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Recent content by Acaila

  1. Acaila

    Amelia, Worm AU [Complete]

    Am I the only one who caught this?
  2. Acaila

    Terrible Father Quest (Evangelion)

    Risking tapping that, or wait for your wife? [X] Hold out. Gendo x Unit 1 OTP [X] Admit that you have the Children under surveillance, but you had received no reports of the pilots having relations. -[X] And you still haven't. This image appears to have been photoshopped. Someone has been...
  3. Acaila

    Panacea Quest

    [X] You feel Scion's fingers around Victoria's throat. He hasn't sent his blasts from them. You could part your suit. It can't possibly work, taking control of his biology. That might be a much worse idea than wrapping Victoria around you as a shield. Go big or go home!
  4. Acaila

    Panacea Quest

    [X] "I would not love you half as much, if you did not love honor more." You bow to Victoria. "Try to save the world." -[X] Screw stale bows and quotes, this action instead: You kiss Victoria, hard. "Don't die, save the world, and kick ass doing it." I'm not participating in this quest to...
  5. Acaila

    Panacea Quest

    [X] DeAnno Get Tohu!Eidolon to copy Emma and we basically win, I think. If capes need to be alive for Tohu!Eidolon to copy them, just freeze her cryogenically or something. She's totally crazy and we can't have a crazy person controlling the fate of all Earths everywhere. If she wasn't crazy...
  6. Acaila

    Panacea Quest

    [X] "Let's talk to Emma Barnes." Traitor to her friends, sadist, and apparently channeling Scion's mate, whatever that means. Still, better than choosing between Victoria and the world. -[X] Bring Sophie, and Madison I kind of want to vote for Xicree's plan, for the crack, but it seems too...
  7. Acaila

    Terrible Father Quest (Evangelion)

    [X] Rei. There’s already a connection. You wonder if you can deepen it?
  8. Acaila

    Terrible Father Quest (Evangelion)

    I just want to troll the looper.
  9. Acaila

    Panacea Quest

    [X] "Yes." Kind of a no-brainer with how we've voted in this quest so far. The only thing I want to know is why Scion started killing people. Did someone (Cauldron) purposely instigate his rampage early because they knew it would happen eventually and this way there would be less casualties...
  10. Acaila

    Panacea Quest

    [X] You're going to prepare here. You will work on weapons, a fortress, something to fight Scion independently, if other areas fail. Write in: What do you work on? -[X] This is probably going to be where wounded end up teleported - make a biological hospital, prioritising a shelter for triage...
  11. Acaila

    Terrible Father Quest (Evangelion)

    [X] The shower opens into both bedrooms, and the doors are on backorder
  12. Acaila

    Cosmos Quest (Naruto/Lupin III)

    ...the same way as anyone else? In Ontario Anyway. b-ah-tul? rhymes with rattle
  13. Acaila

    Terrible Father Quest (Evangelion)

    [X] Rei - [X] Make clear to both of them that Rei is the one in charge.
  14. Acaila

    Panacea Quest

    I don't really get why we're fighting Scion now. I would have thought a bigger priority would be to find whoever's causing the plagues and make them stop first. Is it because now Scion will try and heal everyone as they attack him? That could be funny. [X] "Wait!" You say. "I could work with...
  15. Acaila

    Terrible Father Quest (Evangelion)

    [X] Bribe him with what he wants. -[X] A girlfriend. Rei would be willing to go along with it, you're sure. And it’s best to have a backup plan. [X] Bribe him with what he wants. -[X] A boyfriend. You're not judging. If someone's looping, then we shouldn't do anything we do in canon, just to...