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Recent content by turbofluffysnek

  1. turbofluffysnek

    Rise of the System Lords (semi-SI-OC, kinda-PF, kinda anti-litrpg)
    Threadmarks: 3.33 First Bastion, pt. 2

    Not entirely happy with this one, but the saga of work being mad before the summer freeze continues. Hope you enjoy! Let me know what you think! First Bastion, Pt.2 The forces of Sunset, swelled as they now were with the still somewhat surly but at least well-behaved additional members of a...
  2. turbofluffysnek

    Rise of the System Lords (semi-SI-OC, kinda-PF, kinda anti-litrpg)
    Threadmarks: 3.32 Bastion, pt.1

    short one for you, second half of which should be coming sooner rather than later. *** First Bastion, pt.1 Bear reared up and roared, swatting left and right with his massive dinner-plate sized paws as he sent gnolls and worgs both flying. He weaved in and around several of the human members of...
  3. turbofluffysnek

    Rise of the System Lords (semi-SI-OC, kinda-PF, kinda anti-litrpg)
    Threadmarks: informational

    since I was asked this question elsewhere: Oh man, I've done you guys a disservice since I've not properly explained what I mean by 'truck' all this time. I'm sorry about that! When he was first changed, then he could have (with a lot of trouble) fit inside the back of a flatbed pickup, albeit...
  4. turbofluffysnek

    Rise of the System Lords (semi-SI-OC, kinda-PF, kinda anti-litrpg)
    Threadmarks: 3.31 Path of Destruction, pt.1

    Apologies for not getting something out earlier. Work's been mad again and I've finally been recovering. Path of Destruction Night was a bad time to be on the trail of trolls, but it was also the only time they were active enough to be easily seen. We compromised, by starting our expedition...
  5. turbofluffysnek

    Rise of the System Lords (semi-SI-OC, kinda-PF, kinda anti-litrpg)
    Threadmarks: 3.30 Hunting Party pt.1

    Hunting Party Nalsi peered at the young human girl as she spoke to Smash and patted his head. The bullette did a little wriggle and an up-down motion happily as she did so. It was amazing; Smash and Grab both were like massive, overgrown ‘puppies’ for all of the hatchlings, but ever since the...
  6. turbofluffysnek

    Rise of the System Lords (semi-SI-OC, kinda-PF, kinda anti-litrpg)
    Threadmarks: 3.29 Sublime

    Sublime “Pestle and mortar? Really?” Joe glared at the object before him, then glowered up at the Sister — Brother? No, he was sure this one was a female, he was learning to spot the differences — kobold before him. “You know I could put this in the blender and get it done in moments?” “Do...
  7. turbofluffysnek

    Rise of the System Lords (semi-SI-OC, kinda-PF, kinda anti-litrpg)
    Threadmarks: 3.28 Pecking Order and Plans

    3.28 Pecking Order and Plans Mack drove the buggy in relative silence at first as the dark sky grew steadily brighter. Relative being the word since it didn’t have any windows and only a half-plexi piece for a windshield. Dawn was coming, everybody was tired, but there was an energy in the air...
  8. turbofluffysnek

    Rise of the System Lords (semi-SI-OC, kinda-PF, kinda anti-litrpg)
    Threadmarks: 3.27 Caught Amongst The Pigeons

    Do you know how sick I've been? The answer is 'very'. I've been utterly miserable. weeks and weeks of pure agony. I'm finally getting better though, and thought I should at leaet publish this. Caught Amongst the Pigeons “On your side, huh? You sound pretty sure of yourself. And it’s Mack.”...
  9. turbofluffysnek

    Rise of the System Lords (semi-SI-OC, kinda-PF, kinda anti-litrpg)
    Threadmarks: 3.26 Growing Pains

    Sorry for the wait, work has been madder than usual, and for whatever reason the words would not come. I'm not so happy about it, but here is a chapter seeing what's going on back at the base... Growing Pains Lucy hummed to herself exuberantly as she hefted a watering can almost as big as she...
  10. turbofluffysnek

    Rise of the System Lords (semi-SI-OC, kinda-PF, kinda anti-litrpg)

    Hey, thanks for commenting! First of all, I hope you do stick around, every comment (especially probing ones) fuels the creative juices. Secondly, no, this isn't really inspired off of anything, but it is set roughly to the rules (if not the world) of 'Pathfinder', which is essentially D&D 3.75...
  11. turbofluffysnek

    Rise of the System Lords (semi-SI-OC, kinda-PF, kinda anti-litrpg)
    Threadmarks: 3.25 Skirmish

    Skirmish Wally’s eyes gleamed in the darkness as he patrolled the otherwise empty streets with his friends, new and old. He idly wondered what was happening back at the base, whether they were getting on alright. He also wondered when he’d be headed back himself, not that he really minded...
  12. turbofluffysnek

    Rise of the System Lords (semi-SI-OC, kinda-PF, kinda anti-litrpg)
    Threadmarks: 3.24 Power Play

    Power Play In one single, beautiful, awful moment, the world changed around Gullins. Sight, sound, smells, touch, all of it vanished, leaving him suspended in nothingness. For a brief moment, nothing happened, and then he felt it; the rush of new thoughts, new instincts. His mind and body...
  13. turbofluffysnek

    Rise of the System Lords (semi-SI-OC, kinda-PF, kinda anti-litrpg)
    Threadmarks: 3.23 Matriarch and Mother

    I've updated the previous chapter slightly, I think it's better, it tells more of the backstory. Matriarch and Mother Cindy wasn’t happy, but she was determined. Her stupid boyfriend had gotten himself knocked down a peg or two by pissing off the dragon and she’d been left to pick up the...
  14. turbofluffysnek

    Rise of the System Lords (semi-SI-OC, kinda-PF, kinda anti-litrpg)
    Threadmarks: 3.22 Motion

    Motion I roared as I dropped out of the sky like the clawed fist of an angry god, landing on three men who had clumped up together, guns pointed at my people. They didn’t survive the landing intact, and they certainly didn’t survive my teeth and claws. I whirled, slicing my tail and wings...
  15. turbofluffysnek

    Rise of the System Lords (semi-SI-OC, kinda-PF, kinda anti-litrpg)
    Threadmarks: 3.21 Hey Joe, Whaddaya Know?

    Hey Joe, Whaddaya Know? Joe shut the door to his infirmary, locked it, then snagged some goblin hooch in a thermos. He definitely needed the goblin hooch. He was honestly counting the days until he started smoking. He wasn’t trained for this! To be fair, nobody was trained for this, yet at...