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Questionable Questing

The one that isn't smelling like a bottle of sake is your doll.
Hrmm... still can't tell the difference.
Its one of those super responsive dolls, you know? It runs on an internal combustion engine fueled by high proof sake and beef. It actually makes its own coolant
and instead of letting out its exhaust in gaseois form it passes it in a solid state. It even has a highly advanced cpu that makes it so that it drops all of those in a granular waste tray and keeps me warm by snuggling up with me when I sleep. Its super advanced!
My god. They make artificial Tanukis. Existence of Bii just became obsolete.
Yeah, got it from this nice old lady. Come to think of it she had a leaf on her head for some reason. Probably nothing. See, says so right here in the manual, 'Ignore the salesperson's leaf shaped hat, its no big deal.'