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Questionable Questing

I still couldn't believe my buddy and me were piloting Odin Mk 9 Dekamecha Bipedal Strike Units. Not long ago we were buying model kits of these and drybrushing the 500 cal Fully Autospastic Carbines, and arguing online about whether 5 feet was thick enough for a Reinforced Steelithium Omnishield.
And yet here we were on patrol, the blue colour of my Dekamecha Bipedal Strike Unit designating its purpose, SEARCH, and the white colour of his designating DESTROY.

The assassin was hiding out in the genetics district, and it was a matter of time until my ZX-11 GPMegaS Recononavi v3 locked onto his intrinsic field and gave up his whereabouts.
My buddy lagged behind to question a police officer while I moved ahead with the sweep. My unit's Ultra Mega High Frequency Commlink broadcast across all known dimensions that the assassin had been narrowed down to this metroblock, and that evac procedures were mandated by the Odin Mk 9 Dekamecha Bipedal Strike Militia.