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Recent content by Greydragon

  1. With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    The best revenge would be convincing the good doctor into suing Zeus for unpaid child support payments. He is the god of deadbeat dads after all.
  2. With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Just needs to be reformatted. Hercules is defunct too. So it should now be Hephaestaean and Zagreus instead of Herc and Zeus. Wonder how it'd change his transformation... less magical lightning for one.
  3. With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Or hilariously, take out Mandarin for good through the connection if it counts as close enough for direct touch. As a bonus, she gets a full set of rings if she can pinpoint them using the same psychic connection.
  4. With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Alabaster is merely hard to kill. Wildbow states that any large enough and or destructive event would kill him, as long as it is instantaneous. Hit him with one of Bakuda's glass transmutation bombs for example and he's dead. Also there are two parts to the tumour; the Corrona Pollentia and...
  5. With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    My suspicion is that Dox is sending him to Earth to throw him in front of OL and have him make Manga Khan more useful, since he couldn't do it himself. Basically he's being sent out to provoke Paul into straightening him out into a somewhat productive Lantern as he has done to other Orange...
  6. With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    Interesting, I wonder if this is a chicken and egg type situation? The priesthood justifies mutilating their females by the decree of this god-like being, or that the long term belief of the ordinary people in there being a reason for the mutilation created their demon-god? Because the latter...
  7. With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    The Enclave and Brotherhood certainly do, with access to massive numbers of vertibirds and vehicles. As seen in Fallout Tactics, 3 and 4. NCR could have access from any of a variety of sources, including US army gear that survived the EMPs of the bombs and simply making them in small machine...
  8. With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    She already has samples; he obviously left skin cells behind in her reproductive tract when Paul gave her a 'massage'. I'm surprised we haven't seen any baby humans being grown on the production line to be used as Spider Guild 'masseurs'. Her current brood might also be related to Paul slightly...