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Recent content by Cereburn

  1. Cereburn

    Iron Dawn [Horizon Zero Dawn, Marvel CU]

    Hoping to get something out this weekend, evenings this week have been tied up with IRL drama.
  2. Cereburn

    Iron Dawn [Horizon Zero Dawn, Marvel CU]

    I'm trying to remember to write in the flaws that Tony has; even in Endgame where he was older and a bit more chill after, what I assume to be a crap load of therapy after his return from Thanos' world Tony was still plenty ready to toot his own horn and be in control of whatever it was that he...
  3. Cereburn

    Iron Dawn [Horizon Zero Dawn, Marvel CU]

    Teaser Chapter: Chapter 7: Fire Sale On the beach opposite the village, Tony found a well used firepit dug into the ground. Deciding on making a show of tempering the blades, he started looking for the things he'd need to make a quenching vessel. A sheet metal tub being unavailable and not...
  4. Cereburn

    Iron Dawn [Horizon Zero Dawn, Marvel CU]

    Chapter 6 is up. I hope you enjoy it. No teaser for Chapter 7 ready yet. I"m currently traveling this week, making time to write has been resource sparse.
  5. Cereburn

    Iron Dawn [Horizon Zero Dawn, Marvel CU]
    Threadmarks: Chapter 6: Not Lake Placid

    Chapter 6 Nialo worked with the fishers to pull the floating bridge back to the shore. Every pull of the rope felt like the walls of the world were being pulled back in on him. Now he would be trapped with his mother, her friends and their unending gossip. Earlier this morning, one of the...
  6. Cereburn

    Iron Dawn [Horizon Zero Dawn, Marvel CU]

    I find myself trying to world-build in a world someone else already built. Some of this is because we are in a non-canon area, but I think I'm also just getting distracted by writing down how I think this part of the world and its people got to where its at. I bring this up because I remember...
  7. Cereburn

    Iron Dawn [Horizon Zero Dawn, Marvel CU]

    Reposted Chp 5. As someone suggested I keep the original and fixed version, the original is hidden in a spoiler if you'd like to compare. Mostly this fix is addressing the plot hole of the sensor left by the village earlier. As I've been told I could typo for America should the event be...
  8. Cereburn

    Iron Dawn [Horizon Zero Dawn, Marvel CU]

    Just realized I made a bit of a plot hole in chapter 5 - I'm working on fixes and re-posting.
  9. Cereburn

    Iron Dawn [Horizon Zero Dawn, Marvel CU]

    Pretty sure Chapter 5 is my longest so far. I find that I have under appreciated the authors that have long chapter works posted. When I'm looking for new fics to read I usually filter out any works less than 50k words, I'm barely breaching 10k now--Yikes. Moving on, I'm hoping you'll see what...
  10. Cereburn

    Iron Dawn [Horizon Zero Dawn, Marvel CU]
    Threadmarks: Chapter 5: Beads or mousetraps?

    Chapter 5: Beads or mousetraps? Updated version: Using his A.R. glasses to magnify the camera sensors, he watched what he could now see were wooden walls at the tops of the cliffs, but no heads were so far peaking their heads over those walls. "Friday, are you seeing anyone watching over...
  11. Cereburn

    Iron Dawn [Horizon Zero Dawn, Marvel CU]

    How Aether works is something that we don't get much information on from the canon game. I had an expectation after the first Cauldron to see somewhere the remains of an atmospheric processing plant similar to Aliens but that never showed up. When I sat and thought about it, I figured most of...
  12. Cereburn

    An Everdistant Horizon (Worm/Horizon Series)

    I would love to see what TH does if she could get Ascalon in her hands instead of TDS.
  13. Cereburn

    Iron Dawn [Horizon Zero Dawn, Marvel CU]

    Chapter 4 up, took some time away from other things to get this out. Tony and Nialo haven't actually met yet, but I think getting Friday back online was a nice surprise. This now sets the timeframe for Tony showing up, about 4 years and change ahead of the signal from Nemesis. For what I...
  14. Cereburn

    Iron Dawn [Horizon Zero Dawn, Marvel CU]
    Threadmarks: Chapter 4

    Chapter 4: Rollin' by the River Tony ended up staring at his map of the town again and trying to fix his position on the map by comparing the dirt mounds to where buildings had previously been. Then walking to where the boat shops used to be, he found himself walking into the water. Clearly...
  15. Cereburn

    Iron Dawn [Horizon Zero Dawn, Marvel CU]

    Next chapter is not ready yet, Tony's going to finally run into people, and I've got to write them and enough notes to keep them separate in my head. Making OC people is harder than I thought. Should have something post-able by this weekend. Also, I've gone back and added more edits to previous...