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Recent content by GigaVanguard

  1. GigaVanguard

    So true. One thing I love about XF2 is that, when you ignore a thread, it no longer continues...

    So true. One thing I love about XF2 is that, when you ignore a thread, it no longer continues taking up space when you run a search in one of the forums. That was easily my biggest gripe about old QQ, and now that it’s gone I’ve been going on an ignoring spree.
  2. GigaVanguard

    Because you did nothing wrong?

    Because you did nothing wrong?
  3. GigaVanguard

    XF2 transition feedback

    Ditto on this, I’m using safari on an iPhone and the profile comment box bug happens there as well. When you try to reply to a comment on someone’s profile on mobile - even just tapping on the reply box - it duplicates itself with all its contents. It’s not site-breaking, but it’s a little...
  4. GigaVanguard

    Based. Saten and Uiharu are 200% Lebanese.

    Based. Saten and Uiharu are 200% Lebanese.
  5. GigaVanguard

    It’s from Cardfight Vanguard, the perennial “who?” of trading card games. Specific art is from...

    It’s from Cardfight Vanguard, the perennial “who?” of trading card games. Specific art is from the card Chronodragon Gear Groovy.
  6. GigaVanguard

    XF2 transition feedback

    Ok so we're going through some teething pains right now, and I'm sure the most egregious problems will be fixed gradually as people keep complaining about them after they've had time to acclimate to the site's new look, but yeah the Dark theme with light grey text on slightly darker grey...
  7. GigaVanguard

    Damn, blinked and I missed the BA pfp, skipped from Marcille to this one

    Damn, blinked and I missed the BA pfp, skipped from Marcille to this one
  8. GigaVanguard

    I’m rereading Big Brain rn and literally in the space between seconds I saw your profile pic update

    I’m rereading Big Brain rn and literally in the space between seconds I saw your profile pic update
  9. GigaVanguard

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    This was longer than a typical chapter, yet it… somehow, felt a little shorter? Might just be because it’s all setup and no movement.
  10. GigaVanguard

    I remember reading that a while back, it’s fucking great. Easily one of my favorite scenes is...

    I remember reading that a while back, it’s fucking great. Easily one of my favorite scenes is when Utena completely mindbreaks Magia Azul, and then just looks at her in disgust and goes “No. Magical girls are stronger than this. Get the fuck up. NOW.”
  11. GigaVanguard

    Hey, weird question, but were you a Reddit user on okbuddyrintard, anarchychess, and 196 back...

    Hey, weird question, but were you a Reddit user on okbuddyrintard, anarchychess, and 196 back before the API fiasco last year? I haven’t used the site since then but I remember someone with your username, is all
  12. GigaVanguard

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Damn, this might be it for PR!OL. Unless he’s got a real convenient source of compatible magic nearby ready to be assimilated, he’s just about dry now
  13. GigaVanguard

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    It’s likely on purpose, given that (as far as we can tell) this Paul is just a homunculus.
  14. GigaVanguard

    Maomao! I love KnH

    Maomao! I love KnH
  15. GigaVanguard

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    So begins Grayven’s Doomsday wrangling arc.