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Questionable Questing

What did you guys do now... Declare war on Iran...?
The Supreme Court legalized gay marriage across the entire U.S.
Yes, it is an excellent day for America. Texas has declared that they won't respect the Supreme Court ruling, they've been making preparations for secession for a while now, and Putin has publicly stated that they would get the support of Russia in the event that they did secede. The South will rise again.
I know you're a massively hypocritical bigot, nicknumbers (thank you SayakaQuest and the Uganda thread!). But, thankfully, you are part of a fading minority, who, with luck, will soon be rendered irrelevant forever.
A fading minority? No, we're not. We're the wave of the future. Right-wing nationalist parties are on the rise across Europe; the Leftists had to imprison the leadership of the Golden Dawn to stop their rise to power, and even now, Greece is poised to send the EU tumbling down. The fire rises.
To be honest, does this mean that when Texas leaves the US, they'll ALSO take their share of the debts and such?
You do realize that SCOTUS doesn't have the power to legalize gay marriage? Nor does Federal Congress. They can only enforce the in good faith clauses of the Constitution. (I'm all for enforcing those clauses, but the ruling is illegal) TX doesn't have to respect the ruling, because the ruling is illegal.
Heaven Canceler
Heaven Canceler
*Blink* Isn't Greek like... bankrupt? I mean, I don't follow that stuff actively, but I haven't had any reason to think that this Dawn Business will have any importance since the Nation is basically done and over and just begging for more Money pumps.
Greece is planning on just defaulting on all of their debts and leaving the EU and Euro, and thereby wiping the slate clean, before promptly defecting to the Russian bloc and giving them warm-water ports in the Mediterranean in exchange for more loans.