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Recent content by Ferretshock

  1. Ferretshock

    Just a Phase [Worm]

    The thing is that, especially as Taylor is going out of her way to avoid contact outside of complaints, and has been openly suspicious of and/or hostile to any attempt to make contact on Armstrong's part, it is entirely believable that investigations etc are happening in the background and...
  2. Ferretshock

    Raising Trouble [The Return Book 3 (SM, R.5)]

    So, if I'm reading this correctly, you're coming up on the Dresden cross here. Loving your work so far, by the way. Very well done.
  3. Ferretshock

    Sun-Touched Dragon King [Exalted/Highschool DxD]

    [X] Go and talk to them, your cover's blown anyway
  4. Ferretshock

    Flesh and Steel [Worm Tinker Quest]

    [X]Pavlov Implant
  5. Ferretshock

    Twisted Pinwheel

    [X] You need to beat the will behind your new arm into submission, somehow.
  6. Ferretshock

    Twisted Pinwheel

    [x] You needed to fix or replace your arm, somehow. You'd managed to keep infection from setting in, but even so...
  7. Ferretshock

    Twisted Pinwheel

    [X] Is It Terminal?
  8. Ferretshock

    Those Blessed with Talent

    [X] That's not how this works. First, don't fuck with people and their family when you're asking for a favor. Second, if you want anything then you apply yourself, prove yourself, to earn it. I'm not giving out free rides.
  9. Ferretshock

    Those Blessed with Talent

    Right, so note to self. Make sure to put effort in to keep track of Peach Blossom.
  10. Ferretshock

    Those Blessed with Talent

    [X] A library [X] Staff [X] Orchards
  11. Ferretshock

    Hyrule Rising (Zelda/Modern)

    [X] Sit -[X] Ask why you were diverted? You were looking forward to being outside and now your father is most likely going to seal you back up in your room for another 14 years. -[X] Do not remove your mask or suit, you don't need to give Father a reason to have you checked out for mutations.
  12. Ferretshock

    The Earth Burned (Dropped due to lack of time)

    ...I have to agree with Macjord. Although I will say that so far I would like playing as Jurric, but I really, really want to read poor Fel's story.