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Recent content by Vtorc

  1. Vtorc

    Divinity (X-Men/Marvel) (Reality Warping SI)

    Trust me, I really, REALLY don't want to do that. The first time I read this issue really ticked me off. That's why I had to come out clean inorder to explain the future plots as Adam would definitely be involved with the matters of Heaven and Hell
  2. Vtorc

    Divinity (X-Men/Marvel) (Reality Warping SI)
    Threadmarks: Chapter...?

    I want you to listen to a rather peculiar scenario. Deliberate on it and tell yourself what you think would be the right course of action to take or should be done. Now I know all your answers may not be the same, just as not all humans are the same—we (you) are all creatures of logic and...
  3. Vtorc

    Devil Devil (A Vasto Lorde SI in Chainsaw Man)
    Threadmarks: Contract or CONTRACT! (Part I)

    Stifling a groan, Kishibe ran a hand through his head that was set for an incoming headache. '... I swear this country has finally gone mad.' A fucking inevitability with how the world is turning out to be… The first-class Devil Hunter had suspected something like this ever since the Gun...
  4. Vtorc

    Divinity (X-Men/Marvel) (Reality Warping SI)
    Threadmarks: Chapter Four

    (James 'Logan' Howlett P.O.V) It was said; that in the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth. Wolverine may be a man who isn't afraid to give gods a new look—cut—in the face; especially if they turn out to be an almighty douchebag. But Logan, on the other hand, would readily admit...
  5. Vtorc

    Divinity (X-Men/Marvel) (Reality Warping SI)
    Threadmarks: Chapter Three

    Chapter Three Everyone wants to meet a celebrity at least once in their lifetime. Some may deny it, but that would merely be their personal opinions against mine. Which, mine would win anyway. In my former reality, it was the music stars like Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, the Weekend, and...
  6. Vtorc

    Divinity (X-Men/Marvel) (Reality Warping SI)
    Threadmarks: Chapter Two

    Oklahoma Cemetery (Katharine 'Kitty' Pryde P.O.V) It's been, well... Close to a decade since Kitty Pryde activated her Mutant Gene, and joined the X-Men in their never-ending fight for a mutual Mutant and Mankind peaceful co-existence, and Kitty could safely say, her life since then had been...
  7. Vtorc

    Divinity (X-Men/Marvel) (Reality Warping SI)

    Just wanted to try posting it here
  8. Vtorc

    Divinity (X-Men/Marvel) (Reality Warping SI)
    Threadmarks: Chapter One

    This story is inspired by many fanfics and comics such as the fanfic; A Crooked Man and Extraordinary Life (X-Men OC), comics like; Valiant Divinity, Divine Right, and Dr. Solar. Of course, I don't dare to think what I write is even a taste compared to the works above but this is merely me...
  9. Vtorc

    Devil Devil (A Vasto Lorde SI in Chainsaw Man)
    Threadmarks: Just Before it Begins

    Dear Emiya Shiro, If this letter of mine makes it to you wherever you are -it would be awesome if that were the case. I want to begin by informing you that I am a human who has been altered into a Devil… Talk about unbelievable, right? Look, I'm sure you would think of this as some sort of...
  10. Vtorc

    Devil Devil (A Vasto Lorde SI in Chainsaw Man)

    Thanks, I've fixed it
  11. Vtorc

    Devil Devil (A Vasto Lorde SI in Chainsaw Man)
    Threadmarks: Fuck This...

    So, I've been forced to write this by my superiors due to me being touted as the 'Strongest Devil Hunter' or whatever the hell people call me nowadays. So let's get on with it. … A short lesson for all the amateur Devil Hunters out there. Fear comes in various forms, and all its forms come...
  12. Vtorc

    To Speak the Arcane (Arcane/League of Legends/High Schoo DxD)
    Threadmarks: An Unfamiliar Scenery

    In hindsight, I should have suspected this. At first, my arrival into this new world was filled with all sorts of expectations. Like what kind of place or even period would I be in? A medieval town? A futuristic city? Or, even a metropolis similar to my world? Would I recognize it from any of...
  13. Vtorc

    To Speak the Arcane (Arcane/League of Legends/High Schoo DxD)
    Threadmarks: A Clichéd Arrival

    Zaun Alleys "Huh?" I blinked as the scenery abruptly changed from my comfy room to a dark-looking alley. My face automatically scrunched while I pinched my nose at the fetid odor in the air. Well, I suppose that shouldn't have been much of a surprise considering how unhygienic this place...
  14. Vtorc

    Devil Devil (A Vasto Lorde SI in Chainsaw Man)
    Threadmarks: Punch First, Ask Later? Yeah, I can do that

    "Hmm…" It took some time before Kishibe realized that he had been scratching his cheeks for the pass few minutes. But seriously, can anyone actually blame him for feeling this way—especially with what he is seeing right now? Reclining back on his seat in the security cam-room, he said...
  15. Vtorc

    Gaming to the Top (Highschool DxD Gamer MC)
    Threadmarks: A Heartfelt Discussion and Resolution (Part I)

    "Um, Dad… About that excursion we'd planned this morning… Can we postpone it for another time?" Motohama began, one leg nervously tapping the ground as he relaxed against the constructed structure at the Bus Stop. Due to his gaining of the System as well as his physique enhancement, there...