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Recent content by dhazellouise

  1. dhazellouise

    Taylor's Guide to Travelling with S-Class Threats (Sleeper/Taylor/Ash Beast)

    Hello. Sorry for late reply. Were you able to figure out how to follow or watch the thread? I hope you did. If not, Just press ‘watch thread’ at the upper right corner of the thread. I’m glad you like the story so far. Thanks for taking the time to read and comment!
  2. dhazellouise

    The Kingdom Beyond the Wall [HP x ASOIAF Crossover]

    Thanks for the suggestion! I will keep it mind. Thanks for commenting! I really appreciate it!
  3. dhazellouise

    The Kingdom Beyond the Wall [HP x ASOIAF Crossover]
    Threadmarks: The Plan

    Harriet carefully watches through the magical binoculars the proceedings of placing down the ready-made infrastructures within the trunk which she bought. The trunk is the result of more than thousand years of research and development in which the magical community has produced to be used in...
  4. dhazellouise

    Taylor's Guide to Travelling with S-Class Threats (Sleeper/Taylor/Ash Beast)

    Indeed, Taylor can't live without escalating....ahaha... Thanks for commenting!
  5. dhazellouise

    Taylor's Guide to Travelling with S-Class Threats (Sleeper/Taylor/Ash Beast)
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    Summary: Twenty Years old Taylor Hebert triggers but she is uncertain of what her power truly is until she starts travelling. When she first goes to Russia, she meets a strange man who likes to read a book out loud to himself. Taylor speaks to him first, not knowing that her presence will...
  6. dhazellouise

    The Kingdom Beyond the Wall [HP x ASOIAF Crossover]

    Thanks for the suggestion. Already going to focus on uplifting and the reaction from other people. Well, that’s the plan at least. Thanks so much for commenting!
  7. dhazellouise

    The Kingdom Beyond the Wall [HP x ASOIAF Crossover]
    Threadmarks: Deal with the Night King

    There are ten tall figures waiting for her at the entrance in what she assumes as their fortress. The ten figures have pale white skin and white hair with bright blue eyes. She also notes their armor and weapons made of ice. The ten white walkers simply watch her in silence as she walks towards...
  8. dhazellouise

    The Kingdom Beyond the Wall [HP x ASOIAF Crossover]
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    Summary: Harriet Potter as a Master of Death has been traveling dimensions for thousands of years. She has built many kingdoms and has been gathering resources and magic and technology in each world. Now, she discovers the world called Planetos where she intends to create another magical...
  9. dhazellouise

    The Master Summoner (WORM AU: Alt-Power, Crossovers)
    Threadmarks: The Recreator

    She was vast. She was larger than any planetary system combined and made of more than trillions upon trillions of shards as she traveled with her counterpart in search for a new galaxy to start the new Cycle. The first few Cycles went without a hitch, but it was on the seventh Cycle that they...
  10. dhazellouise

    The Master Summoner (WORM AU: Alt-Power, Crossovers)

    Lol. Ok. I understand what you mean now. Thanks for clarifying what you mean though!
  11. dhazellouise

    The Master Summoner (WORM AU: Alt-Power, Crossovers)

    Lmao. You are right I got carried away ahaha...but it would be interesting to see some of these characters interact. So I will have to divide my time to show each character interaction. Like one chapter is for six characters, the other chapter is for the other six. But some of them won't be...
  12. dhazellouise

    I will be in temporary hiatus since I have to finish some writing projects. I will back as soon...

    I will be in temporary hiatus since I have to finish some writing projects. I will back as soon as I'm done with my projects.
  13. dhazellouise

    The Master Summoner (WORM AU: Alt-Power, Crossovers)
    Threadmarks: Prologue

    . . . . . Taylor Hebert was screaming. She was crying. She was pounding at the locker doors for help until she could feel her palms and knuckles flaring with pain at the abuse. She was scared witless and furious for being pushed into a locker full of toxic waste. But most of all, she was...
  14. dhazellouise

    The Mender and The Butcher (WORM AU: Taylor, Butcher)

    Summary: Other than her hidden Master power, Taylor Hebert has the power to mend or destabilize parahumans due to the main function of her Queen Administrator shard. For this reason, many have approached her to either improve or mend their shards capability, even Villains. So it’s no surprise to...
  15. dhazellouise

    Entirely Yours (WORM: Post-GM, Khepri!Taylor/Amnesiac!Lung)
    Threadmarks: Home

    “Kenta, I’m home!” Taylor calls out as soon as she closes the apartment door behind her. She doesn’t hear him answer at once, but she has no reason to worry. Kenta must be doing something at the moment. Taylor slowly walks down the entryway and straight into the living room where she puts...