• The site has now migrated to Xenforo 2. If you see any issues with the forum operation, please post them in the feedback thread.
  • Due to issues with external spam filters, QQ is currently unable to send any mail to Microsoft E-mail addresses. This includes any account at live.com, hotmail.com or msn.com. Signing up to the forum with one of these addresses will result in your verification E-mail never arriving. For best results, please use a different E-mail provider for your QQ address.
  • For prospective new members, a word of warning: don't use common names like Dennis, Simon, or Kenny if you decide to create an account. Spammers have used them all before you and gotten those names flagged in the anti-spam databases. Your account registration will be rejected because of it.
  • Since it has happened MULTIPLE times now, I want to be very clear about this. You do not get to abandon an account and create a new one. You do not get to pass an account to someone else and create a new one. If you do so anyway, you will be banned for creating sockpuppets.
  • Due to the actions of particularly persistent spammers and trolls, we will be banning disposable email addresses from today onward.
  • The rules regarding NSFW links have been updated. See here for details.

Recent content by Khorne's-berzerker

  1. Khorne's-berzerker

    Borne of Caution (Pokemon Isekai)

    Good shit and shinx is as adorable as ever
  2. Khorne's-berzerker

    General chat thread

    I'm not your buddy, pal
  3. Khorne's-berzerker

    General chat thread

    Thank you friends
  4. Khorne's-berzerker

    General chat thread

    I just want an r placed in my name so my mind stops annoying me with it
  5. Khorne's-berzerker

    General chat thread

    Is their a way to contact a admin. It's not a big deal it just annoys me now that I see it. I misspelled berzerker, i know the z is supposed to be an s. My auto correct spelt berserker, beserker and I thought that was how it was spelt. And every time I saw berserker my mind never acknowledge.
  6. Khorne's-berzerker

    With This Ring (Young Justice SI) (Thread Fourteen)

    I know mr zoat has a red lantern paul side story can anyone tell me where i can find them in the story
  7. Khorne's-berzerker

    Everyone from QQ wake up as their Avatar, what's the first thing we do in real life?

    Commit murder and summon my god and be elevated to demon prince status if i succeed in taking over the world if not suffer for all eternity
  8. Khorne's-berzerker

