• The site has now migrated to Xenforo 2. If you see any issues with the forum operation, please post them in the feedback thread.
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  • Since it has happened MULTIPLE times now, I want to be very clear about this. You do not get to abandon an account and create a new one. You do not get to pass an account to someone else and create a new one. If you do so anyway, you will be banned for creating sockpuppets.
  • Due to the actions of particularly persistent spammers and trolls, we will be banning disposable email addresses from today onward.
  • The rules regarding NSFW links have been updated. See here for details.


Worm Fics with Crack Pairings

1. The Omega Queen (Taylor/Male Multi) - NSFW
2. When a Queen and Emperor Collide (Khepri!Taylor/Teen!Kaiser)
3. The Queen and her Dragon (Khepri!Taylor/Lung)
4. Mistaken Identity (Taylor/Male Multi) - NSFW
5. Entirely Yours (Khepri!Taylor/Lung)
6. When Our Roles are Reverse (Entity!Taylor/Human!Scion)
7. Everyday with You (Taylor/Male Multiships)
8. When Heartbreaker is My Personal Fanboy (Weaver!Taylor/Teen!Heartbreaker)
9. The Mender and The Butcher (Taylor/The Butcher)
10. Black Knight, White Queen, Golden God (Jack Slash/Taylor/Scion)
11. Taylor's Guide to Travelling with S-Class Threats (Sleeper/Taylor/Ash Beast)
12. The Maiden and Her Dragon (Taylor/Lung) - NSFW
13. Nymph (Taylor/Lung) - NSFW

Other Worm Fics with Alt-Powers or Crossovers

1. A Kingdom of Blood and Bones (Super Villain Taylor, Alt-Power)
2. The Master Summoner (Alt-Power, Multi-Crossovers)
April 7


Worm Rare Pairing SFW Fics: When a Queen and Emperor Collide (Taylor/Kaiser) , The Queen and her Dragon (Taylor/Lung) , When Our Roles are Reverse (Taylor/Scion) , Everyday with You (Taylor/Male Multiships) , When Heartbreaker is My Personal Fanboy (Taylor/Heartbreaker) , The Mender and The Butcher (Taylor/The Butcher) , Black Knight, White Queen, Golden God (Jack Slash, Taylor, Scion) , Taylor's Guide to Travelling with S-Class Threats (Sleeper/Taylor/Ash Beast)

Worm Rare Pairings NSFW Fics: The Maiden and Her Dragon (Taylor/Lung), Nymph (Taylor/Male Multi), The Omega Queen (Taylor/Male Multi)
Other Worm Fics: A Kingdom of Blood and Bones (Super Villain Taylor) , The Master Summoner (Alt-Power, Crossovers),

Crossover Fics: The Kingdom Beyond the Wall (ASOIAF/HP)
Other Fics:
Healer of Worlds (DC - Raven/Multi)