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Recent content by WiseMack

  1. Of Space Whales and Battleships

    Yeah, but when she got on the plane she did not have her rigging out. Shipgirl with rigging = ship Shipgirl without rigging = girl
  2. Of Space Whales and Battleships

    How exactly was Lung able to punt 65+ thousand tons of Battleship? I was under the impression he would have to grow at least a couple KILOMETERS to get even close to that point?
  3. Built To Last

    And yet again, her Majesty rules all she surveys, whether bugs or computers doesn't really matter. Administrator is a master YES, limited only by the current expression of the granted power.
  4. The C Team (Commander OC Insert)

    I like where this is going, hopefully you will reduce the infodumps and introduce them when necessary to the plot instead.
  5. Miscalculation [Worm One-Shot]

    And that was the moment Jack realized, he fu**ed up.
  6. Princess Admiral (Worm/Azur Lane)

    Looking forward to a Gvt, US maybe? - "Sir, we have good news and bad news, which would you like first?" - "Out with it soldier, this is no time for jokes" - "Well sir, the good news is we succeeded in building our very own shipgirl" - "That's amazing news, given 14 billion dollars in...
  7. The future is here

    Not really, at the end of the day AI are Artificial Intelligences, and you should only ever trust them as much as you trust their creator, you do not trust a hammer, or a book, or a car. You place your trust in the one responsible for creating them in the first place. And when they inevitably...
  8. The future is here

    Hal and Gladys are iconic, but it is a waste not to include Tin_Mother for the extra LOL
  9. Tyranids "R" Us [40k Tyranid Hivemind SI]

    Slow clapping... Please more, this has to be top 3 among 40K fanfiction I have ever read. And it is just the first chapter! Maybe stick to slice of life stories about humans, and their good boys! The Life guard with the flying crab? partner cleaning up the beach. The forest ranger and his...
  10. Princess Admiral (Worm/Azur Lane)

    they're always as brutal as possible Note, Contessa is a Precog, the one with the timelines is Coil, maybe you should rephrase this to something like According to Coil, this is what they do in the other timelines And in the ones where she is killed, They all, just... attack all at once...
  11. Of Fallen Songs and Hidden Sigils [HP SI, Heavy AU]

    Every time someone tells me that "Racism is not so bad" things like this are what I use as a counter argument, this stopped, not because it was wrong and "the enlightened" saw the error of their ways, but because enough people said no, and enforced it. Skin, nationality, religion, social...
  12. If I write a comic book, how can I determine the number of pages per chapter & chapters per volume?

    Keep in mind I am no expert, but the one time I held an actual manga in hand I noticed it was small, about the lenght of my hand tall and an (1) inch wider at most. while American comic books I have seen are a lot larger. So in the end I guess it comes down to drawing speed, a chapter = how...
  13. Snip: Minimalist CYOA v5 Gimel fixfic speedrun

    any reason Doctor Mother wouldn't go kill he/she/it with fire? nevermind, this is during the golden age / before endbringers, she is probably not as jaded and unstrusting as she will be later.
  14. Mischief of Pantheons

    This looks cool, looking forward to see where this goes. Just remember to fix the threadmarks.
  15. The Deku of Tomorrow

    Is Izuku 14 or 18? Is it UA High or UA University? Please check.