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Recent content by drag_mage

  1. drag_mage

    The Accidental Liberator (ASOIAF,GOT SI)

    Lmao I loved the play
  2. drag_mage

    A Bloodstained Shadow Over Brockton Bay

    this is fuckin creepy... but in a good, setting realistic way. good job
  3. drag_mage

    Old Wound, bleeding (Star Wars SI)

    Seconded, it is so little seen in fanfiction that the author is willing to change things. So many stories that follow the "stations of canon" to a T, or countless chapters of training to be strong enough to destroy the "Big Bad". But this story just smashes the story, as prescribed by George...
  4. drag_mage

    Old Wound, reopened (Star Wars SI)

    Sometimes it's nice to read something that is just straight to the point. I read enough fanfics that meander for 75000 words and then never get finished, leaving you with literary blueballs. Wham! Bam! Thank you Castage.
  5. drag_mage

    Giving Up (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

    If your fanfiction is even half as good as Avatar itself this'll be superb. Looking forward to it.
  6. drag_mage

    Pretender (Worm/Dominions 4)

    The way you write is so entrancing, I really love the simultaneous after action report from the PRT view and the in-the-moment action. Please keep it up!