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[X] Meet up with AllSeeingEye for lunch

[X] Study extra for the GED
[X] Meet up with AllSeeingEye for lunch

[X] Study extra for the GED
[X] Meet up with AllSeeingEye for lunch
[X] Other (Write-in)
-[X] Train using all your different projections
You are Taylor Hebert, sixteen-year-old high school student at Winslow High in Brockton Bay.
Actually, still fifteen for the locker. Turns sixteen on either June Twelfth (Monarch 16.7) or June Nineteenth (Scarab 25.1). Canon is a bit weird there. Though given her issue of keeping track of the date, I'll assume her dad knows her actual birth date rather than the date she gave during an interrogation, so it should be June Twelfth.
She's absurdly fast, has high priority, and has huge hitboxes.
I think you mean small hitboxes, because having big ones isn't a positive. Unless you mean the hitbox for the attacking frame rather than hitbox in general. Having a big one for the latter is terrible.
Warez is a great name! We produce pirated copies of stuff! Sadly, unlike IRL warez, they're technically inferior to the original product, rather than almost always being as good as the original or better.
Came across some videos on youtube from Rerez, pirated games during PS1, PS2 and Dreamcast's generation were actually terrible compared to the original because of the compression required to fit the game on a dvd and sometimes even left assets like music out.
"Ugh, a fanboy," Vista mutters.
Not aware of Taylor being a girl? I don't think the power armor does much for disguising voiced since it wasn't mentioned. That or it is some level of distinction between the two that doesn't include gender?
"Good luck with that. Tinkertech needs to be maintained frequently, and Uber and Leet are already planning on how they're going to reuse it next."
Thought there would be some mention of Leet being unable to actually maintain it. Playing nice?
"Aww, you're not a Tinker, then?" He pouts. "I wasn't expecting you to be, but I was still hopeful, you know? Three other tinkers around and two are villains and the last never has time for me."

"Is it really that big a deal?" Vista buts in. This close, you can make out the forest-green and white color of her costume. Even if you hadn't recognized that, there's only two girls on the Wards, and this very clearly isn't Shadow Stalker.

"It really is. I can barely figure anything out without someone to bounce my ideas off of who understands what I'm talking about."
Technically, she could figure out his specialty with her Structural Analysis if she realizes parts from one of his gear can be swapped to one of his other equipment. Speaking of which, spending all that time with them and nothing of Kid Win's gear got copied? Power armor (Drone 23.5 states he created and maintains Gallant's power armor, so it'd be weird if he didn't have his own power armor), laser pistols or the hoverboard?

Next Day's Day Plan (Two votes, up to two more if you cannibalize morning study or evening patrol):
[ ] Go to school
>Haha, no.
[ ] Study extra for the GED
>Really need to get this over with so we can actually be active outside during school hours. But eh.
[ ] Continue playing games planning with Uber and Leet
>Honestly not sure how to plan dungeons for Uber to run through. Though I'm guessing Taylor would have a similar role to what Leet did for the Metroid run (though that would be pretty boring) until she gets screen time unless things are vastly different than the typical Zelda game. Though I wonder how something based on the seven year absence in Ocarina of Time would turn out.
>Anyways, not sure how she could actually contribute without actually revealing her powers.
[ ] Get more gear for your power
-[ ] How?
>Museum run? Try to get a tour of the Protectorate or PRT Base? Miraculously be there for a cape fight or the aftermath of one (directly after but before the PRT troopers arrive)?
[ ] Meet up with AllSeeingEye for lunch
IIRC, she is kind of under Coil's supervision now. More-so than when the Undersiders were actually a group. Probably not a good idea right now. Maybe later.

[X] Other (Write-in)
-[X] Experiment with magic. You have Structural Analysis that lets you see the blueprints of how something currently is, can you see how it was? Why does works better on certain things. Is it the size? Because of what the object in question could be used for? A concept? Or is it a feature like sharpness, durability, hardness or whatnot?
[X] Other (Write-in)
-[X] Experiment with magic. You can make things do things they normally do even better with Reinforcement along with a heaping of durability. What about changing/reshaping the object or making them do things they normally can't, adding to the object? Would the finished product get recorded like your other items?
[X] Other (Write-in) (Drop Evening Patrol)
-[X] Experiment with magic. Practice using Reinforcement (with the help of Structural Analysis) on stuff you don't mind breaking. Try to find some kind of indication of what the limit is before things starts to break. Also try experimenting with it on meat and plants... and spices. You know, consumables in the kitchen when you are making something to eat(It's not because you are hungry or anything, just curious if you can make food taste better and stuff). And maybe even... ugh... bugs. Might need some roach hotels or fly traps for that. At least they will be trapped when you do it. Unless they manage to break out because of said experimentation, not sure on how to feel about that, but at least it won't last long. Or it shouldn't.
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[X] Meet up with AllSeeingEye for lunch

[X] Study extra for the GED
Lotta stuff to cover here. I'd put relevant quotes before each thing, but I'm lazy and on mobile right now. It's all answered in order, at least.

Thanks for the correction, I'll update that shortly. Gonna hafta keep the date in mind if we ever manage to make it to June.

Large hitboxes on the attacks, yeah. Is there better terminology I should have used? I'm not a tourney Smasher, but I did try to do the research. Verisimilitude is important for avoiding violating suspension of disbelief. Will add a word or two to make that more clear.

PSX/DC games may well have been worse at the time as warez. But now, they emulate flawlessly and have the added feature of turbo. PC Warez removes DRM, allowing things not otherwise possible like playing online. Emulation of current systems remains difficult, but warez tends to be as good or better than the original.

Vista didn't watch The U&L video and doesn't know that Samus Is A Girl. Kid Win both watched it and is enough of a gamer besides to recognize the character. Voice? It's perfectly reasonable for somebody to get mistaken for the wrong gender over the phone -- it happens to me all the time. And when in doubt over gender in English, using male is correct, as there's no commonly agreed upon set of pronouns for 'gendered but we don't know which one'. In this case, Vista was just mistaken due to the masculine look of the armor, and can be presumed to have been corrected later that night. It was just a reasonable mistake to make. Authorial intent on using fanboy instead of fangirl there was to indicate Vista making that mistake.

General fanon seems to Uber uses his mad skills to help with maintenance. It's important for them to treat things nice, because they'll never get to play with their toys again once they break. If they can keep things functional for even one more video, that's an important success for them.

Did I forget to indicate that you got Kid Win's gear? Shoot, meant to put that in. Copying the hoverboard was, I think, clear enough (though I haven't updated the gear list yet, whoops), but I'll be explicit: all of Kid Win's standard patrol gear has been scanned. It's just irrelevant, since you have better, cheaper weapons and armor by using the Varia Suit (why do I keep calling it that, it's technically the Gravity Suit?), and you have better expensive gear by using Halbeard's stuff. Anyone who wants a piece of Kid Win gear recorded because they think it'll be useful and want it for the record: PLEASE POST THAT. Otherwise, I'll put down the hoverboard and nothing else. Taylor could, in theory, figure out the modularity specialty, but she's only got a high school understanding of physics, and would need to spend time messing around with the gear to figure that out. Without a better understanding of all that circuitry, it's tough to understand what it all means unless you spend a bunch of time going over the model. It's possible, though. Go ahead and vote for that sometime.

The dialogue I've been doing in the gaming scenes is basically a partial transcription of my thoughts on the plans for next chapter. Dungeons would require Taylor to not be on the planning or construction team, or to have a fresh player for them. The possibility with the most weight to it right now is something like Hyrule Warriors, only with three teams. However, with that game not being invented for another five years or so in setting, that's not an obvious idea. Getting games from Aleph or whatever, this is still before Skyward Sword. More irregular games in the franchise at the point included Majora's Mask and Adventures of Link, which aren't as different in premise and gameplay as something like Hyrule Warriors. You should totally start revealing your powers to people, by the way. Stealth advantage? Why do that when you could reenact video games via IRL hammerspace?

I like plan 'disregard patrol, acquire magic practice'. Everyone should totally vote for this, except also with a lunch break for Tt. Can't go wrong adding her to a story, right?
Large hitboxes on the attacks, yeah. Is there better terminology I should have used? I'm not a tourney Smasher, but I did try to do the research. Verisimilitude is important for avoiding violating suspension of disbelief. Will add a word or two to make that more clear.
Other than specifying the hitboxes apply to the attacks, not really.
PSX/DC games may well have been worse at the time as warez. But now, they emulate flawlessly and have the added feature of turbo.
That is less a feature of warez and more a feature of modding. Which Taylor can totally do once she gets Alteration and is willing to spend prana on as much Reinforcement as she can cram in.

PC Warez removes DRM, allowing things not otherwise possible like playing online. Emulation of current systems remains difficult, but warez tends to be as good or better than the original.
Huh, I thought wares removing DRM made multiplayer impossible because of the servers checking to see if your copy of the game having that specific line of code. Though, if the games are hosted locally or you are playing on unofficial servers, it normally isn't an issue.
Did I forget to indicate that you got Kid Win's gear? Shoot, meant to put that in. Copying the hoverboard was, I think, clear enough (though I haven't updated the gear list yet, whoops), but I'll be explicit: all of Kid Win's standard patrol gear has been scanned. It's just irrelevant, since you have better, cheaper weapons and armor by using the Varia Suit (why do I keep calling it that, it's technically the Gravity Suit?), and you have better expensive gear by using Halbeard's stuff.
Didn't really expect that the Gravity Suit would have been that cheap. My thoughts were that Kid Win's stuff would be cheaper to make, but because the Plug & Play nature of his equipment would have making a specific load out cheap for a certain scenario. You know, after figuring it out.

That and having an option other than stun would be nice. Can Taylor even summon just the arm cannon by itself? And is that actually cheaper than just a laser pistol?
Anyone who wants a piece of Kid Win gear recorded because they think it'll be useful and want it for the record: PLEASE POST THAT. Otherwise, I'll put down the hoverboard and nothing else. Taylor could, in theory, figure out the modularity specialty, but she's only got a high school understanding of physics, and would need to spend time messing around with the gear to figure that out. Without a better understanding of all that circuitry, it's tough to understand what it all means unless you spend a bunch of time going over the model. It's possible, though. Go ahead and vote for that sometime.
I want it recorded! One of my idea was that if you took an offensive piece and plugged it into the armor, the armor would have a resistance instead. Or do things like plugging in the hover modules into the armor so you don't have a glaring weakness that could be targeted.

Plus I eventually want Taylor to use Alteration or something to other existing equipment sets that combines features of other stuff, and that would be easier to do if all the significant stuff is all in one place and easier to keep track of.
I like plan 'disregard patrol, acquire magic practice'. Everyone should totally vote for this, except also with a lunch break for Tt. Can't go wrong adding her to a story, right?
Depends on how fast you want to get involved with Coil. Then again, there is the risk of not getting the event again. I'm not really against the lunch break. Not sure which I would drop; first plans intent is to figure out what her powers lean towards in character and hopefully general improvements, second one to get alteration and third is work towards body reinforcement among other things.

Should I specify where to practice for SA and Alteration like I did for Reinforcement? I think we could cram in the SA practice with lunch with Tattletale along with getting more gear if it was at the mall or something. Though I would expect some reduced gains from doing that.

Speaking of patrols, I was kind of disappointed that it started and finished in the same update. Was kind of hoping we could use the upgrade tracking thing... And on upgrades, could we use a copy of Kid Win's laser pistol to remove the stun only restriction on the arm cannon or add whatever it is the pistol does?
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Didn't really expect that the Gravity Suit would have been that cheap. My thoughts were that Kid Win's stuff would be cheaper to make, but because the Plug & Play nature of his equipment would have making a specific load out cheap for a certain scenario. You know, after figuring it out.

That and having an option other than stun would be nice. Can Taylor even summon just the arm cannon by itself? And is that actually cheaper than just a laser pistol?

Power Suit is cheap relative to what you get out of it, not in absolute terms. It's still an NP, and as such absurdly costly, but your experiences with it uniquely lower the cost to the point where you're unlikely to find better armor for less prana. Total suit energy is something like 1900 (14 normal tanks, the base 100 HP, and 4 reserve tanks), it basically no-sells attacks until it runs out of energy, and you can easily resupply it. It's no conceptually unbreakable defense like Rho Aias, but it's still some damned good armor, and you're summoning it for less than someone else would due to being involved in its myth.

Speaking of Rho Aias, that's a prime example of being able to summon only part of something, even an NP. You can make the arm cannon alone, and it's about as expensive as one of Kid Win's awesome raypunk pistols (and the arm cannon would be significantly better, if you get Stun removed and add in Plasma and Wave beam, cuz penetrating shots that phase through walls is nuts).

I want it recorded! One of my idea was that if you took an offensive piece and plugged it into the armor, the armor would have a resistance instead. Or do things like plugging in the hover modules into the armor so you don't have a glaring weakness that could be targeted.

Plus I eventually want Taylor to use Alteration or something to other existing equipment sets that combines features of other stuff, and that would be easier to do if all the significant stuff is all in one place and easier to keep track of.

In the long run, this is possible. In the short term? You're not a tinker. You may have the complete history of any piece of gear you've scanned and its schematics, but that doesn't mean you understand it/know how it works. Go learn more physics if you want to be able to make fundamental changes like that. Until then, Alterations to tinkertoys are going to be like shotgun debugging -- sure, you might make things better, but without understanding what you're trying to change, odds are you won't. Fortunately, being able to repeatedly summon fresh copies of whatever you're working on means the cost of failure is really cheap. This powerset is a serious boon for working with a tinker.

Should I specify where to practice for SA and Alteration like I did for Reinforcement? I think we could cram in the SA practice with lunch with Tattletale along with getting more gear if it was at the mall or something. Though I would expect some reduced gains from doing that.

The more specific a plan is, the more I try to hew to it. The more general it is, the more it's up to me to assemble that into a coherent update.

Speaking of patrols, I was kind of disappointed that it started and finished in the same update. Was kind of hoping we could use the upgrade tracking thing... And on upgrades, could we use a copy of Kid Win's laser pistol to remove the stun only restriction on the arm cannon or add whatever it is the pistol does?

If I recall correctly, Kid Win's guns are basically kinetic energy projectors, with about the same force as a punch behind them. They're 'stun' in that they simply aren't strong enough to kill someone unless you shoot them a few dozen times once they're already down. The Power Suit is Stun, on the other hand, because Leet basically made it into a plasma taser -- anything hit suffers the equivalent of a localized light sunburn from the delivery mechanism, plus a nasty shock to the central nervous system which wouldn't be fatal on anyone not using a pacemaker or at risk of seizure. I'm not going to state here how to alter the gun mechanism to stop being Stun, but I will note that it could be done via the Alteration trial and error approach eventually (would probably take a while), or pretty easily if you let any tinker take it apart to see how it works.

If people want more patrol, it's likely more patrol will be seen. I didn't really have a clear goal for patrol besides 'random encounter', but now that you know and are on friendly terms with Kid Win and Vista, you'll be able to seek them out for shared patrol in the future and you have a good 'in' for joining the Wards.
In the long run, this is possible. In the short term? You're not a tinker. You may have the complete history of any piece of gear you've scanned and its schematics, but that doesn't mean you understand it/know how it works. Go learn more physics if you want to be able to make fundamental changes like that. Until then, Alterations to tinkertoys are going to be like shotgun debugging -- sure, you might make things better, but without understanding what you're trying to change, odds are you won't. Fortunately, being able to repeatedly summon fresh copies of whatever you're working on means the cost of failure is really cheap. This powerset is a serious boon for working with a tinker.

if we gave leet a perfect copy of schematics from our power, with how to create each part. could he use that to build something better then normal or would his power interfere with that.
if we gave leet a perfect copy of schematics from our power, with how to create each part. could he use that to build something better then normal or would his power interfere with that.

His power would interfere. It's a jerk like that.

Give it to a non-tinker, and they'd simply fail to understand it.

Give it to a tinker who isn't Leet, and they'd probably be able to make it.
Made some changes.

Swapped out the 'Alternation Get!' with planning with U&L and getting more gear from them, moved that to after the morning study so we aren't outdoors much during school hours.
Moved up the SA experimentation to afternoon hours and placed it at the mall there there should be multiple sets of the same times to use the ability on. Plus buying stuff if Taylor IC feels the need or something.
Last one is still the same, which is being at home and experimenting with Reinforcement on dinner, plants and bugs to get started on self reinforcement.

Though I doubt it matters.

(Morning Study)

[X] Continue playing games planning with Uber and Leet
-[X] Admit you have powers, and that it gives you the ability to copy and reproduce things at a cost of some energy that varies depending on what is being reproduced. You are trying to figure what variables makes things take a little longer to copy and and what makes things cost more other that size, complexity and how involved you are in its tale. But basically, if they still have old stuff laying around, you can probably reproduce it so long as it used to work at some point in time since you think you aren't restricted to copies of how they currently are. That should open up some possibilities, right?

[X] Other (Write-in)
-[X] Experiment with magic. Why does Structural Analysis work better on certain things. Is it the size? Because of what the object in question could be used for? A concept? Or is it a feature like sharpness, durability, hardness or whatnot?
--[X] Go to the mall, you can 'window shop' and do comparisons in the kitchenware section among other places with easily weaponize instruments(though you still need to check on stuff that aren't weapons for the comparison thing). You still have some money left over from after getting your phone. so you can also get your wardrobe updated... Maybe just things you could use as a quick disguise(or just anything you think looks good)?

[X] Other (Write-in) (Drop Evening Patrol)
-[X] Experiment with magic. Practice using Reinforcement (with the help of Structural Analysis) on stuff you don't mind breaking. Try to find some kind of indication of what the limit is before things starts to break. Also try experimenting with it on meat and plants... and spices. You know, consumables in the kitchen when you are making something to eat(It's not because you are hungry or anything, just curious if you can make food taste better and stuff). And maybe even... ugh... bugs. Might need some roach hotels or fly traps for that. At least they will be trapped when you do it. Unless they manage to break out because of said experimentation, not sure on how to feel about that, but at least it won't last long. Or it shouldn't.


Just going to call out to everyone in the thread because just five people voting seems kind of wrong to me. Don't know if it was because of a combination of the *cough*year long*cough* three week hiatus or a tendency to vote and forget or if they genuinely dropped the quest, apologies for that, but w/e.
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Just going to call out to everyone in the thread because just five people voting seems kind of wrong to me. Don't know if it was because of a combination of the *cough*year long*cough* three week hiatus or a tendency to vote and forget or if they genuinely dropped the quest, apologies for that, but w/e.
Prolly the hiatus.

In case you were not aware, it is considered extremely rude to mass-tag people.
Huh. This is the first I've heard of that.
In case you were not aware, it is considered extremely rude to mass-tag people.
I always figured it depended on the circumstance. The majority of the people on this thread that I tagged last post were over a year ago. I suppose I should have left out the people that were posting since the updates this year.

Just seeing votes and zero discussion seemed terrible. OR almost, since Minion #Q and myself asked stuff.

Live and learn.
[X] Study extra for the GED
[X] Continue playing games planning with Uber and Leet
[X] Meet up with AllSeeingEye for lunch

[X] Study extra for the GED
[X] Study extra for the GED
[X] Continue playing games planning with Uber and Leet
Eh, I don't think it's rude. Also, I seem to have stopped getting alerts for this thread other than that tag.

[X] Study extra for the GED
[X] Get more gear for your power
-[X] Museum
-[X] Research other feasible locations.
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Here! :D

[X] Study extra for the GED
[X] Continue playing games planning with Uber and Leet
[X] Study extra for the GED
[X] Continue playing games planning with Uber and Leet

I just rarely come to QQ.
[X] Study extra for the GED
[X] Continue playing games planning with Uber and Leet
[X] Study extra for the GED
[X] Continue playing games planning with Uber and Leet
Next Day's Day Plan (Two votes, up to two more if you cannibalize morning study or evening patrol):
[X] Go to school
[ ] Study extra for the GED
[ ] Continue playing games planning with Uber and Leet
[ ] Get more gear for your power
-[ ] How?
[X] Meet up with AllSeeingEye for lunch
[ ] Other (Write-in)
[X] Study extra for the GED
[X] Continue playing games planning with Uber and Leet

I don't mind the tag. its nice to finally see this up again.
Eh, I don't think it's rude. Also, I seem to have stopped getting alerts for this thread other than that tag.

[X] Study extra for the GED
[X] Get more gear for your power
Well, I'm glad I helped you be aware this quest was active again.

Just to note though, I think the 'Get more gear for your power' requires a write-in. A place siflux mentioned himself was a museum somewhere in the thread. I have two write-in for some areas in the mall and another from Leet among other things, if you are interested. Or you can come up with one of your own.

Not going to hound people by tagging and quoting them for my agendas but it would be nice to get some feedback so I could include other ideas or refine my own.
[X] Meet up with AllSeeingEye for lunch
[X] Study extra for the GED
[x] meet up with AllSeeingEye for lunch
[x] Continue playing games with Uber and Leet
- Also let's go with Scope's plan

on copying KidWin's stuff we should, we can see if we can get upgrades from His tech and/or Armmaster's for our Gravity Suit can't hurt right?
► AllSeeingEye
Replied on March 14, 2011:
Samus, if you see this, can you PM me? I wanted to thank you for what you did to the Merchants. They nearly killed me and my friends once. Let me buy you lunch or a beer or something.
Just so you guys are aware. We are going to be meeting Tattletale under false pretenses.
"Rachel's dead," She said. Nothing more.


"Didn't listen. Didn't stay home. Lung baited her with an underground dogfighting ring."
Merchants haven't done anything to them, Lung did.
"I don't know, maybe I'll see if the Protectorate will take me. Not like any of our operations seriously bothered them. Even the casino belonged to the ABB."

"Won't they stop the adoption process if they know you used to be a villain?"

"I'll talk to them about it first, okay? If they don't, I don't know, maybe I'll get a job on the docks or something. If they lie about it, I'll leave the Protectorate afterwards. I just," Brian sighed. "I thought we knew what we were doing. I thought this was safer, was the only way to get enough money fast enough. But the casino job was a good enough haul. If I can keep that and hold a job as myself, that'll probably be enough."

"I might work for Coil next," Lisa offered. "Don't know about Alec, but he'll either leave town or join another team. Probably the former. My guess is he'll try for the Travelers, but they've got something going on where they won't let anyone join them. He couldn't go for two of the three gangs in town even if he wanted to, and he's too sane to be a Nazi. Unfortunately, still too crazy to be a hero."
Bitch is dead, Regent skipped town, Grue is probably in the Protectorate and Tattletale is under a lot more scrutiny from Coil.
"Don't worry, we shouldn't have to fight each other. I'm not planning on committing crime in person when I'll have minions to do it. I was only doing that before because Rachel insisted on it. I've also got personal reasons for wanting to join his group that I don't want to talk about yet. If you do manage to join the Protectorate, can you see about helping me join up eventually? Depending on how Coil does, they might be the best choice to join next."
To be fair, she is plotting his demise. But we don't know if her contacting us is under his orders so he can figure out who's under the suit or what.

What exactly is the plan here? I'm not sure Taylor is comfortable of revealing part of her face just to have lunch since every time she has been out, her face has been totally covered. Which to be honest has only been twice? Three if you count the livestream. And by covered, I mean full body coverage by the Metroid Power Suit. Because she doesn't actually have a costume outside of that. Something I'd prefer to be corrected before initiating a meeting with her. OR anybody in her cape persona outside her power armor.

Not that it would actually help against Tattletale, but this is more for Taylor's benefit of not doing dumb things like meeting up with people through her cape identity but with no actual costume(something I'm trying to correct with my mall vote though it may not be clear). Another thing is that I don't think it would be rude to delay a proposed lunch-date over the internet by a day or two to get our affairs in order. I mean, who actually accepts a random stranger on an internet forums', that you have no idea of the gender, invitation to a meal within the same day it is posted and as soon as the next day? Where is the wariness? Are we trying to emphasis on her loneliness and desire for companionship? Am I seeing consequences of how our votes effect Taylor where there are none?

I am not against meeting Tattletale, but not exactly like this.

Unless this is as just a civilian who signed up to participate in a Uber and Leet's live stream. Though I'm not sure why she would actually want to meet since Taylor didn't do anything with her own powers on the live-stream. The only thing of note would have been the encounter with Lung, where nothing actually happened except for an exchange of words. Still dangerous in that we have plans to keep using that armor and in fact are currently using it. It's basically outing Taylor because there is no deniability.

Speaking of the power suit; siflux, does Taylor also trace the zero suit along with the power suit?
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[X] Study extra for the GED
[X] Continue playing games planning with Uber and Leet

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