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Recent content by Anansi

  1. Anansi

    Young Justice: Wardens of The Nine Circles

    [X]Maxmillian Kolbe Alighieri [X]East Gotham High School [X]Take a quick jog
  2. Anansi


  3. Anansi

    Just four more exams to go. Then the party's begin.

    Just four more exams to go. Then the party's begin.
  4. Anansi

    This eldrich horror world

    To me, I think that it'll be crackish if the eldritch horror in Antarctica is actually Pingu.
  5. Anansi

    Story/Fanfic Idea Thread

    Here's my fanfic idea: World Gone Mad Worm x Paprika Crossover About Paprika: It is a 2006 Japanese animated film (created by Satoshi Kon) that tells a story about Dr. Atsuko Chiba, who works as a scientist by day and, under the code name "Paprika," is a dream detective at night. Atsuko...
  6. Anansi

    Fate/Whimsical God (Cracked)

    Leon being a mischievous little gremlin he is. Reminds me of my family cat Oreo.
  7. Anansi

    How did you find QQ?

    I first discovered it while I'm surfing through Tvtropes. During my time there, I stumbled upon a fanfic called The Cultist, an NSFW crossover quest of The Cultist Simulator, The DCU and Hazbin Hotel, and upon clicking the link to it, I came here.
  8. Anansi

    Come To [This Eldritch Horror World]

    So a while back, I was going through the Creative Writing in search of the good kush when I stumbled upon a thread that caught my eyes. https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/this-eldrich-horror-world.26514/ Here, as long as you're okay with your entries being used by others, you are...
  9. Anansi

    This eldrich horror world
    Index: Book of Entities: Page 285 Mr beast

    Excerpt from Kitabul Almajhul (The Book Of The Unknown), written by a mystic known only as "Jabir". After the 40,000-year-old book was discovered in Damascus on January 25th, 2235, it was then be taken to be translated to English, French, German and so forth to enable readers to read into the...
  10. Anansi

    Renovations [BNHA]

  11. Anansi

    Renovations [BNHA]

    Initially, we decided to put him out of his misery until one of Imhotep's fellow priests, Djehuty-Hotep, came in and stop what we were doing. He took pity on the poor guy and asked Imhotep and I if he could take Jonah as his apprentice. Reluctantly, we permitted it.
  12. Anansi

    Renovations [BNHA]

    Good news and bad news, Author-san! We managed to extract all the needed information from our prisoner of war (Jonah). Apparently, Billy's base is hidden deep within Al Jawf in Libya. So planning to infiltrate his base is under way. However, we didn't take into account that our interrogation...
  13. Anansi

    Renovations [BNHA]

    Update: we didn't managed to win our first battle and kill Billy once and for all. We did, however, managed to capture one of the CIA agents while we're retreating. We are currently in the process of extracting important informations out of him by forcing him to watch the ever cringe-inducing...
  14. Anansi

    Renovations [BNHA]

    Greetings, Author-san. Your verified chronomancer over here. Me and Imhotep were busy building an army of Floridian crackheads that we kidnapped back in Saturday through ancient spells. Pray for our successful campaign against Billy and his dastardly mischievous colleagues from the CIA.
  15. Anansi

    Renovations [BNHA]

    It's been quite a while since I lasted come here, Author-san. Forgive me for my sin. My jackass neighbor, Billy, founded out that I'd stolen his typewriter and wanted it back. I refused, and further made my point by karate chopped him hard on his kneecaps. Now, I'm currently on the run to Egypt...