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Recent content by K70Amam()to

  1. K70Amam()to

    XF2 transition feedback

    have to admit the last threadmark option under filters is nice.
  2. K70Amam()to

    XF2 transition feedback

    any way to lock the home etc buttons at the top rather than follow as you scroll?
  3. K70Amam()to

    A rectification of names

    any way this could be kept as an option permanently?
  4. K70Amam()to

    XF2 testbed now available

    my only criticism is on the watch tab. an option to just get notices of threadmarks and not every single author post would be nice.
  5. K70Amam()to

    The future is here

    if this is a joke... i'm finding it in somewhat poor taste. all due respect to the new mods if this isn't a joke.
  6. K70Amam()to

    thread to prevent derail in the company has fallen on fic preferences.

    well i just tried to send one and got this: The following error occurred: Participants: You may not start a conversation with the following recipients: Will514e. just like earlier. it's why this thread was even formed. since i could not send a pm. smol edit: though come to think of it...
  7. K70Amam()to

    thread to prevent derail in the company has fallen on fic preferences.

    fair enough thanks for the reply. btw why couldn't i send you a dm? is it because your a mod?
  8. K70Amam()to

    thread to prevent derail in the company has fallen on fic preferences.

    I had meant to do this in a pm but qq would not let me star a conversation with Will514e so to not do a derail on https://forum.questionablequesting.com/threads/the-company-has-fallen-waifu-catalog-inspired-si.18794/ i'll be putting my response to his statement below : here. I've actually...
  9. K70Amam()to

    QQ's Future - Partnership with Google

    Really. I think ya'd have done better negotiating for GLaDoS as a mod than those two shumcks...
  10. K70Amam()to

    How I Saved History (Fate/Grand Order SI)

    Love the flipping off of olga's corrupter and / or corpsejacker. that sir was worth going through all of this... Shame about mash though.
  11. K70Amam()to

    How I Saved History (Fate/Grand Order SI)

    I musta've missed that. I'll have to reread this to find that.
  12. K70Amam()to

    How I Saved History (Fate/Grand Order SI)

    well played first hassan never stopped being the grand assassin so contingency for primate murder!fou ready... mind you this seems a bit too easy and if flynn dies then humanity's f**ked once u-0l*a starts thier sh*t.
  13. K70Amam()to

    How I Saved History (Fate/Grand Order SI)

    Well in my opinion cannon ritsuka probably has that ass pull as you call it via a very horrifying dues ex machina. the way i see it every time a player starts a game in fgo that becomes another timeline the fgo mc goes though and as the story hasn't finished yet not a single timeline has ended...
  14. K70Amam()to

    How I Saved History (Fate/Grand Order SI)

    probably he'd have wished Fujimaru was the master of Chaldea instead of himself. I really think that when charlie looks at himself he sees someone that can't measure up... and that is a tragedy for most of the parties involved here because I think if he really stopped second guessing himself...
  15. K70Amam()to

    How I Saved History (Fate/Grand Order SI)

    yes that is true but please note my quoting myself below...