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Recent content by Mr.unlucky

  1. Just a Phase [Worm]

    didn't all she had was a written record of what they did to her for two years? hospital record won't prove who did what but what happened to her.
  2. Just a Phase [Worm]

    unless she has hard evidence and make it imposable to ignored it i don't see how going to the police would do anything. at best she has personal record which would not be enough to proof those three guilty but would be enough to do a investigation. The PRT will know about it and shut it down hard.
  3. Just a Phase [Worm]

    wouldn't do anything. they cover up a attempt murder and give them a slap on the wrist. they would this give her another slap and have the cops be quite or be sent to prison for endangering a ward's identity. same with Danny
  4. Just a Phase [Worm]

    you assume it would be a fair trail. which is imposable when a government agent is the prosecutor/defense.
  5. Just a Phase [Worm]

    snip could Danny kill Emma in self-defense? she broke and enter his house he's aware she's a cape and knows what she did to Taylor. so it can be reasonable that he believes she came hare to kill him.
  6. Just a Phase [Worm]

    It;s something that got stuck in my head. i will edited it but I'm hoping other people will take the ideal and spin it there own way. the power not only makes Taylor more powerful it also makes her trigging worst. not knowing or remembering her mothers love for her or anything about her...
  7. Just a Phase [Worm]
    Extras: Omake: Sacrifice

    (this was rush feel free to used it for a one-shot) Omake: Sacrifice 'why did it come to this' Lily thought looking through a one-way window. Taylor sitting in the interrogation room across the table she is sitting in Armstrong pleading with her to cooperate. about two months ago...
  8. What We Need Here/Is A Little Bit Of Panic (Persona 5 Genderbent Protagonist)

    no. i meant she reminds me of velvet crowe from tales of berseria
  9. What We Need Here/Is A Little Bit Of Panic (Persona 5 Genderbent Protagonist)

    anyone one else thinking she's has a velvet crowd vibe going on?