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Recent content by ShadowAngelBeta

  1. ShadowAngelBeta

    My Light Novel Isekai Story is Stressful As Expected (Eiyuu Senki Friend Insert ft. NekoNekoBoy)

    To be fair, this is why you don't put civilians in charge of military operations. They might have a talent for it, but they don't really have a line in the sand drawn for them as a measuring stick of when too far is too far. Chen's just probably grabbing a mish-mash of half-remembered military...
  2. ShadowAngelBeta

    Brooding Responsibilities [The Return Book 1 (SM, R.5)]

    I haven't read any yet, but I feel I should warn you that the QQ SFW Creative Writing area sees very little traffic through it. Hell, this is the first time I've checked the place in... probably months. I don't know if you're posting this on SV and/or SB as well, but I figured I'd warn you...
  3. ShadowAngelBeta

    Dr. Wily Quest: The Zero Wars

    That one was definitely a good one. If can keep this kind of quality in the future, you'll be set with whatever you write.
  4. ShadowAngelBeta

    The Trials and Tribulations of a would be Yuri Harem Goddess (Highschool DxD AU)

    Ki Arts sounds like some odd equivalent of Occult before anything else. So you probably should change that. [X] [Action] Training. You can always tighten up something. (3 hours) - [X] Unarmed [X] [Action] Socialize. - [X] Aika [X] [Action] Head to the shrine for the afternoon to see Miko...
  5. ShadowAngelBeta

    The Trials and Tribulations of a would be Yuri Harem Goddess (Highschool DxD AU)

    *Looks at Char Sheet* ... wtf? We have no unarmed? And I mean there isn't even an unarmed skill. What? No wonder everyone was voting melee, there is no unarmed.
  6. ShadowAngelBeta

    Dr. Wily Quest: The Zero Wars

    [X] Tetsuo
  7. ShadowAngelBeta

    The Trials and Tribulations of a would be Yuri Harem Goddess (Highschool DxD AU)

    [X] [Path] No! You can't be the Shrine Maiden! Visiting a small shrine in the middle of the night can get you involved in more than you bargained for. (Comedy side story, eases character into the supernatural with an eventual introduction to the Shinto and Yokai factions.) Nationalism Ho...
  8. ShadowAngelBeta

    Dr. Wily Quest: The Zero Wars

    It never seems to actually die really. Just... kind of dies for a few months.
  9. ShadowAngelBeta

    Twisted Pinwheel

    ... Yeah. I really just can't feel like this has been anything but a horrible idea as even Mio herself admitted it was in the update before last.
  10. ShadowAngelBeta

    Twisted Pinwheel

    I think some of the thoughts for the Chakra Arm were running along the line of Mio using her Chakra Arm that she already has to compress around nature energy in order to give her arm a physical presence. And then have her chakra run through it like normal... well Run Through as in Run Past the...
  11. ShadowAngelBeta

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Yeah, but he had years of studying under, actually studying on, and knowing who/what Orochimaru was.
  12. ShadowAngelBeta

    Twisted Pinwheel

    Huh. I actually like that. Velvet for the Bijuu-esque arm and Zero for the Bound Arm, because we'll inevitably need to seal it back up with something when it tries taking us over.
  13. ShadowAngelBeta

    Twisted Pinwheel

  14. ShadowAngelBeta

    Twisted Pinwheel

    I'm worried about the arms trying to mind-whammy us in some way. I think they will affect us mentally, the probably with Bound Arm is that we don't know what it is. I mean is it a demon so horrible the other demons sealed it, is it one that was sealed and fell back into hell while still sealed...
  15. ShadowAngelBeta

    Twisted Pinwheel

    [X] Make. You have everything you need, probably. - [X] What you need to do is to make the chakra denser. Make it physical. Bijuu do it, why can't... you might be a little insane. But that doesn't mean it won't work.