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Recent content by Winterwell

  1. Winterwell

    Video Games General

    If anyone misses Diablo 1 and wants to short play a near different perspective in a lookalike (browser based), on bippinbits you can play Tristram's Mayor. I killed about 20 minutes of time with it. Not bad. Call for adventurers, hire or not based on their capabilities and classes, maybe...
  2. Winterwell

    Everyone from QQ wake up as their Avatar, what's the first thing we do in real life?

    Woohoo! Magic and being younger by like a decade or so is double score. Rake in money by cheating at gambling and living with no money problems, maybe even go traveling around. Not much to give a shit about once you are rid of survival problems and everything becomes a matter of how you...
  3. Winterwell

    Manga " Mairimashita Iruma-kun " chapter 144

    Manga " Mairimashita Iruma-kun " chapter 144
  4. Winterwell

    Thank you! Thought I'd fancy some other pic by now, but its still appealing as when I read the...

    Thank you! Thought I'd fancy some other pic by now, but its still appealing as when I read the chapter.
  5. Winterwell

    If you could Jump thru the multiverse what powers would be the easiest to get?

    Better the random Fountain of Youth, healing magic/nanobots or something third pulling hard in this department and then train in whatever, no matter how impossible it should be for a non native. Once one starts thinking about it, there's too many places where you are cut off from the start...
  6. Winterwell

    If you could Jump thru the multiverse what powers would be the easiest to get?

    Stellar Transformations - Meteoric Tear (half a soul/medical attainments of the previous God of Life it either allows you to shonen train despite being in xianxia by replenishing whatever you are recklessly wasting and adding potential on top or just get both halves and become new god of life...
  7. Winterwell

    If you could Jump thru the multiverse what powers would be the easiest to get?

    Shame so many settings operate on exclusivity, and in some powers are like diseases you don't wanna catch. Like Azeroth is apparently bathed in multiple addictive and twisting energies. WH40k makes no secret of how nobody has it good. Honestly, somewhere like Negima is a good, if still...
  8. Winterwell

    If you could Jump thru the multiverse what powers would be the easiest to get?

    What? If you feel fine keeping it secret, you can build wherever. If you don't feel like it, that indeed leaves youwoth either barren, lowly developed, or administratively careless places to settle in. Alternatively, bring the house with you. Dragon Ball has capsules, some places feature...
  9. Winterwell

    If you could Jump thru the multiverse what powers would be the easiest to get?

    Notorious by non readers of said genre? Because there is no absolute safe zone in xianxia, unlike japanese take on fantasy dungeons. Caves get breached by enemies or careless powerhouses, (un)natural disasters (large difference between a fantasy divine hurricane forming so rarely your great...
  10. Winterwell

    If you could Jump thru the multiverse what powers would be the easiest to get?

    Ah, forgot. Yeah, it is tough, come to think of it. Tux from that one Jackie Chan movie where he plays a hapless driver only doing Jackie Chan stunts because said Tux is some sci fi suit with nearly no weaknesses (he got the bad guy wearing a suit to stop choking him by putting a cigar in a...
  11. Winterwell

    If you could Jump thru the multiverse what powers would be the easiest to get?

    Sorry, later chapters have One Piece edging towards scifi territory heavily. As in, yeah, whether or not Vegapunk's hypothesis on why Devil Fruits form, exist, and why sea is their unifying weakness is true, discoveries of shit like the 900 year old robot and increasing shows of bloodline...
  12. Winterwell

    If you could Jump thru the multiverse what powers would be the easiest to get?

    Interesting thought exercise. Let's see, forgive me for reusing some earlier ones. Chronicle (touch crystal, get powers is always nice), My Super Ex Girlfriend (touch meteorite, become knockoff Superman) or the alternative of Megamind (on the one hand, super intelligent alien to convince you...
  13. Winterwell

    Anyone else hate game clients?

    Absolutely. Its the whole annoyance of it. The registering, filtering through options for especially unwanted shit like emails for every bloody 5% discount, still some emails, updates of the game client,....... And there's at least 3-5 of these for every time you run into one or two games...
  14. Winterwell

    Its Leid Shax of the manga " Mairimashita Iruma-kun! " The pic is his response when his sister...

    Its Leid Shax of the manga " Mairimashita Iruma-kun! " The pic is his response when his sister notices he's changed from someone who was always alone, never cared for anything to his current self. Haha, sorry, the manga pulled me in hard, like Sono Bisque Doll did before it.
  15. Winterwell

    Primitive Age of Xianxia (Honghuang style xianxia story)

    For anyone new to the genre, the translated and machine translated representative works are about as informative as cliche Young Justice fics are on rest of DC. By which I mean there is a strict canon station by station tour with some minor, negligible differences in stuff like chosen...