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Recent content by Emperatriz

  1. Emperatriz

    Technomancer in MCU #1

    Will that brain-dead Celestial potentially be Ed's new body? Would be cool.
  2. Emperatriz

    Industrial Commander: Not Enough Pockets

    I would rather not read about another ME timeline, things would just be largely be the same. The only difference is the reaction canon characters will make, only serves to scratch a certain crossover itch. Perhaps Stargate? Build on a different quadrant in Star Trek? You can even start in the...
  3. Emperatriz

    Childhood friend of a Dark Lord (YS x HP)

    One of the very few fic I’ve read where the MC’s left the thoroughly effed and used Hogwarts for another school… and succeed. Other one was about Beauxbatons, but still not so dissimilar to Hogwarts.
  4. Emperatriz

    The Wolf of Castelia (Pokemon - Absol SI)

    Well… our MC quickly became a side character in his own story. If there are Pokémon's already having their own independent life, why can’t an Absol start his own? May I know if this just an everyday Pokemon Adventure, challenging badges to badges, with an Absol in the background building his...
  5. Emperatriz

    A Smith's Song (Percy Jackson / ASOIAF / Game of Thrones)

    Love it! Will this be some sort of kingdom-building progression on the side? Or just his divine sanctuary? Though I sorely hope he won’t be or acting subordinate/subservient to any lords in Westeros.
  6. Emperatriz

    A Degree in Sorcery (HP/SI)

    A whole world out there and the complaint of "not really enough" by the foreign cameos, yet the story contains itself majorly within the confines of a Hogwarts storyline, for now, but still adds nothing new to the larger Wizarding World. So, what kind of new things can we expect from this...