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Recent content by CovenantLord878

  1. Star Wars: Order One (Special Edition)
    Threadmarks: Part One Epilogue

    The planet Mictlan appears gaseous from orbit, but beneath its plumes of acid haze there is nothing but rock and poisoned soil. Beneath that is one of the great foundries of the rim, the places where the Confederacy of Independent Systems makes its stand. Had things been different, had great...
  2. Star Wars: Order One (Special Edition)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 13

    Chapter 13 Eriadu was on the verge of collective hysteria. No one had batted an eye a few months back when its largest ships departed for parts unknown, but when they returned even the most socially disconnected of subjects could figure out something had gone terribly wrong. The arrogance of...
  3. Star Wars: Order One (Special Edition)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 12

    Ch 12 Yes. Yes. A flaw more and more common among Jedi. Too sure of themselves they are. Even the older, more experienced ones. The Katana Fleet ushered the Chu’unthor to its new home. It wasn’t alone; dozens of ships large and small had answered the Covenant beacon and were also...
  4. Star Wars: Order One (Special Edition)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 11

    Chapter 11 I feel that the senate is powerless to prevent this crisis. Padme and Mon Mothma stood side by side overlooking the political chaos. Bail Organa and countless other representatives were noticeably absent, whittling the Delegation of 2000 down to 295. Of those who had come, most...
  5. Star Wars: Order One (Special Edition)

    Yeah I've actually been reorienting to focus on that. Doing chapters out of order is fun until you realize that because you wrote some chapters years ago, you never noticed that single lines of dialogue in the later seasons require me to amend chapters that have already gone through multiple...
  6. Star Wars: Order One (Special Edition)
    Threadmarks: Chapter Ten

    Chapter 10 “Damned slag-slime.” Garm Bel Iblis slumped in his chair. This wasn’t the first holocall to drive his staff into consternation, but it might be his last, Ibis thought, judging by the incredulous infuriated glare pointed at him by Director Rostek. The Republic had called his bluff...
  7. Star Wars: Order One (Special Edition)
    Threadmarks: Chapter Nine

    Chapter Nine Ortasil had no knowledge of these occurrences as he finished recalibrating the auto-trajectory and started to make his way to what passed for sleeping quarters on his ship. The Kaminoans had quelled most dissent in their army by dumping off legions of commissioned officers at...
  8. Star Wars: Order One (Special Edition)
    Threadmarks: Chapter Eight

    Chapter Eight "Cor'ika, we've got a hundred and fifty shabla contingency rules, everything from arresting the Chancellor if he goes gaga to reducing key allied worlds to slag if they switch sides…" The Corellian Crisis was coming to a head. Pulling the Republic 2nd Sector Army away from its...
  9. Star Wars: Order One (Special Edition)
    Threadmarks: Chapter Seven

    Chapter Seven It is clear to me now that the Republic no longer functions. Coruscant was a monument to eternal change. Layer over layer of half-hearted development and graft shaped the daily lives of the public, the one constant being utter devotion to growth over well being. Palpatine had...
  10. Star Wars: Order One (Special Edition)
    Threadmarks: Chapter Six

    Chapter Six All life requires energy. All energy, like life, must transform, and through its own decay feed into new transformations. The Living Force pulsed through the roots of vegetables as it did the veins of livestock. Once the ego was factored out, those in touch with this power no...
  11. Star Wars: Order One (Special Edition)
    Threadmarks: Chapter Five

    Chapter Five A challenge life long it is, not to bend fear into anger 3, 9, 1, 7: match. 8, 2, 10: match. 8, 4, +5 from the side deck and stand on 17: game. Small digit numbers projected up from the gaming table’s flickering projectors and smudged screen. A floating score by each...
  12. Star Wars: Order One (Special Edition)

    Sorry, i've been focused on taxes. New stuff starts factoring in around chapter 7 ish and i may have lost a chapter. The running problem is that i cant get rid of lingering disjointedness that will become apparent later on, my only work around has been making sure there is at least one major...
  13. Video Games General

    I need more iphone games to play while at work, i am about to beat total war again and need something that is turn based and enoyable while on silent
  14. Star Wars: Order One (Special Edition)
    Threadmarks: Chapter Four

    Ch 4 I find their tactics ineffective. The Jedi Code prevents them from going far enough to achieve victory, to do whatever it takes to win. The very reason why peacekeepers should not be leading a war. -Tarkin Meanwhile in the shadow lands of Kashykk, a group of Jedi licked their wounds in...