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Questionable Questing

Heaven Canceler
Heaven Canceler
Premise: Keep only your smartphone when going to the fantasy world.

What actually happens: OP starting stats, bullshit magic affinities, natural talent and so on.
What one are you talking about?
Something with a stupidly long title, I imagine.
Heaven Canceler
Heaven Canceler
Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo ni
It is somewhat famus in the world of these kind of books. But yeah..it looks very boring.
I think Isekai's are getting really overdone by this point.
Heaven Canceler
Heaven Canceler
Eh, I think it is less being overdone and the fact that they are ALWAYS the same. Dude ends up in fantasy world, gets OP power, collects harem while adventuring around and killing everything that gets in his way.

Like, the only Isekai world I can think of that did it different is Konosuba. And that is an outrigh parody.
Heaven Canceler
Heaven Canceler
Like fuck, Kazuma is literally the only Isekai guile hero that comes to mind. Everyone else gets bullshit OP nonsense and stuff thrown after them.

You cannot just give a MC OP powers willy nilly and have him curbstomp everything. Not everyone can reproduce the awesomeness of One-Punch Man or Helck.

This stuff is hard to make work right damn it!
He has the luck to 100% steal panties.