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Questionable Questing

Heaven Canceler
Heaven Canceler
I remember reading somewhere that the assumed location where Medusa's tale takes place had toplessnes as normal for woman. Also public orgies where guests were invited to take place.
Heaven Canceler
Heaven Canceler
Heracles would be a huge dick, most "heroes" from Greek mythology would be huge dicks.
Very few would be Female. Gilgamesh would be a tan dude with a bitching Beard and black hair
Heaven Canceler
Heaven Canceler
Iskander and Gilgamesh switch looks, or at least my cousin said that they were the total opposite of what she imagined them to be.
Iskandar would probably also be a dark haired fellow. Joan would be a little weird but a genuinely good person, and Kojiro would be a vain little bugger
Heaven Canceler
Heaven Canceler
Marie Antoinette is surprisingly accurate as far as the actual person goes. There is a lot of bad stuff said of her, but the actual historical records really show her as a kind naive idol....
She was a sweet girl who was quite unsuited to the burden she had placed on her.
Heaven Canceler
Heaven Canceler
Boudica would be far more hateful and obsessed, being historically known as a warlord that did her best to make the Romans bleed for the rape of her daughters.

Solomon would be a super wise dude who is also a womanizer. He had a harem after all.
Musashi would make Hercules look pleasant
Heaven Canceler
Heaven Canceler
Hmmmm wonder which Servant is the least accurate, ignoring Gender Bender obviously. Edison maybe? He all but stole others work and took all the credit while leaving the original creators with nothing from what I remember.
Heaven Canceler
Heaven Canceler
About Marie, I actually read somewhere that she did support the poor, just not enough to matter. She built a functional farm in the castle to give food to the peasants and used the money for one of her daughter's birthday instead to buy food for the people.