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  • Due to the actions of particularly persistent spammers and trolls, we will be banning disposable email addresses from today onward.
  • The rules regarding NSFW links have been updated. See here for details.

Recent content by Merlin

  1. Merlin

    We are old, the new is like repellent. Personally I don't like it either. Particularly the new...

    We are old, the new is like repellent. Personally I don't like it either. Particularly the new notification system.
  2. Merlin

    XF2 transition feedback

    If I disabled the alerts 'Replies to a watched thread', will I still receive notifications of the OP?
  3. Merlin

    XF2 transition feedback

    Personally, I think just 'like' was fine. More positivity! Although having more reactions can be fun?
  4. Merlin

    Oh... very different, very new

    Oh... very different, very new
  5. Merlin

    Have you played Needy Girl Overdose? The protagonist reminds me of Tomoko. I wonder if it has...

    Have you played Needy Girl Overdose? The protagonist reminds me of Tomoko. I wonder if it has ever crossed your mind to turn Tomoko into an Egirl?
  6. Merlin

    Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo...

    Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo! Mahoyo...
  7. Merlin

    I must get the hell out of here!

    I must get the hell out of here!
  8. Merlin

    Ok, this gave me a chill down my spine

    Ok, this gave me a chill down my spine
  9. Merlin

    Those were some interesting facts about pregnancy

    Those were some interesting facts about pregnancy
  10. Merlin

    inthevoid Just write in the comments box normally and if you want to quote something just do...

    inthevoid Just write in the comments box normally and if you want to quote something just do that, a harmless quote... don't just press 'replay' on an entire chapter.
  11. Merlin

    Question regarding rule 3, plagiarism vs preservation and sharing

    Well... I'm not a moderator or administrator but I think that in the situation you described it should be fine as long as you don't try to pass off other people's work as your own.
  12. Merlin


  13. Merlin


  14. Merlin

    Short sword?!

    Short sword?!
  15. Merlin

    Big staff?

    Big staff?