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Recent content by Harry Leferts

  1. Well, at least they're not Rexes... (Jurassic Park/World Oneshot)

    And for very good reason as it was honestly very, very bad. Though, when I said Indominus... :p
  2. Well, at least they're not Rexes... (Jurassic Park/World Oneshot)

    To be honest, in this case? InGen, BioSyn, and Manta Corp were so focused on the famous actual dinosaurs, that they ignored this solution. Um... Probably not... unless Wu or one of them added more human DNA to the Indominus. Honestly, I just sort of wanted to get it out.
  3. Well, at least they're not Rexes... (Jurassic Park/World Oneshot)

    September 21, 1997 Looking down at the open folder in front of him, the well dressed man made a sound of interest before raising his head. Hands clasped in front of his face, he regarded the scientist across the desk from him for several long moments, during which the other man squirmed a bit...
  4. It was goddamn amazing how quickly the entire thread caught fire like it did.

    It was goddamn amazing how quickly the entire thread caught fire like it did.
  5. Schools are creepy.

    Fun fact... this actually did happen to me (I was the protag).
  6. Schools are creepy.

    Schools are creepy. It is just a fact of life to be perfectly honest. And yes, I can just see the thoughts that some of you, or most of you are having. Thoughts like: "Those words make sense individually… but not strung out like that." "Schools aren't creepy. How could they be creepy, what...
  7. Just a whole lot of NOPE

    So, I found this YouTube Short and looked at it: Started laughing because of how fucking stupid and then got curious and went to Google Maps. It's there... The fucking backrooms are literally shown there when you look at the place shown in the short and it is literally out in the ocean...
  8. So very, very true...

    So very, very true...
  9. You see the newest StringStorm song? Might be of interst for you...

    You see the newest StringStorm song? Might be of interst for you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMJ2xR5KQYM
  10. No worries, I got no issue with that.

    No worries, I got no issue with that.
  11. And I thank you greatly for it!

    And I thank you greatly for it!
  12. https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/5100023?q=tanuki

  13. Depends, biggest harem historically was Tokugawa Ienari's, who had a harem of 900 women (plus...

    Depends, biggest harem historically was Tokugawa Ienari's, who had a harem of 900 women (plus their female servants) who literally lived in their own little town.
  14. *Rubs Tanuki ears*

    *Rubs Tanuki ears*
  15. I was quoting you from SB, because there was a discussion about the new logo and you put it in...

    I was quoting you from SB, because there was a discussion about the new logo and you put it in the same words that I would.