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Recent content by None of your bee wax!

  1. How to make my stories not be cringe?

    Is this a serious thread? Because this just screams "fucking around on the internet" then an actual question, (the fact that this is the internet doesn`t help). Personally, I would say that you should allow your characters to do cool or interesting things, but not at the expense of logical...
  2. Plowing Her Fertile Fields: QQ's Gardening and Horticulture Thread

    why not keep in in the bag and just back-over it in your car a few times, should reduce it to a manageable grain after a bit.
  3. Would you rather studios just stop constant making new a Isekia`s every season, or start having characters inserted into know franchises instead?

    A lot of people (me included) seem a bit tired of how many Isekia`s that keep popping up. (A lot of fantasy world with mundane skills being overpowered, or just slice of life comedy) This in-turn, made want to ask others thoughts on how new stories could be made while reusing older or misused...
  4. Should COD crossover with books for their games: like Starship Trooper, or War of The worlds?
    Threadmarks: Call for cod, More then Advance Warfare

    I also think old movies like The Day the Earth Stood Still, or a proper game to The Thing would be great; doesn`t need to be word-for-word, just close enough to work for a adaptation. Just want less weak plotlines and more cool toys to play with really. Dune could work out well if they keep it...
  5. Plowing Her Fertile Fields: QQ's Gardening and Horticulture Thread

    What fish are you using; any bottom feeders to keep algae down or do you have a couple of shrimp filling that roll?
  6. Plowing Her Fertile Fields: QQ's Gardening and Horticulture Thread

    Was driving to visit my niece-in-law a few day ago when I noticed some of the neighbors having individual green houses for their plants. (Strawberry`s, Cucumber`s and spinach.) And found myself wondering if such a set up is worth having a temperature controller added, with moisture sensor to...
  7. Worst Isekai Settings To Be Tossed In?

    Not sure if parodies count as the same thing or a offshoot, but I feel we should also add the Helldiver franchise. Mostly it`s for all the obvious deaths we know are happening, plus near Human death tactics as standard doctrine.
  8. Worst Isekai Settings To Be Tossed In?

    Starship troopers is a young action novel, my worries is that your existence is dependent on plot importance. (Can`t see any other way that Earth could have a Meteor thrown at it and the world government not preemptively destroy it before hand.)
  9. Worst Isekai Settings To Be Tossed In?

    Any of the Doom games or movies. Starship troopers: while the Government seems to be on the up and up when it comes to combating corruption, they also somehow failed to stop a meteor hitting the earth despite being a Void-capable society. Edit: spelling corrected.
  10. Just wanted to drop by and wish you a good day. Hope it`s moving smoothly.

    Just wanted to drop by and wish you a good day. Hope it`s moving smoothly.
  11. Just wanted to drop by and say that: Ciaphas Cain, Warmaster of Chaos, has updated. Lots of...

    Just wanted to drop by and say that: Ciaphas Cain, Warmaster of Chaos, has updated. Lots of father - daughters fluffy-ness in this one. Might be a fun read after work. Hope you`re having a good day.
  12. Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas!
  13. Bethesda`s simplification and rectification needed for ES6

    Hopefully Bethesda will copy what the Mechwarrior 5 team did, and just copy and paste data from the many nexus mods onto their main update package for Skyrim. Who knows, they might be able to course correct enough for ES6.
  14. Bethesda`s simplification and rectification needed for ES6

    Makes sense that most people will chose the good (or least neutral path), but having variations that differ slightly will keep new playthroughs fresh, and with how expensive games are getting it won`t be long before the next games is a few hundred bucks. Though I agree that Bethesda has to keep...
  15. Bethesda`s simplification and rectification needed for ES6

    Not sure what I don`t grasp as far as core usage, one of the major bottle necks was the fact fallout 4 was limited to one core doing the lions share for everything. I think that would be a fare assessment when it come to the myriad of problems with Bethesda Softworks games. I believe that as...