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Recent content by RedFistCannon

  1. RedFistCannon

    An Extraordinary Sage's Not-So-Ordinary Adventure
    Threadmarks: Fanart!

    Just a note that I had a piece of fanart commissioned! Credit goes to @satan_navi
  2. RedFistCannon

    An Extraordinary Sage's Not-So-Ordinary Adventure
    Threadmarks: Chapter 4: A Strange Family

    A/N: Made an oopsie and switched chapter 3 and 4's titles. Ah well... Without further Ado! Gyaran no Honkyochi or the "Home of the Gallant" remains one of the greatest mysteries of history. One might call it the eastern version of Atlantis, a city lost to the sands of time. It was...
  3. RedFistCannon

    An Extraordinary Sage's Not-So-Ordinary Adventure
    Threadmarks: Chapter 3: The Mysterious Tourists

    The Jade Emperor kneeled from exhaustion, his features marred with sweat, grime, and ichor. His once pristine robes were barely held by the seams. His red hair, once expertly coiffed, was now singed and messy. But the most problematic injury seemed to be on his forehead, which was grasped...
  4. RedFistCannon

    An Extraordinary Sage's Not-So-Ordinary Adventure
    Threadmarks: Chapter 2: Children's Day

    The Fool stood Defiant, The King brought down his Judgement, The Fool laughed in Mirth, And Chaos enveloped the Earth ~~ Excerpt from apocryphal Taoist texts found in the Huang He valley, 390 BC ~~ Alluded to refer to the Mythological 'Heavenly War' between the Jade Emperor and the Gallant...
  5. RedFistCannon

    Hey There! I'm a 26-year-old weeb writing whenever I can bother... Mostly Naruto and PJO for now...

    Hey There! I'm a 26-year-old weeb writing whenever I can bother... Mostly Naruto and PJO for now...
  6. RedFistCannon

    An Extraordinary Sage's Not-So-Ordinary Adventure
    Threadmarks: Chapter 1: Father and Son

    "I've never fully believed in his existence, for I thought it was nothing more than a Myth. A Man who walked the earth before the gods themselves? Surely it must be a jest! For that sounds the furthest away from a Man!" "But alas I was proven wrong! For we were one day visited by a Man who...
  7. RedFistCannon

    An Extraordinary Sage's Not-So-Ordinary Adventure

    Author Notes (A/N): Heya! So I decided to crosspost my fanfic here. This is a rewrite of a previous work I had on fanfiction.net (it's still there under the same username if you wanna check it out). If the story does well, I'll see about crossposting its 'reading' here as well. Summary: Having...