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Questionable Questing

Wow. Just... Wow. The lack of tact is fucking incredible.
Not sure I see where tact is necessary. I'm not intending to insult in any form, he hasn't actually written the smut yet, so there's nothing to complain about. He's simply mentioned he thinks he might not be any good at it.

This is merely an offer to help give him experience so that he can write it well, not merely from theory but from practice as well.
And you come of as rather insulting about it regardless of if you were actually unaware or hiding behind a bullshit excuse. So stop or face consequences.
You might be reading insulting into it, but no insult is given. Hell, I'd never insult him, he's a great writer. Also, stop what?
The insults. I don't care if you honestly believe you were not rude or just try to fake it, but stop that. Or else.
Richard, this sort of subject matter, even over QQ? Goes in that magical thing called a Private Message. You called him, by unwitting implication, both a loser, and incapable of getting laid.
Megaolix, I haven't once insulted him, so I can't stop that which I haven't, and wouldn't start.
Seru, okay, I can see your point here. As I have no hang ups over sex at all, I see sex with escorts purely a thing of pleasure when you're having a dry run. When I was 22 I used three thousand dollars of my tax return to spend three days with an escort, learning how to not be bad when I have sex, and how to kiss, and give head. My first few years being pretty bad, and girls I dated after seemed to find me better.
Seru, cont.

I guess I've spent too much time in the company of other people who simply don't care about talking about this sort of thing, and have become desensitised to it.

Mr Zoat, I apologise if I've embarrassed you at all. I don't believe I mentioned anything you hadn't mentioned yourself at the start of your thread. Nevertheless, if I did, I'm sorry.
Although I will say, not knowing how to approach women isn't something to be ashamed about, nor is not having had sex yet.
Megaolix, Seru, i don't knoe what the hell you are on about because i can clearly see where RichardWhereat is coming from.
Then you have had a different upbringing than I did. But the point is this is the sort of topic that might be better broached over a PM. Rebuking me is pointless.
Mr Zoat
Mr Zoat
I'll consider it.

It's a trade, like plumbers, electricians, or mechanics. No need to spend all your time and effort studying and then trying it yourself when there's a tradie willing to do the job.

And we ALL want to see Paul get laid at some point.
Orm Embar
Orm Embar
While I accept that your intentions were good, please do note that the profiles of the site are accessible to unregistered guests, whereas Mr. Zoat's thread is in the gated NSFW subforum where passersby googling his nom de plume can't stumble across it.