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  • So. Found this out a few weeks ago, but I've only recently started to borderline function again. Turns out I've got thyroid cancer.
    Hey Just curious if you posted White Knighting for Fun and Profit on space-battles because somebody put it up there
    Hey man, I just re-read Rise of the Red Dragon and on the last page there's a vote tally, you saying that since it's close you'll leave it open for a bit longer, and no extra votes following that post. So to avoid necromancy I want to throw out there that I'd vote for the Koneko option if you ever go back to it, which is the winning option anyway.
    I'm looking forward to you "White Knighting" updates too.
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    Reactions: Akuma-Heika
    Anyway, thanks for writing this stuff and I hope you're alright during this covid pandemic. (This part was too long for the main comment)
    Red Dragon is on indefinite hiatus, and probably going to eventually be replaced by another, more coherent project. That said, I greatly appreciate and thank you for your interest, and I haven't come down with the sickness yet, haha.
    Oh god you found that.
    I see. The funny thing is that I have the opposite problem whenever I've tried to start up an SI thing, because I can never make up my mind of how realistically I'm supposed to be portraying myself and if I'm okay with that.
    FIs are... kind of different in that you're really just reacting to everyone else's shenanigans and in the case of the way I do it, you don't really have the time to think about how you're realistically portraying yourself, you just are.

    It's... weird trying to put it into words.
    I see. Random aside, about 30 seconds into Yoshitsune's introduction I found myself humming Killer Queen.
    Thinking on it further, I realize that sometimes people are looking for a "fantasy", and that's outside my area of expertise.
    You know what? It's time to update this. When I look at a fandom, and I see a very popular topic or genre.... I write something ELSE.
    For originality sake or another reason?
    Partly for originality's sake, and partly because of my own sense of aesthetics. "If you want [x], well, there are plenty of OTHER people who will very happily give you [x]. But if you want [y], well, that's what I'm here for."
    Now, there have been a few times where at its most basic level I've written what started out as [x].... but in those instances, I try to put my own spin on it to enough of a degree that [x] becomes [y].
    Hello EvaUnit01. About your new quest With Heart and Blade. I'm a big fan of witchblade. Have I have the complete series of both the live action and the anime and almost all of the comics up to the reboot. So if you ever need help with thinks like lore or things like that I'd be happy to help. Not that I think you need it you are a great writer. Just thought I'd offer
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    Reactions: EvaUnit01
    Well, I literally just went through the live-action, I've actually got the anime downloaded (just haven't gone through it past ep 8 or so yet), and I've actually got a handy place to get the comics. So, for right now I think I'm good.

    I certainly appreciate the offer, though.
    You know, when you said " starting up a new project can be a great way to really get the creative juices flowing" I don't think you meant help write the first lewd Granblue Fantasy quest but here I am.
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    Reactions: EvaUnit01
    I don't even know what that is, but go for it, dude. In other news, I'm actually about to start up something new here myself...
    ConFOUND you, Unit-kun! In your Rozario+Joestar quest, I've found a link to a Dresden/DxD crossover, something that I wouldn't have read normally, but because of your Harem King quest I started reading it. And wasted half a night on it, on a work day! It's all your fault!
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    Reactions: 1986ctcel
    You're the one who chose to spend half a night reading something on a work day. That makes it entirely your fault, and not mine.
    It's been too damn long since I managed to work on any of my projects. Let's see if I can't try and do something about that....
    Well, let me know if you ever decide to continue 'A Harem King is You'.
    I definitely intend to, eventually. I just don't have a definitive answer for "when" it will next be updated.
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