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Recent content by Savanna

  1. I do hope we get to see a new chapter soon tbh

    I do hope we get to see a new chapter soon tbh
  2. So any idea how the angel mythic path would work in DXD. It destroyed a fucking realm of another...

    So any idea how the angel mythic path would work in DXD. It destroyed a fucking realm of another dimension if I remember correctly
  3. So is soul roommates dead or what

    So is soul roommates dead or what
  4. Fair enough allmind won't want to destroy all of nato though she basically still will since they...

    Fair enough allmind won't want to destroy all of nato though she basically still will since they would be paper tiger by the end of massacrer
  5. I wouldn't aye also be their top? Would she pull back as well or what?

    I wouldn't aye also be their top? Would she pull back as well or what?
  6. When the next chapter of soul roommate

    When the next chapter of soul roommate
  7. Devils + Vampire (Post-DMC 5 X Rosario + Vampire Fanfic)

    Ten bucks he goes after Virgil first since he Dante brother. I can just imagine what happened to kuyo if he gets Virgil to use his devil's trigger not out of actually being challenged more that Virgil show him he is a devil before killing him
  8. It Is Alright To Use Spiral Power In A Dungeon (TTGL X Danmachi Crossover)

    I can't wait to see Freya reaction to finding Simon wife is dead and the fact he still loves her so much even not being able to see her again
  9. It Is Alright To Use Spiral Power In A Dungeon (TTGL X Danmachi Crossover)

    Word of advice asked someone about what happened in sword during volume 10 events after you finish it I won't spoil what happens during those events let just say Simon is going to punch a lot of People like a lot
  10. It Is Alright To Use Spiral Power In A Dungeon (TTGL X Danmachi Crossover)

    I know right lol. Btw do you know what is happening during sword during the xeno arc or no?
  11. It Is Alright To Use Spiral Power In A Dungeon (TTGL X Danmachi Crossover)

    I forgot is volume 9 involved the zeno or was that ten?
  12. One more thing I can't wait for bell to see how Morgan used to look like.

    One more thing I can't wait for bell to see how Morgan used to look like.
  13. Got it. I can't wait for melusine to be summon. I have a weird feeling her and Lili will get...

    Got it. I can't wait for melusine to be summon. I have a weird feeling her and Lili will get along well
  14. Will there ever be a new chapter of your Morgan x Bell fanfic? Also did you ever thought about...

    Will there ever be a new chapter of your Morgan x Bell fanfic? Also did you ever thought about making a danmachi x arknight fanfic with patriot being reincarnated into danmachi either as a xeno or as a adventurer?
  15. I eagerly await the next chapter of white rabbit black dog. I want to see Freya reaction to...

    I eagerly await the next chapter of white rabbit black dog. I want to see Freya reaction to barghest soul plus possible shenanigans involving ryu barghest and syr