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Recent content by Vauron

  1. Vauron

    Lex Luthor, World's Greatest Hero - DC Mirrorverse Quest

    [X] Overman [X] Check on files of your active villains. Olsen is putting you in a paranoid mood, and you feel the need to remind yourself about who is out of prison and a threat, as well as the general crime rate in Metropolis. [X] Contact your fellow heroes. Your role as the public backer of...
  2. Vauron

    Do Quests exist elsewhere?

    There are a number on the MSPA forums. Sturgeon's Law applies, but I've enjoyed a few. On that forum images with the update are quite norm, though the images are often are very simple. The MSPA forums in general have smaller updates that other places I have frequented...
  3. Vauron

    I will become God-Harem King of the World! [Highschool DxD/Exalted] (CLOSED)

    Protoss, creating Exaltations is kinda a big deal. Even if he was solely focused on that goal, Issei would be unable to do it. Even at the height of the First Age, with people like Bright Shattered Ice and Salina* running around, the only way you were gonna increase the number of exaltations was...
  4. Vauron

    Terrible Father Quest (Evangelion)

  5. Vauron

    Terrible Father Quest (Evangelion)

    [X] Remind him that you built a giant robot for him to pilot, and that this makes you a good father. Then question his masculinity and 'coolness' as a fourteen-year-old boy who doesn't want to engage in mecha battles.
  6. Vauron

    I will become God-King of the World! [Exalted/Code Geass] (DEAD)

    [X] A set of bandages. [X] Find a place for the light to die down before going home.
  7. Vauron

    I will become God-King of the World! [Exalted/Code Geass] (DEAD)

    [X] Order your Knightmares to fall back. Lets just try to conserve the stolen knightmares.
  8. Vauron

    Leabhar Sidhe: Book of Fae

    Was it the mention of the Black Cards that caused the headache? We must do SCIENCE! [X] Look around for hostiles. [X] "That sounds like crap that I'm going to have to clean up." [X] "Otherwise no, Black Cards haven't been mentioned. Unless the Black Dog card counts, I guess." [X] Does Seiba...
  9. Vauron

    Leabhar Sidhe: Book of Fae

    It seems I missed that we were heading to a diner. My guess as to who we were talking to was based on an assumption that That Man and That Guy were the same person. [X] "Hectic night, didn't get much sleep." [X] "I'm going out for breakfast, care to join me?"
  10. Vauron

    Leabhar Sidhe: Book of Fae

    We still live with this guy? I had assumed we moved into the old family house. Or did he invite himself in? Why were we in an orphanage if we were stuck with him? Note to self: New locks. [x] Grumble grumble need food. [x] Ruminate on rebels and outcast parents.
  11. Vauron

    Leabhar Sidhe: Book of Fae

    [X] Test out the cards [X]Also try -[X] Shot + Smash -[X] Spear + Flames -[X] Smash + Flames
  12. Vauron

    Leabhar Sidhe: Book of Fae

    [X] Throw a quick series of Shots at the Black Dog, aiming for the wounds. Hopefully that'll make it madder. -->[X] Use Dash to keep Dog off you. -->[X] Throw the Ice Spear at the Dog next time it charges I'm kinda worried that going Ice Prince will make us weaker to the flames. Originally, I...
  13. Vauron

    Leabhar Sidhe: Book of Fae

    [X] Matador time. -->[X] Remember- Dodge, then stab. -->[X] Dash + Yeti, that ice we put down can trip us too
  14. Vauron

    The Red Rose of Konoha (Yu Yu Hakusho/Naruto)

    [X] "I'm going to be. I am, aren't I, Tenzo-sensei?"
  15. Vauron

    Mahou Shosu: The Magical Academy

    [X] I'll eat with Agnes.