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Recent content by nerrhavia

  1. Thanks

  2. And what would happen if the system they have access to can let me grow further than they have...

    And what would happen if the system they have access to can let me grow further than they have do I get that or does they're strength level function as my max level (until I get new powers/templates)
  3. How would taking a template work (when said template has access to a growth enhancer like a...

    How would taking a template work (when said template has access to a growth enhancer like a litrpg system) when the growth enhancer they have access to is fairly open ended, would it give me access to the system they use for me to do the fuck I want with or would it shoe horn me into roughly the...
  4. XF2 transition feedback

    Also just learned this but we're no longer getting previews from email notifications
  5. XF2 transition feedback

    Is their anyway to browse an authors threads cause I can't find that option?
  6. Just realised that there are two massive multiversal organisations that have multiple fanfics...

    Just realised that there are two massive multiversal organisations that have multiple fanfics based in them (thedarkwolfshiros guild of gamers and waifu catalogues company) but in your opinion what would be company policy on interacting with a guild member
  7. User Name Change Request Thread

    Ultima333 could you please change my name to nerrhavia
  8. Assimilative Evolution: Or I was Reborn as a Jagras but I Have a Cheat Ability

    No he needs a moustache for his evolution to be truly complete