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Recent content by Unclouded

  1. Unclouded

    Skein [Worm Altpower/AU]

    the headache (typo)
  2. Unclouded

    Skein [Worm Altpower/AU]

    Should be IX
  3. Unclouded

    Mettle [Worm AU]

    Ok first thing is obviously Coil doesn't have his canon powers and is a known parahuman working with the PRT. That alone is crazy enough however something not everyone will notice: No Kid Win. Does that mean he's Hero's apprentice, that he never triggered, or that he's a villain? Everything I...
  4. Unclouded

    Mettle [Worm AU]

    Gonna be honest. This Brandish was a lot different than all the other ones I've seen. That and Amy sounding "bright, confident, and cheery" makes me wonder just how far back these butterflies go and whether that means Fleur died or not.
  5. Unclouded

    Mettle [Worm AU]

    Yeah I had to double check that Vista was even mentioned before I said earlier that I thought it was Vista helping Clock. So many butterflies that we don't even know if someone's a ward or otherwise until we hear about it in story.
  6. Unclouded

    Mettle [Worm AU]

    Huh. I just assumed Vista was helping him from nearby.
  7. Unclouded

    Mettle [Worm AU]

    Only the second Cape Piggot I've seen but the first one I've seen that's had the ability since before the start of the story. Very interested in where you go with this and loving this story a lot so far. Good luck and keep up the good work.
  8. Unclouded

    Security! (a Worm SI fic)

    It's not actually explained that they're bone crests until an optional thing in Mass Effect 3 so it's understandable. Enjoyed the story a lot and figured I'd thank you for the work you put into this. Rereading I, Panacea now to get a better mindset of where Mike is.
  9. Unclouded

    Cosmos Quest (Naruto/Lupin III)

    Waiting to vote on a plan once more ideas are tossed out. Meanwhile Socializing is: [X] Kibi! After all, who else are you in a position to pump for information about Oto?
  10. Unclouded

    Cosmos Quest (Naruto/Lupin III)

    [X] Two reasons. First, to help drive home the fact of just how outclassed we are by jonin who deserve their rank and two, So i could Riff through your pockets to get information on what your planing by checking your loadout.
  11. Unclouded

    Cosmos Quest (Naruto/Lupin III)

    [X] The greatest actress of the coming age takes the stage! Fake taking a hit and hitting the deck like an extra in a Bruce Lee movie! That now has the most votes but not by much and depends on what Guile actually votes for.
  12. Unclouded

    Cosmos Quest (Naruto/Lupin III)

    [X] So, is this one of those 'two wrongs make a right' things? Like, Itachi gets to dive back into my head, and that somehow makes everything okay? [X] I mean, obviously if you trust him to fix it it's not an issue in the first place because he can be trusted. Though that does bring up the...
  13. Unclouded

    Cosmos Quest (Naruto/Lupin III)

    [X] Ask.
  14. Unclouded

    Cosmos Quest (Naruto/Lupin III)

    Current Tally. On an Accept vs Decline count it's 12 Decline Vs 9 Accept.
  15. Unclouded

    Cosmos Quest (Naruto/Lupin III)

    [X] "Accepted." This is far more your scene then gladitorial combat- And, if you pull this off right, you might still get to attend the exams too! Also nice to see you back Furiko.