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Recent content by LucianoWrites

  1. LucianoWrites

    Chronicling The Chain (Self-Insert Alt-Chain)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 21:

    The darkness of the vault is eerie but it’s not enough to stop me from seeing what is going on. My keen, superhuman senses, combined with the subtle glow of Quest Markers allow me to make my way through the vault. The interior of the place is messy, and labyrinthian, with debris and supplies...
  2. LucianoWrites

    Chronicling The Chain (Self-Insert Alt-Chain)
    Extras: Working Liminal Archive Jump Link

    The original link doesn't work, but some homie created a Backup. Let's gooo!
  3. LucianoWrites

    Chronicling The Chain (Self-Insert Alt-Chain)
    Extras: Updated Generic Worldwalker

    This is gonna be relevant soon so have a link to the version of Generic Worldwalker that came out some time ago.
  4. LucianoWrites

    Kind of wild that despite my notorious writing habits I have a multi-jump jumpchain story that...

    Kind of wild that despite my notorious writing habits I have a multi-jump jumpchain story that has just hit 20 chapters.
  5. LucianoWrites

    Chronicling The Chain (Self-Insert Alt-Chain)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 20

    “Good morning Gianna!” I remark cheerily as I lightly touch the wolf girl’s shoulder. This is, in all honesty, the cheeriest I think I’ve been the entire time I’ve lived in The Backrooms. She stirs quietly, and as she does I begin to process the significant effects of the essence that I made...
  6. LucianoWrites

    Chronicling The Chain (Self-Insert Alt-Chain)
    Extras: Essence of Afarkaup Avakostir

    The Essence Of Afarkaup Avarkostir This essence tastes like the feeling that accompanies watching a really good prank's punchline. All parts of this are optional, and you can ignore the expanded math if you like the base version of this from the jump better. By downing this essence you have...
  7. LucianoWrites

    Chronicling The Chain (Self-Insert Alt-Chain)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 19

    Chapter 19 “Hi there! My name is Gianna.” Gianna chirps cheerfully as she boldly approaches the guard who serves as a sort of gatekeeper and works to keep out dangerous people. I scan the man and get a sense of his heart, allowing me to realize that his loyalty to the city is sincere. “Hello...
  8. LucianoWrites

    Chronicling The Chain (Self-Insert Alt-Chain)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 18

    Gianna studies our surroundings from atop my back. She has a small gun in one hand and is cautiously peering at the most surprising aspect of the environment we’re in. Other wanderers look at her, their faces revealing to some degree the surprise and confusion her presence makes them feel. No...
  9. LucianoWrites

    Chronicling The Chain (Self-Insert Alt-Chain)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 17

    I cautiously study the imposing stone wall the settlers have erected around their home as my companions and I step closer and closer to the boundary, and one of a number of doors that would permit passage through it. My mask is off and my face is nothing like my normal face. I currently have...
  10. LucianoWrites

    Chronicling The Chain (Self-Insert Alt-Chain)
    Extras: Generic Worldwalker Jump

    Hello! Generic Worldwalker is a... not quite new jump originally by Edrogrimshell that was adopted by Vanvoid. A fantastic update to it was created and posted on Reddit last night. I really like it. All our lad has is the 100 CP and free stuff, but that's not nothing.
  11. LucianoWrites

    Chronicling The Chain (Self-Insert Alt-Chain)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 16

    The concrete underneath Gianna and I is stern, solid stuff. It's also hard on our legs and unpleasant to walk on. We take our time and slowly explore the narrow hallway, and after walking for about fifteen minutes Gianna asks for a break. I oblige her and we sit down and face each other. I look...
  12. LucianoWrites

    Chronicling The Chain (Self-Insert Alt-Chain)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 15

    Chapter 15 The young woman eyes the stranger as she utters a half-formed thought. The figure before her, who claims he has rescued her, eyes her in confusion but his own face is hidden behind a mask which covers and obscures all of his facial features. The minds of both strangers begin to...
  13. LucianoWrites

    Chronicling The Chain (Self-Insert Alt-Chain)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 14

    Chapter 14 Mere minutes after I killed the monster sound fills the air in the room. Distantly a pair of generic, “Respawning Mooks” style hounds, work on harvesting mushrooms, while the zombified hound I created when I slew the first entity I’ve encountered since I arrived here is beside me...
  14. LucianoWrites

    Chronicling The Chain (Self-Insert Alt-Chain)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 13

    The glowing line leading me deeper into the backrooms guides me to the end of the room. I reach it without incident and follow it as I step into another hallway connecting various sets of rooms. A part of me is a bit surprised to find that no monsters or any sort of goofy liminal nonsense...
  15. LucianoWrites

    Chronicling The Chain (Self-Insert Alt-Chain)
    Threadmarks: Chapter 12 & Links

    Special Note: We are going an alternative route to a different jump, a hybrid of Generic First Person Shooter & The Liminal Archives Backroom Jump. We're still using Creative/Quest Mode, since this is an alt-chain. Chapter 12: I reach my home and note how still it is. As I step into my...