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alderspear's latest activity

  • alderspear
    alderspear reacted to RustedSands's post in the thread [RWBY] RWBY Shorts with Like Like.
    The rabbit faunus community is really interconnected and very conniving so this whole thing was planned to give velvet an in with cardin
  • alderspear
    alderspear replied to the thread [RWBY] RWBY Shorts.
    Love the idea, how about we take it further, so either Tarble or Raditz are Jaunes dad. Making Jaune a half-saiyan. Or maybe Trunks is...
  • alderspear
    alderspear reacted to AndrewJTalon's post in the thread [RWBY] RWBY Shorts with Like Like.
    One day in Oobleck's class, they are covering the history of Northern Sanus duing the Great War... Oobleck: "And of course, one of the...
  • alderspear
    alderspear reacted to xbox432's post in the thread Shirou, Blade of Emiya with Like Like.
    ...Heh. Don't worry Shirou, you're right at home with Astolfo. Masculinity? Who needs that?! Just take the compliment for what it is...
  • alderspear
    alderspear reacted to SharkCultist's post in the thread [RWBY] RWBY Shorts with Like Like.
    One day while getting ready for bed Ren takes off his shirt for his shower before entering the bathroom and pyrrha and Jaune see his...
  • alderspear
    alderspear reacted to AndrewJTalon's post in the thread [RWBY] RWBY Shorts with Like Like.
    - - - It wasn't that Yang disliked Jaune Arc. Far from it! He was a little... Eccentric. The guy sang his horse and teammates to...
  • alderspear
    alderspear replied to the thread [RWBY] RWBY Shorts.
    So lets assume the constellations are the same as those of earth and so the armors are the same, Which armor would Jaune be the saint...
  • alderspear
    alderspear reacted to dwennon's post in the thread [RWBY] RWBY Shorts with Like Like.
    They might be cliche, but they are for a reason. Though now thanks to some of these it's got me thinking of Jaune's family having ties...