, before turning to the raven. "Kuro, could you be a dear and let her come aboard? She's going to climb the ferris wheel if we don't." The raven stops squawking and ruffles her feathers angrily, but the ferris wheel begins to turn slowly once again regardless.

Maestro then turns to Kaika. "Well, Shin? How would you like to handle this? I can see that you wish to operate under your pen name, but with little Nother seemingly infatuated with Sensei, that may prove challenging."

"It is ultimately in my sister's hands, I'm afraid." Kaika sighs, shaking her head softly, "Ah, well, I have a feeling Sensei will keep the secret if I ask her to."

So long as she convinced her that she was in no danger whatsoever, that is.

Soon, the door to the artists' cabin opens, allowing Nother and Sensei aboard. With a bow and a flourish, Maestro directs the pair to take his bench, moving to sit next to Kaika. "Greetings, Sensei! I'm glad that you could make it to my performance tonight! And on such short notice, too!"

"Uncle Maestro, Uncle Maestro! Everything here is so pretty! And…oh? Why are you dressed like that?" Nother doesn't outright expose Kaika, but in her excitement, she provided plenty of context clues. Nevertheless, the wooden puppet pats the young mimesis on the head affectionately.

"Thank you, Nother! Would you like to take a seat with us? And you, Sensei? Would you like some refreshments?"

"Thank you, but I'll pass," Sensei answers in a level tone, her eyes soaking in every detail around her as she takes her seat. "Maestro, was it? Your video message certainly left an impression." It is with a much warmer smile on her face as she turns to speak to Kaika. "And it's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Anna Iolcos, but most people call me Sensei."

"A shame, I was recently gifted quite the vintage. Still, I will not blame you, not after Black Suit behaved as he did." Kaika says with a sigh, a gloved hand coming to roost over her chest as she offers a small bow. Her voice is an octave lower and a great deal smoother, a clever little curse making her sound a few years older, "A pleasure to meet you, Ms Argonaut, and well wishes to your merry crew. While you may have some ideas as to my true identity thanks to Nother forgetting secrecy in her excitement, please call me Shin while I wear this mask. Rest assured, I am in no danger nor in Gematria's clutches."

"I am happy to hear that, miss Shin," Sensei replies with a smile. "But I admit that this raises more questions than it answers."

The door to the cabin slides shut, and the ferris wheel creaks into motion once again. Kaika's cursework lights up the cabin with its screens again, allowing everyone inside a view of the action without having to stop the ferris wheel a second time.

"So. You're aware of what happened to Hoshino-chan. And you still trust this man?" Sensei's tone is questioning, and lacks harshness.

"Yes. We are brothers in art. We have our pride and integrity as artists, behaving as Black Suit did would do nothing but sully our work. The search for the Sublime is paramount, yes, but only a fool believes they can reach heaven atop a mountain of sin." Kaika explains, before tilting her head, "And, to dispense with the poetry for a moment, he was the first to warn me of Gematria's skullduggery. The group is not as united as you believe it to be, it is an alliance of convenience. Nothing more and nothing less."

Maestro bows to Kaika. "You praise me more than I deserve." He then turns to face everyone in the cabin. "Sensei, in the video I sent you, I said that I was neither your friend nor your enemy. I stand by this statement. A friend would have ignored professional courtesy, and intervened in their coworkers' schemes on their friends' behalf. This is not something I will do for you. However, I respect your work. I admire what you represent. And, as I work alongside Shin in my role as her Tutor, I catch a glimpse of your own path to the Sublime."

Sensei's eyes narrow. "I don't care about the Sublime. A teacher exists for the sake of their students. An adult's role is to take responsibility, and help guide the next generation towards a better tomorrow."

"And yet, such purity of purpose and strength of resolve may very well lead you right to it. The world has a sense of humor that way." Kaika chuckles, only for the lighthearted air about her to vanish like morning fog. The mask's lack of eyes did not stop her in the slightest from pinning the Hero of Heroes with the full intensity of a magus' determination, "Understand, the Sublime isn't monolithic. It isn't a singular secret that us seekers covet. To exist is to question, to live is to answer, but to truly understand? That is the transcendental truth we seek, the ineffable underpinnings of every question and answer that we are composed of. It is unique for each individual, because what is reality but what we make of it?"

Sensei looks surprised for a moment, and starts scribbling something onto her tablet with a stylus. Maestro, meanwhile, beams with pride. "A splendid hypothesis, Shin! May your search be fruitful! I eagerly await the day when we compare our respective findings!" The puppet jolts in place as realization strikes him. Maestro withdraws, deep in thought, and Sensei once again takes the reins of the conversation.

"I'm happy that you've found your dream, Shin. Dreams are precious things. But friends are just as precious. Are you really okay with what's happening here?"

Sensei gestures to the projection curses displaying the ongoing battle. While Hina's group is making steady progress towards the Heart, Tsurugi's group has completely stalled out at the courtyard. The tanks have mobilized, with two moving to support Tsurugi, and another two attempting to push deeper in to support Hasumi.

Fortunately, the Huey hasn't been needed to evacuate the casualties yet, but the chopper's engines are idling just in case a team gets pinned. Unfortunately, Hasumi's team is being held up at Shiro's Castle, and Kuro is en route to support Shiro.

"We do our best with the information that we have. Your friends think that they're here to rescue you." Steel enters Sensei's eyes for a moment. "Should you really be making them participate in an experiment like this? Is this how their trust is to be rewarded?"

"Frankly speaking? No, I am not pleased with how they were brought into this. The letter was meant to put them at ease, I did not know about my brother's manipulations until it was entirely too late." Kaika sighs wearily, "Nonetheless, I stand by my words. He acted less than honestly in pursuing his art and violated my trust in the process, but I am guilty of the same if under different circumstances. My friends gave me another chance and so I will extend the same courtesy to him."

"I see," Sensei says, humming in thought. "I can't say that I share your trust in Maestro, but you've explained your reasoning, and I'll abide by your decision." She sighs, and puts her stylus away.

"So, what's the plan going forward? How do we fix this?" Judging by her expression, Sensei has a few ideas of her own, but is letting 'Shin' take the lead.

"My only idea so far is to lie to my friends, which I'm not particularly eager to follow through. Say that the park turned out to be more than I could handle and you found me knocked out in this or that room." Kaika groans softly. "I did not answer their messages out of indecision, either, so I will furthermore need to come up with an excuse for why that was the case despite my phone's helper."

Maestro's joints creak as his head turns to face Kaika. "If I may make a suggestion? I have prepared a crate of presents as a 'thank you ' to our Audience tonight. If it aids in your deception, you may hide inside of the box, and be 'rescued' in that manner."

"That would be much appreciated. I can claim that the crate suppressed my children, explaining why they didn't call attention to me. Furthermore, Goz's talents would handily explain how I was stashed there before a message could go out." The magus says with a slow nod.

Sensei raises an eyebrow. "A crate of prizes? Should I take that to mean that this is a game, rather than a Test like Binah was?"

Maestro waves off her concern. "Of course it's a game, dear Sensei! We're at an Amusement Park! Believe me, when my Test is ready, you will be well informed of such."

Maestro then turns to face Kaika. "Shin? I apologize for the deception, and thank you for your participation tonight. If my words still hold value, let me say that Sensei is someone that you can trust."

Sensei sighs and smiles. "Well, it looks like you have this well in hand. I was ready to just run off with you in a princess carry and work out the rest later if I had to."

Kaika is struck silent, shaking slightly.

"PFTWHAHAHAHAHA!" The masked girl breaks into hideous belly laughter, crumpling down as she holds her stomach for dear life. She's still trembling in mirth as she straightens up, for all that her voice remains steady, "Christ alive, I can see why you were chosen. You're just like that Emiya menace, aren't you?"

The only reason that madman hadn't gotten his organs harvested to pay for his collateral damage debt was that he just kept on surviving Enforcer jobs nobody but the Queen had any business taking. His answer to any sort of problem was to run in and throw swords and himself at the danger until everyone was safe. It drove the faculty absolutely bonkers but they couldn't do anything because she could count on her hands with fingers to spare the noble scions who hadn't gotten saved by him at some point.

Sensei beams back at her precious student. "I have no idea who that is, but I'll choose to take that as a compliment!"

"Just hope you don't get as popular with the ladies as him." Granted, it didn't help that the man had two lovers, so most bachelorettes (and some bachelors) thought they had a chance.

The ferris wheel comes to a stop, allowing all present in the cabin to depart at their leisure. As Kaika and Maestro flee to enact their plan, Sensei glances back at the glass windows one last time before the cursed video feed cuts off. She opens radio communications, says a few brief words of encouragement, and makes her way back to the Huey with Nother.

Hasumi can hardly believe her eyes. The rat animatronic had seemed like little more than a nuisance at first glance, scurrying around the battlements and tossing rubber balls that exploded like grenades. Now, that same rat is balancing on a ball easily twice the size of a Crusader, bouncing around the courtyard like an unstoppable juggernaut. Her team has to stay on the move constantly, both to avoid getting crushed AND to evade the smaller grenade-balls that the rat continues to scatter everywhere.

"We have to hurry, Hasumi-senpai! There's something big coming, and I don't think we can take them both at once!" Kinben shouts, her SMG firing a staccato rhythm as the eagle eyed first year tries to formulate a strategy. Most of their squad had been taken out, with the casualties flung into various shrubberies and rubbish piles outside of the battlefield by the rubbery wrecking ball and the bouncing blasts. They were going to be fine, but only if these ghostly mechanical Terrors could be driven away.

"We need an opening! Is there anything we can use to bounce these things back?!" Hasumi allows a touch of desperation into her voice. Looking down the sight on her rifle, she can clearly see the rat giggling maniacally as it pulls out another gigantic ball the size of the one it's balancing on, seemingly out of nowhere.

Just as Shiro throws the sphere that would doom the remaining combatants, sakura petals blow on the wind. An old fashioned food cart with the Momoyodo logo on it seemingly falls from the sky, directly in the ball's path. Shiro barely has time to register what's happening before her own weapon flies back into her face, dazing her as she's knocked from her perch.

"Never fear, the cavalry's here!" Shizuko shouts, pride and bravado barely covering her nervousness as Haruna princess carries her, leaping into battle from a passing train. Haruna wastes no time depositing the cosplay maid to safety before leaping into action, running towards the thoroughly broken food cart while Izuna rushes Shiro to confirm the 'kill'.

Hasumi breathes a sigh of relief. On the way here, Izuna was almost a liability, with the poor range on her gun forcing her to run out of cover to engage the enemy. Seeing her trying to line up her shots through the backside of a fox figurine had done little to inspire confidence. Now, the young Yokai is proving her worth, leaping atop Shiro's ball and showering the downed rat with dynamite kunai until it flees the field entirely.

Haruna, meanwhile…is engrossed with catching the food from the destroyed cart before it could hit the pavement. Any semblance of dignity or class that the demon might have had fades away as Haruna stuffs her mouth and pockets with taiyaki. Hasumi fixes the terrorist with a level stare as she stands back up, wipes her mouth with a handkerchief, and proceeds to behave as though nothing just happened.

"Wait…did you just–" Shizuko exclaims in disbelief.

"Impressive for a pop up. The outside is crispy, but the insides aren't heated evenly. Seven out of ten, consideration granted for circumstances." Haruna looks skyward, as spectral ravens begin to swarm the area. "But the full review can wait. The next performer is here."

As the rest of the exhausted students' gazes follow Haruna's skyward, they see the night sky blotted out by a murder of crows. Kuro descends slowly, projecting an air of menace as she twirls her staff, and various shapes begin to levitate at her command. Tea cup spinners… Merry Go Round horses… the wreckage of old rides too broken to fix flew at the dark magical girl's command with flair and precision.

"How…what are we supposed to do now?" Kinben's spirits drop like a stone. There are too many birds, and too much wreckage that's too big to dodge. She is so tired…

Suddenly, a voice rings out over the comms. "Don't give up! You have everything you need to win this!"

The sound of Sensei's voice is like a ray of sunlight, lifting the spirits of everyone who hears it. Izuna's ears start to twitch excitedly, as she hops up and down in place and looks for the source of the voice. "Aruji-dono? Is that you? Can you see Izuna?"

Sensei chuckles warmly. "Yes, Izuna. There's a camera nearby. But it won't last much longer. Look closely. She's making a show of her control, but it's not perfect. She can be distracted. If you keep the pressure on her, she's going to start making mistakes. Can you do that, Izuna?"

The kitsune pup's face somehow lights up even brighter. "Yup! Your loyal ninja will never fail you, Aruji-dono! Thank you for trusting me! And for bringing me to the amusement park! I'm having so much fun!!"

Kuro recoils as if struck. The purity of emotion on display… When was the last time she had heard those words? How long has it been since a child was grateful to see her performance?

Kinben stares in awe, both at the sight of the large Mimesis flinching away from the small fox, and at the subtle shift in the forces at work. "Sensei's right… Now's our chance! Everyone, keep firing! Don't let her concentrate!"

Emboldened by Sensei's and Kinben's words, the remaining first years open fire at Kuro. Hasumi's and Haruna's rifles quickly join the growing chorus of gunfire as Izuna stands proudly atop Shiro's ball. Kuro shakes herself off and brandishes her staff, directing her masonry and flock to violence. However her movements are sloppy, and the initiative is lost.

At the sight of all of the wreckage of rides neglected and forgotten flying towards her, all Izuna can do is smile. Her hands are a blur of movement, and sakura petals surround her body as she completes her ninjutsu.


In a puff of smoke, Izuna vanishes, leaving an adorable fox plushie behind. A teacup smashes into the ball, sending it flying and launching the training clone doll high into the sky. Izuna reappears a moment later, stumbling lightly before vanishing in another puff of smoke.

As Izuna continues to flit about like an adorably clumsy shadow, the collected forces never let up their fire. Soon the rumble of engines pierce the night, and a pair of Crusaders lend the roar of their cannons to the growing symphony of violence.

As her damage mounts, Kuro falls to her knees. In a puff of smoke, Izuna appears inches away from the Mimesises' beaked face, smiling and wagging her tail.

"This was a fun game of tag, nin-nin! I look forward to playing with you again!" There isn't a hint of deception in those eyes. Everyone else may remember tonight as a rescue mission fraught with peril. However, this fox will remember tonight as a party. A party celebrating her joining her Lord's inner circle, and meeting new friends from all over Kivotos.

Kuro's heart is in turmoil, ectoplasm leaking from her glass eyes. Trembling with exhaustion, she swings her staff one final time, hoping to get at least a single hit on Izuna. The fox pup vanishes one final time, leaving the spinning teacup aimed at her back free to careen straight into Kuro's face.

Cheers ring out among the gathered students as the spectral flock descend on Kuro, carrying the unconscious Mimesis to safety and drawing the battle to a close. Sweating, Hasumi grabs her radio. "Slumpia Castle secured. Status report?"

"H-hello? First year Koharu reporting from Tsurugi's group! We've finally exhausted the enemy's reinforcements! Moving on to the next objective!" The meek voice over the radio was almost drowned out by the sounds of cannon fire, and the howling laughter of Tsurugi. The sound brought Hasumi comfort. The battle had shifted fully into their favor.

The next voice over the radio spoke with the weight of the headsman's axe. "Sorasaki Hina reporting. We've found the Heart. This battle is over."

The leader of Gehenna's Prefect Team hadn't brought many troops with her. Acting on a hunch that Anna-sensei had when the gathered leadership had reviewed the park's guest map, Hina had opted for deep insertion reconnaissance. Now, she and Hantei were standing at the park's train junction, at the head of a mostly fresh JTF unit. Before them lies the seated form of the nearly finished Goz.

The gigantic, dapper cat rises. His cane creaks under his massive bulk, his incomplete legs not enough to impede his showman's spirit. Locking his knees and holding his cane in front of himself allows Goz to stand, ramrod straight.

Seated, Goz was three times the height of the tallest student present. Standing, he is a veritable giant. His rotund gut bounces jovially as his fur trimmed cape flutters in the wind. Despite his lack of mobility, the feline stage magician offers his tiny audience a wink and a grin.

A gigantic, glowing machine gun rises. Hina has been firing it all night, her sharp eyes and steady aim an aegis of violence protecting her borrowed forces. The demon looks to the judgment angel at her side, regarding Hantei with a nod and a smile. Hantei beams back at her hero, and with a touch she eagerly applies Reinforcement to the barrel of Hina's gun. The baleful purple glow of the Destroyer of Denouement shifts into a radiant silver.

Goz tips his hat and begins to laugh. The clang of metal striking metal echoes through the tunnels around them, as the train tracks shift to form tighter circles around the Heart. Confetti cannons on either side of Goz's stage explode, signaling the start of his act.

The firing squad's guns roar. Bullets, both of lead and silver-kissed force pelt into the oversized magician. Goz stands firm, reaching a hand out to grab a cartoonish old fuse bomb with legs, only for the weapon to be shot from his shaky hands.

The roar of trains racing along short laps at top speed is nearly deafening. However, the squad has little difficulty getting out of the way before a locomotive barrels through the battlefield. The train cars themselves are empty, the animatronic reinforcements exhausted by Tsurugi's group.

"Give up. You're clearly outmatched." Hina never stops firing for a moment. Whenever her gun's glow begins to fade, her eyes flash and her halo shines bright. The light flows into her weapon, recharging and enhancing it instantly. "We're rescuing Kaika-san. There is nothing you can do to stop us."

The giant cat looks down at the tiny demon in front of him with steely determination. What Hina was saying was a simple fact. In his incomplete state, Goz has no means of defeating the tiny students scurrying around his feet. However, the dapper cat has one more role to play. A magician always has one more trick up their sleeves.

The confetti cannons at Goz's sides fire once again. The train tracks shift back to their previous configuration, and power thrums throughout the park. All throughout Slumpia, the ground begins to glow brightly while darkness envelops all.

The surety of victory that the assembled combatants felt evaporates in an instant. Confusion grips the students' minds, with fear threatening to seize their hearts until Hina speaks. "Stay calm! Focus fire on his cane! If we can knock him down, we may still be able to stop this!"

Hina's orders are followed, only for the bullets to fly through empty air. All that remains of Goz are a pair of glowing yellow eyes and a bright, Cheshire grin. With a chuckle, those too fade away, and the party is surrounded by a tornado of playing cards.

"No…NO!!! COME BACK! GIVE KAIKA BACK!!!" Hantei breaks formation, running through the darkness to where she last saw Goz's eyes. A feeling of vertigo overcomes her, like she's falling down a deep pit even with her feet still planted firmly on the ground.

Then, just as abruptly as they came, the playing cards gently fly away. The light on the ground fades, and the darkness around them lifts. Hantei blinks. She's outside of the park entrance again. As she looks around, she sees that she's far from alone. Hina and the rest of her Squad… Hasumi's team…Tsurugi's group… Even Sensei is back outside, leaning against the fence with a dazed look on her face.

"Wait… what's that?" Kinben's voice cuts through the confused murmurs and muted shock, as she draws attention to a large, wooden crate in the middle of the road. The shimmering braids of white smoke coiling around it and the smoldering golden glyphs set deep into the wood dispel any notion of innocence before it can even form.

Hasumi is the first to get her bearings. "Alright! Everyone, gather up! We need a sitrep! Hina, you go make sure Sensei's okay! Hantei, Kinben? I want to know EVERYTHING about that crate before we open it! Everyone else, roll call! I want to make sure nobody was left in the park!"

While Hasumi technically has no authority to give Hina orders, the request is one that the Prefect Team Chairman doesn't hesitate to act upon. Kinben and Hantei likewise leap into action, while the JTF begin the slow process of counting heads and moving casualties.

A pink haired first year soon approaches Hasumi, with a crying Shizuko in tow. "Umm…Hasumi-senpai? Haruna's escaped…and I think she stole something from Shizuko-san…"

Hasumi barely has a moment to process the report before Hantei and Kinben burst into motion, throwing a tarp over the crate and running. "HIEROGLYPHICS! CLEAR THE AREA!"

Questions as to why hieroglyphics matter take a backseat to the logic of 'nobody outranks a bomb technician at a dead sprint'. A safe zone is cleared around the crate, and the apprentices confer with Nother. After showing her a picture of the symbols, she deems the crate 'safe'. The encoded spell was to trap something inside the box, not to punish the box's opener.

Thirty minutes later, the tarp is removed, and crowbars pry off the lid of the crate. Inside, a bound and bruised Kaika is resting gently, cushioned by a treasure trove of Slumpia mascot plushies. Great care was taken to ensure that her head rested on the pillowy gut of a Goz plush, while her zip tied hands ensured that a giant Kuro doll could find no escape from her grasp. Smaller toys acted both as a blanket, and as packing peanuts to prevent the sharp corners of retrieved Tech Notes and boxed Artifacts from harming the imprisoned Kaika.

Everyone sighs in deep relief. "Thank Kivotos. Mission accomplished. Let's go home, everyone."

Kaika and the rest of the injured students are airlifted back to Trinity in Sensei's Huey, with Hina, Shizuko, and Izuna in tow. The rest of the JTF pile back into the armored transports, eager to call it a night. Tsurugi looks over her shoulder, giving the park one last glance.

"Did you have that much fun, Tsurugi?" Hasumi asks her dear friend, with a smile.

Calmly, the President of the Justice Task Force turns to her Second in Command, with a level stare. "...We left the Crusaders in the Park."

The ensuing silence is deafening.

A lone spectral raven flies through the window into Kaika's dorm room. It lands on the table, and deposits an ornate iron key the size of a Bowie knife and a handwritten letter.


After careful consideration, I have chosen to cut out the middle man. If I only trust one half of my colleague, then that colleague isn't the right person for the job. I entrust this piece to the next generation of Truth Seekers. May your dreams and friendships blossom on your Path to the Sublime.


The dawn's light comes, and the specter is so very far from home. The raven finds a comfortable perch, and slowly fades away.
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The nomenclature of a Sensei.

Iolcos: the family name of the greek hero Jason of the Argonauts. I didn't have a family name in mind, so I went with a request from Nihilo. It has incidentally worked out beautifully.

Anna. This common girls' name is originally Hebrew and means "favor" or "grace." More importantly, the name is one syllable off from...

Anata: one of the most common names given to sensei, because people want Arona to call them "darling" like Wakamo does. Hanako will be teasing Iolcos-sensei appropriately.
Aight, since there's no alerts even when I threadmark her posts, time to do the most scuffed fix.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur metus erat, fermentum vitae congue vitae, pellentesque vel nibh. Phasellus at aliquet ex. Curabitur sollicitudin, mauris sit amet dapibus ornare, lectus erat faucibus nulla, sed commodo mauris quam vel purus. Curabitur accumsan metus ut leo posuere venenatis. Phasellus sed ultricies quam. Maecenas velit dolor, eleifend ac porta ut, auctor sed enim. In tincidunt vel quam in vehicula.

Aliquam vulputate metus id erat semper, vitae vestibulum magna tincidunt. Ut rhoncus id lacus sit amet mattis. Fusce a dui eu leo scelerisque semper nec et justo. Vivamus quis tortor eget mauris porta laoreet ac id nisi. Proin dui purus, posuere in lacus aliquet, porta pulvinar mi. Pellentesque sollicitudin posuere aliquet. Praesent auctor, est id euismod aliquet, libero velit sollicitudin mi, sed mattis turpis ligula sed nisi. Vestibulum vestibulum nisl at egestas molestie. Cras sit amet mauris a justo finibus commodo. Cras sit amet libero cursus, ultrices ex eu, efficitur lectus. Phasellus sed erat ut turpis facilisis ultricies. Morbi interdum velit sed enim laoreet dignissim. Aenean ullamcorper augue eget sem pretium cursus. Donec accumsan mi lectus, vel rutrum magna ultrices ac. Ut blandit ac sapien sit amet accumsan.

Donec eu est sagittis, imperdiet tortor non, mattis lectus. Proin dignissim, nisl ac pulvinar placerat, ipsum enim sollicitudin nisl, eget gravida ipsum velit faucibus mauris. Nunc lobortis nec dui sit amet ornare. Mauris non accumsan felis. Pellentesque imperdiet tempus mauris, viverra placerat nisi elementum vitae. Nulla semper lobortis nulla in dapibus. Donec tempus mattis nibh, at elementum eros lacinia non. Curabitur sed ullamcorper massa, id faucibus lorem. Proin non felis rutrum, aliquam nisi at, tempus elit. Nulla diam tortor, iaculis ac urna et, mattis interdum nunc. Curabitur fringilla risus a neque elementum porta. Ut ullamcorper lorem quis est luctus, vel venenatis orci hendrerit.

Donec blandit lorem at tellus condimentum ornare. Nam a ultrices nisl. Ut non mollis purus, ac sollicitudin felis. Cras quis nisl in diam tincidunt ornare. Nunc mi elit, sagittis sed nulla vel, sodales blandit sapien. Nam fringilla dolor velit, eu molestie leo pharetra non. Nunc aliquam sagittis metus, tempor maximus ipsum auctor in. Curabitur enim quam, pulvinar ut ornare et, pretium quis diam. Vivamus fringilla neque eget malesuada mollis. Integer vitae ligula sem. Nam gravida eu neque et bibendum. Sed at tellus elementum, pharetra massa vel, tempus justo. Integer quis tincidunt est. Aenean ultrices, nibh sit amet vehicula accumsan, tellus nunc cursus arcu, eu cursus arcu arcu eu nisl. Vestibulum vel tincidunt urna.

Donec suscipit diam et metus tempor, id aliquet lorem ultrices. Vivamus sapien justo, malesuada sed nunc tincidunt, venenatis semper enim. Quisque tellus eros, vehicula ac dui eu, consequat bibendum urna. Sed posuere tortor eget purus faucibus, vel facilisis enim viverra. Donec nec fringilla ante, eget luctus mi. Proin quis elementum neque. Praesent iaculis, metus ut iaculis tincidunt, arcu ex venenatis risus, id mollis massa risus at enim. Praesent dolor risus, cursus non urna eget, ultrices semper lectus. Aenean eget faucibus magna, a lobortis mauris. Donec quis malesuada ante. Nulla non sollicitudin risus. Curabitur a posuere odio, nec euismod massa. Nullam viverra, nibh sit amet pharetra egestas, enim sem efficitur est, ac posuere ex libero nec quam. Pellentesque sed ligula pharetra, iaculis enim vitae, consequat metus. Aliquam sodales maximus viverra. Praesent id tempor sapien.
That was a fun chapter. Thanks Nihilo for the alert.
I imagine the park could become a recurring attraction for kivotos again.
They have to retrieve the tanks if nothing else. There's also how the thefts will continue and thus draw a steady stream of people to retrieve the goods.

Nevermind what happens if Kaika decides to be a sneaky little shit and use Paimon and a dozen puppet accounts to spread the idea of the park being a fun time for anyone who wants to fight something other than students.
Based and Emiyapilled.
Good stuff, looking forward to future chapters.
Aight, since there's no alerts even when I threadmark her posts, time to do the most scuffed fix.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur metus erat, fermentum vitae congue vitae, pellentesque vel nibh. Phasellus at aliquet ex. Curabitur sollicitudin, mauris sit amet dapibus ornare, lectus erat faucibus nulla, sed commodo mauris quam vel purus. Curabitur accumsan metus ut leo posuere venenatis. Phasellus sed ultricies quam. Maecenas velit dolor, eleifend ac porta ut, auctor sed enim. In tincidunt vel quam in vehicula.

Aliquam vulputate metus id erat semper, vitae vestibulum magna tincidunt. Ut rhoncus id lacus sit amet mattis. Fusce a dui eu leo scelerisque semper nec et justo. Vivamus quis tortor eget mauris porta laoreet ac id nisi. Proin dui purus, posuere in lacus aliquet, porta pulvinar mi. Pellentesque sollicitudin posuere aliquet. Praesent auctor, est id euismod aliquet, libero velit sollicitudin mi, sed mattis turpis ligula sed nisi. Vestibulum vestibulum nisl at egestas molestie. Cras sit amet mauris a justo finibus commodo. Cras sit amet libero cursus, ultrices ex eu, efficitur lectus. Phasellus sed erat ut turpis facilisis ultricies. Morbi interdum velit sed enim laoreet dignissim. Aenean ullamcorper augue eget sem pretium cursus. Donec accumsan mi lectus, vel rutrum magna ultrices ac. Ut blandit ac sapien sit amet accumsan.

Donec eu est sagittis, imperdiet tortor non, mattis lectus. Proin dignissim, nisl ac pulvinar placerat, ipsum enim sollicitudin nisl, eget gravida ipsum velit faucibus mauris. Nunc lobortis nec dui sit amet ornare. Mauris non accumsan felis. Pellentesque imperdiet tempus mauris, viverra placerat nisi elementum vitae. Nulla semper lobortis nulla in dapibus. Donec tempus mattis nibh, at elementum eros lacinia non. Curabitur sed ullamcorper massa, id faucibus lorem. Proin non felis rutrum, aliquam nisi at, tempus elit. Nulla diam tortor, iaculis ac urna et, mattis interdum nunc. Curabitur fringilla risus a neque elementum porta. Ut ullamcorper lorem quis est luctus, vel venenatis orci hendrerit.

Donec blandit lorem at tellus condimentum ornare. Nam a ultrices nisl. Ut non mollis purus, ac sollicitudin felis. Cras quis nisl in diam tincidunt ornare. Nunc mi elit, sagittis sed nulla vel, sodales blandit sapien. Nam fringilla dolor velit, eu molestie leo pharetra non. Nunc aliquam sagittis metus, tempor maximus ipsum auctor in. Curabitur enim quam, pulvinar ut ornare et, pretium quis diam. Vivamus fringilla neque eget malesuada mollis. Integer vitae ligula sem. Nam gravida eu neque et bibendum. Sed at tellus elementum, pharetra massa vel, tempus justo. Integer quis tincidunt est. Aenean ultrices, nibh sit amet vehicula accumsan, tellus nunc cursus arcu, eu cursus arcu arcu eu nisl. Vestibulum vel tincidunt urna.

Donec suscipit diam et metus tempor, id aliquet lorem ultrices. Vivamus sapien justo, malesuada sed nunc tincidunt, venenatis semper enim. Quisque tellus eros, vehicula ac dui eu, consequat bibendum urna. Sed posuere tortor eget purus faucibus, vel facilisis enim viverra. Donec nec fringilla ante, eget luctus mi. Proin quis elementum neque. Praesent iaculis, metus ut iaculis tincidunt, arcu ex venenatis risus, id mollis massa risus at enim. Praesent dolor risus, cursus non urna eget, ultrices semper lectus. Aenean eget faucibus magna, a lobortis mauris. Donec quis malesuada ante. Nulla non sollicitudin risus. Curabitur a posuere odio, nec euismod massa. Nullam viverra, nibh sit amet pharetra egestas, enim sem efficitur est, ac posuere ex libero nec quam. Pellentesque sed ligula pharetra, iaculis enim vitae, consequat metus. Aliquam sodales maximus viverra. Praesent id tempor sapien.

....What black magic is this? i'm confused
"I will admit, I am surprised that Sensei is bringing this much force," Maestro hums. "Your friends were expected, of course. But full mobilization…Hina and Haruna…"
It's Sensei. Any real Sensei will move mountains for any of their students.
"Oh my." Kaika breathes out, glad for how her mask covers her blushing face. She's seen footage of the Queen dismantling an entire castle and all its undead inhabitants (and gotten a short-lived crush from it), but the most terrifying woman in the Clocktower has nothing on the veritable orchestra of brutality taking place. She had an impression, from her hazy memories, but she's definitely feeling hot under the collar watching her go to town.
She is so down bad.
"Did you never play with white phosphorus as a child? Oh, the pranks we would play…"

Only you, Kivotos. Only you.
"Just hope you don't get as popular with the ladies as him." Granted, it didn't help that the man had two lovers, so most bachelorettes (and some bachelors) thought they had a chance.
lmao UBW Good Ending canon in her timeline
After careful consideration, I have chosen to cut out the middle man. If I only trust one half of my colleague, then that colleague isn't the right person for the job. I entrust this piece to the next generation of Truth Seekers. May your dreams and friendships blossom on your Path to the Sublime.
Oh damn, she's becoming a real Gematria-lite.
Aight, since there's no alerts even when I threadmark her posts, time to do the most scuffed fix.
Yeah QQ can be weird like that, unfortunately. They just have limited resources... we really need a subscription a la SB and SV, but that's a bit of chicken-and-egg as we have limited resources to begin with...
"I mean, yes, but do you have to go and say it like that?"

That's actually canon. We see toddlers throwing white phosphorus into a kiln during a Shun scene.

lmao UBW Good Ending canon in her timeline
"Crazy bastard. Love the enthusiasm and what he's doing, but crazy bastard. Then again, the fact stray fairies kept blocking Sultore and Paimon from getting a proper read on him says everything."

Oh damn, she's becoming a real Gematria-lite.
"I object to that. While I may be a seeker of truth, I have a sense of morals and ethics. I will freely admit I get over enthusiastic and make people uncomfortable, but still!"

Yeah QQ can be weird like that, unfortunately. They just have limited resources... we really need a subscription a la SB and SV, but that's a bit of chicken-and-egg as we have limited resources to begin with...
"Alas, not everyone can just throw a daemonic VI at their software problems."
The customer is very important, the customer will be followed by the customer. I was afraid of the classroom. Boats and trucks from Curabitur sollicitudin, it is good to decorate the protein, the bed was no taste, but it is more convenient than the pure. Curabitur accumsan fear as a time to put poison. But the boat is more than that. Maecenas wants pain, eleifend and porta as, but for the author. In keyboards or in vehicles.

That was always the fear of a certain vulputate, a great opportunity for life. As for CNN, that lake is a lot of real estate. The chocolate is always nec and just. Vivamus quis tortor eget mauris porta laoreet and that if not. For God's sake, put it in the lake, my pillow, the gate. Children are concerned about placing trucks. It's the author, it's that Euismod aliquet, he wants to free my care, but it's ugly, but if not. The vestibule vestibulum nisle at the need of the employee. Tomorrow may be a good time from just the ends. Tomorrow is free running, basketball is made of football, the bed is made. But the ship was like a turpius with easy ultrices. Morbi sometimes wants but in fact laoreet dignissim. Aenean ullamcorper needs to promote the price of the course. Until the layer of my bed, or the makeup of the great basketball and To be flattering and wise is a great layer.

Until the football is shot, the investment is not a tortor, the real estate bed. In fact, he invests in football and volleyball, because the players who care about him need to have a good taste. Now it's not a bad idea to decorate the card. Not a smartphone layer. Children's investment is a good time, cartoon investment is only an element of life. There is always no policy on the protein. Until the time of the real estate, but not the element of eros lacinia. Curabitur sed ullamcorper massa, id fauces lorem. I don't start a recipe, except for some time. There is no backyard tortor, targets and urn and, sometimes real estate now. Curabitur fringilla's smile is not a gate element. As a corporal lorem, who is mourning, or a venerated medical hendrerit?

Until it flatters the earth to decorate the sauce. For basketball players. So that it is not soft pure, and it triggers anxiety. Tomorrow, who will be playing in the yard of the tincidunt? Now my company, with arrows but no or, flatters the members of the sage. In fact, he wants pain, but he does not. Now there is some fear of arrows, the most important factor in the time. For I spoke how much, the pillow to decorate and, the price of which diam. We live in harmony, and we don't need to be soft. A whole life's worth. For pregnant women should not even drink. But the element of earth, the mass of the quiver, or the time itself. Who is the developer? Aenean ultrices, nibh sit amet vehicula accumsan, tellus now cursus arcu, eu cursus arcu arcu eu nisl. The vestibule or tincidunt urn.

Until it takes time and fear, that's what the truck is doing. I live justly, but now I'm afraid, because it's always a curse. Every country has an earth, a vehicle, and a football, and a drinking-pot. But he needs to put a microphone on the throat, or for the easy ones to draw. Until I was not able to do it before, I needed my grief. Neither element nor element. It's a target, fear as a target, an arc of venomous laughter, that soft mass of laughter. It is a pain of laughter, the course does not need an urn, basketball is always a bed. Aenean needs a great taste, a lobortis mauris. Until someone expected before. There is no unconcerned smile. Curabitur a putuere hate, nor euismod massa. There is no need to draw, let it be a quiver, because it is done, and it is not possible to set it free. Children are but little quivers, for the arrows of life, fear of consequence. Some of the biggest cartoon members. It's time wise.

Just for the lols i ran Nihilo's text through google translate and i got paragraphs of ice cream koans, its hilarious.

Today's contribution to the discourse.
"You didn't need to trick me and my friends into this, you know? I could've simply sent them a message about a fieldtrip to get some hands-on experience with mimesises."
Ah Maestro was the one that made the situation seem worse than it was? Somehow.
I wonder what they did. Did they appear in dream like state to Sensei or left a message of their own?

From Kaika's letter being the only indication of her location, I didn't think that alone was enough to blow the situation up like it did.

Soon, the door to the artists' cabin opens, allowing Nother and Sensei aboard. With a bow and a flourish, Maestro directs the pair to take his bench, moving to sit next to Kaika. "Greetings, Sensei! I'm glad that you could make it to my performance tonight! And on such short notice, too!"
Unlike everyone else Sensei seems to have found a direct path to the heart of the matter.
Arona probably helped figure out a place to look huh?

"Thank you, but I'll pass," Sensei answers in a level tone, her eyes soaking in every detail around her as she takes her seat. "Maestro, was it? Your video message certainly left an impression."
Oh? So that's why it isn't just Trinity. It turned into a SCHALE matter.

"So. You're aware of what happened to Hoshino-chan. And you still trust this man?" Sensei's tone is questioning, and lacks harshness.
Didn't think she'd hear about it.
More so because I didn't think Maestro would talk about that, off screen to boot too.

"We do our best with the information that we have. Your friends think that they're here to rescue you." Steel enters Sensei's eyes for a moment. "Should you really be making them participate in an experiment like this? Is this how their trust is to be rewarded?"
Prepared for correction and a scolding.
Kaika thankfully isn't immature enough to avoid trying to fix things.

Sensei sighs and smiles. "Well, it looks like you have this well in hand. I was ready to just run off with you in a princess carry and work out the rest later if I had to."
Ready to be hero themselves if needed be, walking all alone.
Like with the Black Suit meeting.

The ferris wheel comes to a stop, allowing all present in the cabin to depart at their leisure.
For some reason all this time I didn't realize they were on a ferris wheel. I thought them at a central feature attraction.

"I did not answer their messages out of indecision, either, so I will furthermore need to come up with an excuse for why that was the case despite my phone's helper."
Explains why the friend were so worried. Here I thought they jumped to conclusions without reaching out.
They did from worry yet received nothing.

Haruna, meanwhile…is engrossed with catching the food from the destroyed cart before it could hit the pavement. Any semblance of dignity or class that the demon might have had fades away as Haruna stuffs her mouth and pockets with taiyaki.
Can't let it go to waste huh?

"H-hello? First year Koharu reporting from Tsurugi's group! We've finally exhausted the enemy's reinforcements! Moving on to the next objective!"
Koharu is here too! Neat!

Then, just as abruptly as they came, the playing cards gently fly away. The light on the ground fades, and the darkness around them lifts. Hantei blinks. She's outside of the park entrance again. As she looks around, she sees that she's far from alone. Hina and the rest of her Squad… Hasumi's team…Tsurugi's group… Even Sensei is back outside, leaning against the fence with a dazed look on her face
A great reset.
At least no one needs to walk back out.
Though they won't get to finish their beatings tonight.

Everyone sighs in deep relief. "Thank Kivotos. Mission accomplished. Let's go home, everyone."
And unless they did so off screen.
I imagine no one but Izuna or Haruna were in any mood to take home a Souvenir

Calmly, the President of the Justice Task Force turns to her Second in Command, with a level stare. "...We left the Crusaders in the Park."

The ensuing silence is deafening.
Either they'll come back for it later or something will happen to them.
If they're left alone long enough... I guess Hifumi will have a place to flich a summer vacation tank instead of the JTF parking lot.

Tsurugi is very diligent.
More so because I didn't think Maestro would talk about that, off screen to boot too.
I seem to recall the decision was made to not show it twice onscreen, since it was already explained in the tank scene. That said, Maestro has consistently made a point of telling Kaika to be wary of Gematria.

Kaika thankfully isn't immature enough to avoid trying to fix things.
Yeah, after seeing how magi can get, she makes a strong point of always admitting when she's fucked up and trying to make amends. Of course, this is a conscious effort instead of a natural tendency, so results vary.

Ready to be hero themselves if needed be, walking all alone.
Just wait until Chapter 10. Kaika is going to do a funny about it.

Explains why the friend were so worried. Here I thought they jumped to conclusions without reaching out.
They did from worry yet received nothing.
Y e p. Kaika may be a magus and really capable of pushing through once she has a goal and an action plan in mind. But when caught on the spot she is very much fallible.

Can't let it go to waste huh?
Food is serious business.

And unless they did so off screen.
I imagine no one but Izuna or Haruna were in any mood to take home a Souvenir
They did take the crate and its contents with. Mainly because it is an item of interest and there was no point dumping out the contents while at it.

Either they'll come back for it later or something will happen to them.
If they're left alone long enough... I guess Hifumi will have a place to flich a summer vacation tank instead of the JTF parking lot.

Tsurugi is very diligent.
There will be a mission to recover them soon enough.

And yes, from what Queen tells me, Tsurugi is surprisingly a WIS build.
I seem to recall the decision was made to not show it twice onscreen, since it was already explained in the tank scene. That said, Maestro has consistently made a point of telling Kaika to be wary of Gematria.
I'm big more of a fan of making things clear the chapter of or at least a few right after.

At least Maestro elaborated beyond the warning, though it wasn't seen or casually mentioned.

Yeah, after seeing how magi can get, she makes a strong point of always admitting when she's fucked up and trying to make amends. Of course, this is a conscious effort instead of a natural tendency, so results vary
I can imagine her coming off as a brat and unapologetic to people she doesn't consider being cordial towards.

Just wait until Chapter 10. Kaika is going to do a funny about it.

They did take the crate and its contents with. Mainly because it is an item of interest and there was no point dumping out the contents while at it.
The splitting of loot and prizes will probably be at Sensei's discretion after it's checked for shenanigans I'd assume. Ha.
The plushies are both rare collectables, and things that only a small handful of the students present would actually want.

This means that many students will be commissioning Hifumi to find buyers for the plushies. Her collecting habits are well known, while her sources aren't.
The plushies are both rare collectables, and things that only a small handful of the students present would actually want.

This means that many students will be commissioning Hifumi to find buyers for the plushies. Her collecting habits are well known, while her sources aren't.
Faust working the black market!
I can imagine her coming off as a brat and unapologetic to people she doesn't consider being cordial towards.
Yea. Although it takes a fair bit of work to get there. Rn pretty much only non-Maestro Gematria members are in that category.

Nagisa is going to fucking speedrun a place in that list, tho. Not because she tricks Kaika into the Make Up Work club, but because she's sabotaging the education of several students and basically threatening to make them homeless.
Yea. Although it takes a fair bit of work to get there. Rn pretty much only non-Maestro Gematria members are in that category.

Nagisa is going to fucking speedrun a place in that list, tho. Not because she tricks Kaika into the Make Up Work club, but because she's sabotaging the education of several students and basically threatening to make them homeless.
And this Slumpia incident is probably going to be Nagisa's justification to drag Kaika down I bet.

I wonder if Kaika will have a small dip in her grades too because of something like how Hifumi did because she spent her time on Peroro instead of exams.

Also this little arc reminded me of a JTF Mob comic I saw before.
Though what happened here was less serious.
And this Slumpia incident is probably going to be Nagisa's justification to drag Kaika down I bet.
If she has ANY sense at all and bothers listening to intel, she'll know she can get Kaika in the Make Up Work club as a tutor just by putting up a request. Of course, this would get foiled by Kaika insisting on reading EVERYTHING about the contract and thus finding some serious dealbreakers. But she doesn't know about magi being paranoid about contracts.

I wonder if Kaika will have a small dip in her grades too because of something like how Hifumi did because she spent her time on Peroro instead of exams.
Nah, she's fine.

Partly because she's the sort of unfair bastard who just reads through the notes the day before the exam and gets a 7-8 out of ten without breaking a sweat. Partly because she's holding weekly review sessions with the Roly Poly gang, on top of extra sessions when an exam is coming up or whenever one of the girls approaches her with questions (assuming it can't be handled with some texts or a quick videocall).
If she has ANY sense at all and bothers listening to intel, she'll know she can get Kaika in the Make Up Work club as a tutor just by putting up a request. Of course, this would get foiled by Kaika insisting on reading EVERYTHING about the contract and thus finding some serious dealbreakers. But she doesn't know about magi being paranoid about contracts.
Oh? I see at least by involving Kaika she looks like she's making a "genuine effort" for the club at least.
Even if she can't justify putting Kaika at expulsion risk like the others.

Hm. At least you make it sound like Nagisa wouldn't hide expulsion of the failures part to her.
Or would she?
What would happen to those who fail wouldn't need to be part of the contract as it wouldn't apply to her.

Only Sensei and Hifumi knew the stakes at the start... so I can see Nagisa hiding details.

I'd imagine learning the risks midway through the cram sessions would make Kaika even more mad than if she knew from the start. Hahaha.
Oh? I see at least by involving Kaika she looks like she's making a "genuine effort" for the club at least.
Even if she can't justify putting Kaika at expulsion risk like the others.

Hm. At least you make it sound like Nagisa wouldn't hide expulsion of the failures part to her.
Or would she?
What would happen to those who fail wouldn't need to be part of the contract as it wouldn't apply to her.

Only Sensei and Hifumi knew the stakes at the start... so I can see Nagisa hiding details.

I'd imagine learning the risks midway through the cram sessions would make Kaika even more mad than if she knew from the start. Hahaha.
Oh, I wrote that under the assumption that she suspects Kaika too and therefore has to put the expulsion thing in her contract somewhere to be able to kick her out if needed.

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