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Questionable Questing

Don't worry, that's perfectly natural! Set it free upon quests that allow your psychopathy to roam free!
False Xteeler
False Xteeler
It's alright, I got everything under control, even if i'm not going go all killer-like even though I jokingly make joke about it.. or am I? ...
False Xteeler
False Xteeler
False Xteeler
False Xteeler
It just, I always thought I was just somewhat Sociopathic. Not nearly Psychopath. Although, i'm aware that I occasionally think bout impulse or this urge to. Except I am lazy person and find it pointless to killing someone. Even my 7 year-old self was aware how pointless it is to kill someone and keep evidence.
Well one is tempered by their surroundings and upbringing too. So that has to count for something.
False Xteeler
False Xteeler
Amusing, I would psychoanalysis myself on whether it was my upbringing, genetic, pretending and/or wonder if I was traumatized. I would question myself, cause I wasn't an idiot to ask someone since I was paranoid that I would be sent to asylum or some prison-like school that would try to "correct me". My 13 year-old self thought like this.
False Xteeler
False Xteeler
I occasionally wonder what would happen if my family members were aware of my personality or how somewhat psychopathic it is? I mean, i'm the nicest helpful friendly person that they know.
Well psychopaths can be and are genuinely good people... unless they don't rein themselves in. In which case their niceness becomes a facade. *shrugs*
And now I must pass out desu. Must harvest willpower to do update on my quest tomorrow morning... in some hours from now.

Feel free to drop by desu.