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Recent content by Diver

  1. Diver

    [RWBY] The Great Temporal Step-Sibling War!

    I always love the trope of the butler/personal assistant being a scary motherfucker in their past and just keeping a “sophisticated” facade until it’s necessary to commit violence again.
  2. Diver

    XF2 transition feedback

    No @Fitsdreia, it wasn't just you. Also, found an odd bug. When I signed back in on the main page and then clicked the link for this thread on the banner at the top of the page it brought me here but logged me out. Anyone else have that happen?
  3. Diver

    XF2 transition feedback

    This is a test KinKrow, did it work?
  4. Diver

    XF2 transition feedback

    I will say, adding in some of the different styles really helped the visuals. Are there any plans to have the “High Contrast” setting with Purple or Green text instead of Blue?
  5. Diver

    [RWBY] The Great Temporal Step-Sibling War!

    And now the real awkward part begins. I can’t wait to get to know the twins some more!
  6. Diver

    The Ringing of a Forge of Stars [Warhammer 40k/ Celestial forge V3||OC...ish]

    Did you miss the part where Thoth got locked out by the Chozo Statue back when they first found this room several chapters ago? Before and during the Daemon Incursion he was starting to use the Thoth suit as it’s existence had been revealed during the Genestealer Hive raid, which was his first...
  7. Diver

    I’ve watched a lot of Shark Week over the years. :)

    I’ve watched a lot of Shark Week over the years. :)
  8. Diver

    The shark’s mouth is still several inches away from the diver’s fingers. And he’s wearing a...

    The shark’s mouth is still several inches away from the diver’s fingers. And he’s wearing a full body chain mail suit.
  9. Diver

    In several species of sharks, if you turn them upside down/grab their snout it will induce a...

    In several species of sharks, if you turn them upside down/grab their snout it will induce a temporary, near catatonic state. That’s what’s happening here. Dude is playing the hardcore version of “Got your nose!”
  10. Diver

    Saw you started a new story, had to drop by and check it out. I now return to the depths.

    Saw you started a new story, had to drop by and check it out. I now return to the depths.
  11. Diver

    Thousand Hands (Naruto)

    I am so fucking confused but so very interested at the same time. Indra the malicious spirit, Sarutobi being even dumber than usual, Kakashi the super ninja who apparently still has terrible chakra reserves for his skill level... what the fuck happened in this world!?
  12. Diver

    The Most Unusual Teacher (Star Wars X Harry Potter)

    Oh god, self aware Anakin is terrifying and awesome. Will he find a kindred soul in Snape or crush Dumbledore’s pet monster for the good of all? Anakin/Vader would probably be horrified at a teacher not actually teaching or deliberately sabotaging the students education. If he’s trying to...
  13. Diver

    Enter the Dragon (Harry Potter/Shadowrun)

    So what you’re saying is the spirits were judgmental superdicks and the world is better off with them dead/sleeping... sounds about right. :D
  14. Diver

    Enter the Dragon (Harry Potter/Shadowrun)

    Unfortunately for Hermione, the registration wasn’t meant to be a physical shield, it is the iron clad legal justification for Harry to turn his full and undivided WRATH on everyone involved. And I do look forward to watching the wizard in world burn as Harry and associates hopefully find a...
  15. Diver

    Seven Colours (Naruto)

    Ah damn, it was as bad as I feared. What will Ran do when she has confirmation that the Village killed her very bestest friend’s mother through bloodline abuse? Seriously, I know that Shinobi villages are all black ops child soldier manufacturing hate pits once you get past the sparkle of the...