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Within the Senate building, Anakin Skywalker found himself in the same position he found himself in shortly before he got back into contact with Padme. He wiped a few beads of sweat after making sure all the information he'd gotten from both Palpatine's personal Holocomputer as well as his official computer.
And I thought stealing the senators personal information was hard.
Tell me about it. Still, we did what we had to do Sky-guy.
Can it with that name.
I saved your mom and got you the woman you love, I'm entitled to bully you.
Ohh Kriff off.
Whatever. Let's get out of here.
They made their way back to Padme's apartments after they finished covering their tracks. He found himself browsing through Palpatine's personal files as he ate a piece of toast with some eggs and milk. Padme had already left, having gone to a senate session.
He has dirt on practically half of the Senate.
I mean he's a sith lord, how did you expect he got into power.
Still, all this corruption, it's disgusting. Smuggling, human trafficking, arms dealing.
I've been thinking about this actually Anakin.
What do you mean?
I know we're already positioning ourselves to take political power and all. But I've been thinking, maybe we should go beyond.
What do you mean?
In ruling I mean, we'll probably keep the emergency powers Sidious will build up once we kill him. But with all this. Don't you think it would be better if we became emperor of the galaxy?
Yes emperor, we could enforce our will on the galaxy, bring peace and justice.
There's a problem, I'm pretty sure Padme is a big proponent of democracy.
A few mind tricks will shut her up.
I'm not using mind tricks on her.
You didn't object when we were seducing her.
That's different!
It's not, it's worse if anything.
No, I'm not going down that path.
Fine I guess.
Then what do we do?
I mean, Sidious has dirt on a lot of the Senate, let Padme lead whatever token opposition arises. As long as we keep making her fall in love with us and we have kids with her she'll never truly leave us.
We'll keep the Senate around then?
Yeah, why not? We'll do a constitutional monarchy. Better to give our future opposition a forum to bitch at than to let them become rebels and blow stuff up.
Fair enough.
We continued browsing through our holocomputer. Unfortunately for us Palpatine didn't really communicate with Dooku or the separatists via holocomputer which sucked but it was what is was. However it was still a treasure trove, bank account information under a so called Damask holdings worth tens of trillions of credits, and even payments to Kamino under this Damask holdings.
Damask holdings again holy shit. Anakin look them up, a lot of money is stemming from this company.
Anakin did so and he searched for them online. It was a Muun banking interest, one of the largest and most successful ones. They were led by a man called Hego Damask, a man who died approximately 10 years ago around the time they sent funds to the clone army. When we looked up his date of death it was the same day Palpatine became chancellor.
Ok this is weird. He died the same day Palpatine became chancellor.
I know, and his company funded the clone army. And the banking Clans and Muuns are involved with the separatists as well. Anakin sat back and pondered for a moment.
We should look up all campaign donations that Palpatine got, maybe it'll show how they're connected that way.
Damn Sky Guy, good call.
Kriff you.
We got into another rabbit hole, fortunately for the republic they had their own version of the US campaign donation websites where donor info was given. I looked up Palpatine's list of donors, finding he was like any other senator, taking a mix of donations from businesses and corporations as well as small republic credits donors. I looked up the companies, they were all valid companies actually doing business.
Since he seemed clear there we went deeper. The republic also had their own version of SuperPACS, so I went there and looked up all political action committees donating to Palpatine. That was where I found a lot more money going to him, various groups with nice sounding names like the Alderaan committee for environmental protection. We went into an even deeper rabbit hole, looking up each of these SuperPACS by hacking into their directories where we found it.
It's all Damask holdings funding these PACS and SuperPACS.
I guess we may have found who Darth Plagueis was I guess.
Palpatine's sith Master.
Ok ok, what makes you think that. Maybe he was manipulating Damask through the force.
Ok there's that possibility, but think about it. He died the same day Palpatine became chancellor, he funded the clone army, I even looked up Naboo's visitor records, he visited Naboo when Palpatine was barely in his teens. And funny enough, his family died in an accident only a few months after he visited Naboo. I strongly believe Plagueis came there, recruited Palpatine then trained him, I mean, remember how we looked up Palpatine and he practically disappeared from the face of the galaxy for years after his family died, just as Damask practically did as well.
What do we do then?
Nothing in regards to Palpatine, there's no proof. All it shows is that Palpatine had a wealthy political backer since his youth, all these senators do. However, we can misdirect the Jedi, we have Kaminos' coordinates. Let's give them the information regarding the Clone army and the funding. There's no direct connection to Palpatine from Damask.
We got this information from Hacking Palpatine's personal computers. Where will we even claim they were from?
Ahh fuck you're right. Nevermind then let's hold this information for now.
Fair enough. Anakin leaned back on the couch and looked at the window, the sun was setting.
Where was Padme again?
I think she said there was a session in the Senate floor today. Something about the militarization bill.
Ohh that. I remembered that in the movies it was Jar Jar that called for emergency powers for Palpatine while Padme was away on Naboo under Ani's protection. I wondered how it would be without Jango around to threaten them.
Let's call Obi Wan, I wanna see how they're doing with Jango.
I typed up Obi Wan's contact on the Holocomputer and a minute later he answered.
"Anakin. Is that you? Or is it him?"
"It's me master, how's everything with the bounty hunter?"
"We've begun to interrogate him, we've gotten crucial information out of him. I'm heading out soon."
"To Kamino?"
"How did you know?"
"Mike." He smile.
"Of course." Obi Wan shook his head. "Anakin, I'm concerned about this Mike. Can't you see he's corrupting you?"
"He saved my mother's life. He saved my wife's life. He even exposed me to the truth about the Sith Lord. He's been manipulating me all these years and he would have turned me to the dark side, not him. Mike's been more help to me than the Jedi ever were."
I couldn't help but smile inside, Anakin was fully on my side. The galaxy would be ours. Obi Wan meanwhile seemed to be taken aback.
"I.....I know we haven't exactly treated you in the best way considering your circumstances Anakin. But please, don't let yourself go down that road. You're better than this."
"I'll keep it in mind master."
He's your master and your friend, ask him to hang out sometime, and tell him to be careful.
"Master, if you're ever free. Would you like to hang out sometime? Watch a movie or go eat lunch or dinner?"
"It would be my pleasure."
"Perfect, also, Mike says to be careful."
"I'll keep that in mind."
The call ended and Anakin leaned back on the couch.
We should see what happened in the Senate. This militarization vote is pretty crucial to our plans.
Anakin immediately went on the Holo and looked it up. A few moments later the headlines popped up, the first one being: MILITARIZATION VOTE NARROWLY PASSES THE SENATE. SEPARATISTS CONDEMN MOVE.
Looks like she'll be upset.
No shit she will.
A few minutes later Padme entered the apartment while escorted by her guards. She seemed disappointed.
"I saw the news." He said as he hugged her.
"Ani." She hugged him tighter.
"No need to say anything, just relax. Want some wine?"
"No." She shook her head. "This is awful, it's going to lead to war."
We should probably tell her that we spoke to Palpatine and that we might get sent to the front.
She's going to be furious.
Better to break the news.
"I have some bad news."
"What happened?"
"I spoke to the chancellor a few days ago. I'll be honest, I think war is inevitable. So I asked him for a commission in the army. I'll probably get sent to the frontlines."
"Ani! Why?!"
Tell her Dooku is a Sith Lord and leave it at that. Let's not mention Sidious until we overthrow him.
"There's something you don't know about the separatists. Dooku, he's a Sith Lord, he's fallen to the dark side. He's hijacked the separatist cause and means to take over the galaxy."
"How? The Jedi would have known."
"The Jedi are flawed. But that's not important. What's important is us." He went and hugged her, I was proud once again, he was becoming a master at emotional manipulation. Just at that time the holocomputer rang, Anakin glanced and saw a call from Palpatine.
Just on time it seems.
And I thought stealing the senators personal information was hard.
Tell me about it. Still, we did what we had to do Sky-guy.
Can it with that name.
I saved your mom and got you the woman you love, I'm entitled to bully you.
Ohh Kriff off.
Whatever. Let's get out of here.
They made their way back to Padme's apartments after they finished covering their tracks. He found himself browsing through Palpatine's personal files as he ate a piece of toast with some eggs and milk. Padme had already left, having gone to a senate session.
He has dirt on practically half of the Senate.
I mean he's a sith lord, how did you expect he got into power.
Still, all this corruption, it's disgusting. Smuggling, human trafficking, arms dealing.
I've been thinking about this actually Anakin.
What do you mean?
I know we're already positioning ourselves to take political power and all. But I've been thinking, maybe we should go beyond.
What do you mean?
In ruling I mean, we'll probably keep the emergency powers Sidious will build up once we kill him. But with all this. Don't you think it would be better if we became emperor of the galaxy?
Yes emperor, we could enforce our will on the galaxy, bring peace and justice.
There's a problem, I'm pretty sure Padme is a big proponent of democracy.
A few mind tricks will shut her up.
I'm not using mind tricks on her.
You didn't object when we were seducing her.
That's different!
It's not, it's worse if anything.
No, I'm not going down that path.
Fine I guess.
Then what do we do?
I mean, Sidious has dirt on a lot of the Senate, let Padme lead whatever token opposition arises. As long as we keep making her fall in love with us and we have kids with her she'll never truly leave us.
We'll keep the Senate around then?
Yeah, why not? We'll do a constitutional monarchy. Better to give our future opposition a forum to bitch at than to let them become rebels and blow stuff up.
Fair enough.
We continued browsing through our holocomputer. Unfortunately for us Palpatine didn't really communicate with Dooku or the separatists via holocomputer which sucked but it was what is was. However it was still a treasure trove, bank account information under a so called Damask holdings worth tens of trillions of credits, and even payments to Kamino under this Damask holdings.
Damask holdings again holy shit. Anakin look them up, a lot of money is stemming from this company.
Anakin did so and he searched for them online. It was a Muun banking interest, one of the largest and most successful ones. They were led by a man called Hego Damask, a man who died approximately 10 years ago around the time they sent funds to the clone army. When we looked up his date of death it was the same day Palpatine became chancellor.
Ok this is weird. He died the same day Palpatine became chancellor.
I know, and his company funded the clone army. And the banking Clans and Muuns are involved with the separatists as well. Anakin sat back and pondered for a moment.
We should look up all campaign donations that Palpatine got, maybe it'll show how they're connected that way.
Damn Sky Guy, good call.
Kriff you.
We got into another rabbit hole, fortunately for the republic they had their own version of the US campaign donation websites where donor info was given. I looked up Palpatine's list of donors, finding he was like any other senator, taking a mix of donations from businesses and corporations as well as small republic credits donors. I looked up the companies, they were all valid companies actually doing business.
Since he seemed clear there we went deeper. The republic also had their own version of SuperPACS, so I went there and looked up all political action committees donating to Palpatine. That was where I found a lot more money going to him, various groups with nice sounding names like the Alderaan committee for environmental protection. We went into an even deeper rabbit hole, looking up each of these SuperPACS by hacking into their directories where we found it.
It's all Damask holdings funding these PACS and SuperPACS.
I guess we may have found who Darth Plagueis was I guess.
Palpatine's sith Master.
Ok ok, what makes you think that. Maybe he was manipulating Damask through the force.
Ok there's that possibility, but think about it. He died the same day Palpatine became chancellor, he funded the clone army, I even looked up Naboo's visitor records, he visited Naboo when Palpatine was barely in his teens. And funny enough, his family died in an accident only a few months after he visited Naboo. I strongly believe Plagueis came there, recruited Palpatine then trained him, I mean, remember how we looked up Palpatine and he practically disappeared from the face of the galaxy for years after his family died, just as Damask practically did as well.
What do we do then?
Nothing in regards to Palpatine, there's no proof. All it shows is that Palpatine had a wealthy political backer since his youth, all these senators do. However, we can misdirect the Jedi, we have Kaminos' coordinates. Let's give them the information regarding the Clone army and the funding. There's no direct connection to Palpatine from Damask.
We got this information from Hacking Palpatine's personal computers. Where will we even claim they were from?
Ahh fuck you're right. Nevermind then let's hold this information for now.
Fair enough. Anakin leaned back on the couch and looked at the window, the sun was setting.
Where was Padme again?
I think she said there was a session in the Senate floor today. Something about the militarization bill.
Ohh that. I remembered that in the movies it was Jar Jar that called for emergency powers for Palpatine while Padme was away on Naboo under Ani's protection. I wondered how it would be without Jango around to threaten them.
Let's call Obi Wan, I wanna see how they're doing with Jango.
I typed up Obi Wan's contact on the Holocomputer and a minute later he answered.
"Anakin. Is that you? Or is it him?"
"It's me master, how's everything with the bounty hunter?"
"We've begun to interrogate him, we've gotten crucial information out of him. I'm heading out soon."
"To Kamino?"
"How did you know?"
"Mike." He smile.
"Of course." Obi Wan shook his head. "Anakin, I'm concerned about this Mike. Can't you see he's corrupting you?"
"He saved my mother's life. He saved my wife's life. He even exposed me to the truth about the Sith Lord. He's been manipulating me all these years and he would have turned me to the dark side, not him. Mike's been more help to me than the Jedi ever were."
I couldn't help but smile inside, Anakin was fully on my side. The galaxy would be ours. Obi Wan meanwhile seemed to be taken aback.
"I.....I know we haven't exactly treated you in the best way considering your circumstances Anakin. But please, don't let yourself go down that road. You're better than this."
"I'll keep it in mind master."
He's your master and your friend, ask him to hang out sometime, and tell him to be careful.
"Master, if you're ever free. Would you like to hang out sometime? Watch a movie or go eat lunch or dinner?"
"It would be my pleasure."
"Perfect, also, Mike says to be careful."
"I'll keep that in mind."
The call ended and Anakin leaned back on the couch.
We should see what happened in the Senate. This militarization vote is pretty crucial to our plans.
Anakin immediately went on the Holo and looked it up. A few moments later the headlines popped up, the first one being: MILITARIZATION VOTE NARROWLY PASSES THE SENATE. SEPARATISTS CONDEMN MOVE.
Looks like she'll be upset.
No shit she will.
A few minutes later Padme entered the apartment while escorted by her guards. She seemed disappointed.
"I saw the news." He said as he hugged her.
"Ani." She hugged him tighter.
"No need to say anything, just relax. Want some wine?"
"No." She shook her head. "This is awful, it's going to lead to war."
We should probably tell her that we spoke to Palpatine and that we might get sent to the front.
She's going to be furious.
Better to break the news.
"I have some bad news."
"What happened?"
"I spoke to the chancellor a few days ago. I'll be honest, I think war is inevitable. So I asked him for a commission in the army. I'll probably get sent to the frontlines."
"Ani! Why?!"
Tell her Dooku is a Sith Lord and leave it at that. Let's not mention Sidious until we overthrow him.
"There's something you don't know about the separatists. Dooku, he's a Sith Lord, he's fallen to the dark side. He's hijacked the separatist cause and means to take over the galaxy."
"How? The Jedi would have known."
"The Jedi are flawed. But that's not important. What's important is us." He went and hugged her, I was proud once again, he was becoming a master at emotional manipulation. Just at that time the holocomputer rang, Anakin glanced and saw a call from Palpatine.
Just on time it seems.