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Recent content by Dragon Fire

  1. I'll be honest, I didn't even notice. Had a habit of liking post. Gonna have to do a proper read.

    I'll be honest, I didn't even notice. Had a habit of liking post. Gonna have to do a proper read.
  2. Shadow Sovereign, King of Heroes ( Remake)

    Yes. That is what it is
  3. Shadow Sovereign, King of Heroes ( Remake)

    This chapter is only a preview. Had it sitting around, I might as well let it out. I'll post several more. Also, this story is basically a remake of my old one.
  4. Shadow Sovereign, King of Heroes ( Remake)

    Chapter 1 Izuku glared at the monster several feet away from him. Neither of them had been in mint condition since they started this bout. His clothes were torn and his dagger broken in pieces. Leaving the young Hero resorting to bare hands. The monster, a goblin, smiled wickedly as it...
  5. He was the better Sasuke Uchiha and now, a schmuck. Goat is Kinji Hakari though.

    He was the better Sasuke Uchiha and now, a schmuck. Goat is Kinji Hakari though.
  6. Dragon Fire's Story Ideas

    This is the first of many possible ideas I wish to write. Inspired by Brosef's New Man story. Christopher Reed has a strong disdain for noise. He dislikes them because they ruin his good mood. The hustle and bustle of the city, people running their mouths, and even his ex-girlfriend's...
  7. Poll Deletion

    Would it cause the reported post in said thread to be deleted? And how do you set up a poll again? It ha been quite some time.
  8. The Lion and the Phoenix (First Draft)

    You need to read more novels. And practice writing.
  9. The Lion and the Phoenix (First Draft)

    What is your update schedule?
  10. He mentioned once how he wrote Adam story based on how he was pissed off at every single slight...

    He mentioned once how he wrote Adam story based on how he was pissed off at every single slight against him. So now he may consider it after the latest events at Spacebattle.com
  11. I will keep that in mind Zettabeam. Thank you man. I also uses Save the Cat as a reference. But...

    I will keep that in mind Zettabeam. Thank you man. I also uses Save the Cat as a reference. But I don't really follow it.
  12. I assume you'll be posting on Spacebattle or stockpile chapters?

    I assume you'll be posting on Spacebattle or stockpile chapters?
  13. So, since the Coffin of Roboute by Brosef was threadlocked, what's the purpose of the review for...

    So, since the Coffin of Roboute by Brosef was threadlocked, what's the purpose of the review for if I may ask?
  14. I just wanted to help and see some gucci drawing. You already have so much on your plate.

    I just wanted to help and see some gucci drawing. You already have so much on your plate.
  15. Have you given the link I sent a check? I do hope you comission any one of them. One last thing...

    Have you given the link I sent a check? I do hope you comission any one of them. One last thing, you ever consider setting up a discord server?