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Biigoh's latest activity

  • Biigoh
    Biigoh commented on d.fish's profile post.
    It is a protag
  • Biigoh
    Biigoh commented on d.fish's profile post.
    Biigoh Shinigami?
  • Biigoh
    Biigoh reacted to d.fish's post on Biigoh's profile with Like Like.
    I feel like it would be better if the story wasn't "Fishie's cheat is Fishies", but instead be "Biigoh's cheat is Biigohs", so then you...
  • Biigoh
    Biigoh commented on d.fish's profile post.
    Is this a commentary about isekai in the darkness of the forest?
  • Biigoh
    Biigoh reacted to d.fish's post on Biigoh's profile with Like Like.
    According to the Unwritten Rules of The Isekai Association #11, when two isekaiers meet, one must shoot the other in the back as soon as...
  • Biigoh
    Biigoh reacted to d.fish's comment on d.fish's profile post with Like Like.
    I just read this one story where one isekaier seduced the mom of the hottest girl in the series, who will disguise herself as a boy to...
  • Biigoh
    Biigoh commented on d.fish's profile post.
    Ahhh... Yeah. That is a bit..
  • Biigoh
    Biigoh replied to the thread XF2 transition feedback.
    You should be pinging the admins like @ultima333 and @alethiophile but the alerts is a bug.
  • Biigoh
    Biigoh replied to the thread Kill Six Billion Demons.
    And there we have the Cliff Hanger of the Yabal Coke > Coca Cola > Nu Coke saga as SOMEONE is now on a month and a half break. Also...
  • Biigoh
    Biigoh replied to the thread XF2 transition feedback.
    That'd be because XF 1 styles/themes are not compatible to XF 2. And if you want to get any style or theme for XF? You gotta pay cash...
  • Biigoh
  • Biigoh
    Biigoh commented on d.fish's profile post.
    I don't know! @_@