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Recent content by ReaderOfTheSwords

  1. ReaderOfTheSwords

    Percy Jackson: Wouldn’t You know it

    My cousin gave me an idea of if I ever make another story, I could come back to annoy the void, who maybe, eventually become empathetic to everything after so many people ruined his sleep, but that’s just an idea.
  2. ReaderOfTheSwords

    Percy Jackson: Wouldn’t You know it
    Threadmarks: Chapter 32. Progressing

    It's been a few days since I arrived back home, and, well, things are... how do I put it... let's just say things are progressing. But why did it take me so long to recall a single word? Curse you, ADHD, the bane of my existence. Anyway, I got off track, let's just get into the story, no need...
  3. ReaderOfTheSwords

    Percy Jackson: Wouldn’t You know it
    Threadmarks: Chapter 31. A surprise I think

    Waking up I find Hestia no longer in her chair, I get off my chair and look out the window. It's dark out. I must have slept through the whole day. That was the best sleep I've had in weeks. I wonder where my mom is as I look around the room. Absolutely nothing. I changed my shirt as it was...
  4. ReaderOfTheSwords

    Percy Jackson: Wouldn’t You know it
    Threadmarks: Chapter 30. Collapse

    Leaving the building we haul a cab to camp. I was worrying over Luke the entire way. If he were to escape even though Chiron knew what had happened, I would be so annoyed. If he were to escape all I can hope for is that Luke didn't leave unscathed. Arriving near the strawberry field we...
  5. ReaderOfTheSwords

    Percy Jackson: Wouldn’t You know it
    Threadmarks: Chapter 29.Well Screw You Too

    Once we got on the plane everything felt off and it wasn't just my spider-sense going off the whole time we were in the air; I was tense the whole time. I couldn't focus one bit, especially with how Grover had been looking at me, I mean couldn't he just give it a rest? Nothing happened between...
  6. ReaderOfTheSwords

    Percy Jackson: Wouldn’t You know it
    Threadmarks: Chapter 28. I Thought This Would Be a Quiet Day

    It's been a day since the fight with Ares, and we have three days to get the bolt to Zeus. This is a better time than the original, so in my opinion, that's pretty good. It could have been better, not like I would be able to redo everything. During this time Annabeth still hasn't woken up. The...
  7. ReaderOfTheSwords

    Percy Jackson: Wouldn’t You know it
    Threadmarks: Chapter 27. Roll with the punches

    It's kind of crazy how cool he looks. The edginess factor makes it even better. He should get some dark armor instead of that cloak and suit of his. That doesn't matter right now though, what matters is I get him on my side. "Would you like anything before we start? It was a long journey for...
  8. ReaderOfTheSwords

    Percy Jackson: Wouldn’t You know it
    Threadmarks: Chapter 26. A Wall Of Fur

    Having Annabeth and Grover berate me while we left Crusty's shop was getting old. Nothing went wrong and I now have a semi-job, I'm a living walking ad for Crusty. Not telling Annabeth and Grover about the whole him being Procrustes wasn't fair, especially to Grover as he believed in me but I...
  9. ReaderOfTheSwords

    Percy Jackson: Wouldn’t You know it
    Threadmarks: Chapter 25. A Profitable Day

    Waking up in this hotel felt weird. I was so used to being on that train, especially that bed, it was too comfortable. This one on the other hand was... sufficient. What made it worse was how much I slept. Staying awake for most of the night was a mistake. All those negative thoughts floating...
  10. ReaderOfTheSwords

    Percy Jackson: Wouldn’t You know it
    Threadmarks: Chapter 24. Think Percy Think

    Throughout the rest of the car ride, everything was calm. Ha, that's a goddamned lie. Grover was currently berating Annabeth while I was freaking out on the inside. Annabeth had golden eyes for a second, I'd be an idiot if I didn't realize who was behind her accepting this. Well, I am an idiot...
  11. ReaderOfTheSwords

    Percy Jackson: Wouldn’t You know it
    Threadmarks: Chapter 23. A Deal

    For the rest of the ride to Los Angeles, everything was quiet. When the train made a stop or two a monster or two would show up but after everything I went through they were easily dealt with. Kronos at the time hasn't even shown himself. It makes me wonder what he has in store for me in the...
  12. ReaderOfTheSwords

    Percy Jackson: Wouldn’t You know it
    Threadmarks: Chapter 22. Ordinary

    DREAMSCAPE BEGIN It feels like I'm suffocating right now. In this dark pit, I just keep falling. I hear screams of terror. I see the bottom but I just never reach it. All of a sudden something grabs my arm and throws me. I tumble and roll on the spiky red floor. I'm bleeding from...
  13. ReaderOfTheSwords

    Percy Jackson: Wouldn’t You know it
    Threadmarks: Chapter 21. Tis But A scratch

    Once she left I put my focus on torpedoing out of the river. Walking out to see news cars, emergency vehicles, and helicopters everywhere was annoying. It would be hard to get out. I made sure to hide behind whatever I could so that those who made it out wouldn't recognize me. It's probably...
  14. ReaderOfTheSwords

    Percy Jackson: Wouldn’t You know it
    Threadmarks: Chapter 20. Time to brawl

    For TWO WHOLE DAYS, Grover has been fussing over me as if I were a baby. It may have hurt but that doesn't mean they have to treat me this way. Other than Grover fussing over me Annabeth and I have been getting a little closer. Annabeth trusted me enough to tell me parts of her origin. Her...
  15. ReaderOfTheSwords

    Percy Jackson: Wouldn’t You know it
    Threadmarks: Chapter 19.Hugs, We All Need It

    Having Hermes stand in front of us wasn't what we expected when we sent Medusa's head through the mail. "Well, what have we here, a demigod son of Poseidon, a daughter of Athena, and a satyr. A group who are about to create one of the greatest pranks towards Olympus?" I swear you could hear...