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  • Hey, if I remember correctly, you once wrote a fanfic where an SI possessed Sophia Dryden, right? What happened to that story?
    it was a quest and I sort of burnt out on it and never recovered the muse. If you'd like, I can repost what I have as a fic, but I doubt id' continue it.
    If you're asking to adopt it, feel free. I'll even tell the mods wherever to fuck off if you decide to lift large sections directly
    Nah, just curious about it. Found it, thanks.
    I have a question you can totally ignore, report, or whatever, but the curiosity is eating at me: why were you banned from Spacebattles?
    I had a habit of making right wing responses whenever other people would bring up some political argument in the discussion between story updates. The mods considered this disruptive, and when I appealed that my behavior was not against the rules, and was less inflammatory than many others, I was told that the site administration would not be held back by their own rules, and that I should be apologizing and begging
    forgiveness, not lawyering. I......took offense.
    Ethan Eldritch
    Ethan Eldritch
    I see, well thanks for indulging my curiosity!
    Gotta say, I like the avatar pic. Rare to see Ranma with anyone but the Fiancee brigade or as a female himself. I actually like fanon Nabs when she isn't portrayed as a heartless yakuza wannabe.
    Her canon portrayal reminds me a lot of how Filipina/Indonesian girls are. Super entrepreneurial, always looking for the best bargain, looking for a man who can bring status and protection to their lives. Thing is, once they've decided that you are theirs they stop being mercenary and start being possessive.
    Possessive isn't necessarily bad, if you actually like her. It's more a problem if you either don't like her, or she's a chameleon and what you liked was her camouflage.
    Hey is there any Universe where you continue "The Dragon Advances"? Maybe here on QQ? Has to be one of my favorite Cultivation systems, and a good Marvel fanfic besides.
    i hope you continue legend of anima, its really interesting
    • Like
    Reactions: Solusandra
    I might pick it up again myself. My patron and co-author is having a lot of personal troubles right now.
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