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Recent content by Kulha

  1. Kulha

    [Resolved]Unsticky the Top Bar

    Yes, please! It's so fucking annoying.
  2. Kulha

    Styling requests

    I'd really like to have the old skin back. It was unique, this one is just generic. Also, please disable the top bar from following when scrolling down. It just takes up a portion of the screen for nothing and annoys me. I had to remove the element from every page I read so far because of that.
  3. Kulha

    One day, brother, one day...

    One day, brother, one day...
  4. Kulha

    A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    Well, I planned to read the recent chapter and went to trademarks just to see the babyrage post from the author. Now I'm not gonna bother. Maybe I'll come back next year if I'm really desperate for some time-killing. From the number of likes and comments, I'm guessing a lot of people already...
  5. Kulha

    A New Player in the Force (SW/Lite Gamer)

    I'd have preferred it if Serra died.
  6. Kulha

    I'm not getting emails from QQ

    Is it just me or have some of the e-mails stopped again? I got some a few hours ago, but not for all updated stories.
  7. Kulha

    I'm not getting emails from QQ

    It sure was a surprise to see an e-mail notification from this site after so long, but a welcome one.
  8. Kulha

    I'm not getting emails from QQ

    Yep, same.
  9. Kulha

    Essence Wielding Social General [Battletech]

    You know, there is a thing as too little exposition. So far, we don't really know much about the MC or what he's hoping to achieve, not to mention what's happening in the battle. It's all in media res action with little to no explanation to the reader.