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Recent content by MakeLovehammer

  1. MakeLovehammer

    The Lion and the Phoenix (First Draft)

    For anyone who happens to be following this, would you mind terribly if I started releasing the story out of order?
  2. MakeLovehammer

    The Lion and the Phoenix (First Draft)

    <Will write this after I've re-read Fulgrim>
  3. MakeLovehammer

    The Lion and the Phoenix (First Draft)
    Threadmarks: Prologue 4: Flight of the Phoenix 1

    Fulgrim registered various stimuli intruding upon his senses all at once. Trazyn and his attendants had disappeared completely; the necrons were there one moment and gone the next. The roar of nearby bolter-fire made him suspect that the frozen battles he’d passed by returned to the normal...
  4. MakeLovehammer

    The Lion and the Phoenix (First Draft)
    Threadmarks: Prologue 3.5: Dreaming

    Mother was singing him a lullaby as she always did whenever he was troubled. His face was still hot from tears, but the reassuring softness of her voice and her gentle stroking of his hair brought back a sense of comfort. He had been in a place of painfully garish color and cacophonous noise...
  5. MakeLovehammer

    The Lion and the Phoenix (First Draft)
    Extras: Interlude I: A Confluence of Bullshit

    Note: I wrote this to get a grasp of how I want the rest of the prologue to advance. I'm asking the plot to do a lot of acrobatics. Trazyn, Cegorach, & Cawl: By Our Powers Combined! Deus Ex Machina!
  6. MakeLovehammer

    The Lion and the Phoenix (First Draft)

    I've been trying to get at least 1k word chapters out several times a week. I'm new to doing this much writing so I don't really have a set schedule. I do, and that's what this is. I find I work best(read:at all) if I first push out this first draft for refinement later. This forum has the...
  7. MakeLovehammer

    The Lion and the Phoenix (First Draft)
    Threadmarks: Prologue 3: Dramatis Personae

    Amongst all the creatures in the vast galleries of Solemnace, all were unmoving save for one. It capered about in defiance of the stillness of the rest of the museum planet. Its thin frame was covered in a tight body-suit. Various patterns decorated different sections of the suit. Each...
  8. MakeLovehammer

    The Lion and the Phoenix (First Draft)

    Him and some other peeps.
  9. MakeLovehammer

    The Lion and the Phoenix (First Draft)

    It's a fanfic of a fanfic. Anything's possible
  10. MakeLovehammer

    The Lion and the Phoenix (First Draft)

    I'm planning to write this as a time-travel fic featuring Clonegrim, Old Lion, and Guillibot like Rowboat's 20 sisters, but it requires multiple prologue chapters in m42 before I get there. I should probably remove the 30k & Horus Heresy tags for now.
  11. MakeLovehammer

    The Lion and the Phoenix (First Draft)

    Chronologically, prologue one happens first in m37, but I'd already written the Lion and Robot Guillibot scene.
  12. MakeLovehammer


  13. MakeLovehammer

    The Lion and the Phoenix (First Draft)
    Threadmarks: Prologue 2: A Reunion

    A Reunion The fleets of two brothers hang in the cold black void of space. The formations of ships face each other as if they were about to do battle. A single craft crosses the distance between the two fleets. Compared to the vessels the size of cities around it, the craft is like a speck...
  14. MakeLovehammer

    The Lion and the Phoenix (First Draft)
    Threadmarks: Prologue 1: The Tomb of the Phoenix

    A spinoff of The Coffin of Roboute and his 20 Sisters by Brosef Prologue 1: The Tomb of the Phoenix Two figures moved between moments snatched out of time. The echoing sounds of metal on metal tracked their steps through an impossibly vast structure. Two legs and a cane made a rhytmic tap...